View Full Version : Best way of playing pocket pairs?

06-10-2007, 07:58 AM
What's considered the best way to play small-medium pocket pairs (22-99) in $25nl?

Where I'm first in I've always just called in early position and raised in late position. Would it be more profitable if I always raised when first to act, no matter what position I'm in?

06-10-2007, 08:40 AM
Raise em' all up. Observant opponents will know you have a small-mid pair if they see you limp in EP unless your doing it with other hands aswell which would be bad. Also raising gives you so many ways to win the pot, you can take it down pf, or get 1 or 2 callers and take it down with a c-bet on the flop (often representing an A or K that flops and folding out higher pairs than yours!) since you showed aggression pf or of course hit your set and maybe win a big pot. It's very hard to win a big pot in an un-raised pot.

Peter Harris
06-10-2007, 09:36 AM
Best way of playing pocket pairs?

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