View Full Version : Obama Running LOTTERY on His Website, lol

06-07-2007, 03:09 PM
Ok, here it is, make a donation and somehow 4 individuals will be selected from all the doners to have a private dinner with him.

Is this not gambling on the doners part and RUNNING a gaming opp on his part?

Here is the link:


This is the second candidate to run a gaming opp.
McCain did it during the NCAA with a contest that who ever picked the most right or beat him received a hat.....

Talk about calling the kettle black, um, no pun intended, lol.

Anyway, lets E-MAIL OBAMA and thank him for appreciating gaming and ask support in our efforts.

Contact Obama:

Brouse arond while there, I have a gambling blog on his site as well, OLDBOOKGUY

Perhaps MANY of us will join (you can fake it support as I did) and start MANY gambling support blogs there!


06-07-2007, 03:12 PM
Wow, what a prize.

06-07-2007, 03:30 PM
You know, I've always wondered how Pepsi and Coke can have prizes underneath their bottle caps. I'm addicted to those, wanting to win a [censored] mountain bike. i can't stop buying pepsi just HOPING that when i enter that online code, it'll say "YOU WIN!"

06-07-2007, 03:37 PM
you want big scams? How about those text message contests that EVERY major TV show has now.

Text the word JACK to 2424 for your chance to win $10,000!

note, the text message costs $1 each to send.

It's not a lottery cause you enter for free on the web.

These are a HUGE moneymaker. I used to work at a company that handled a large amount of these messages.

06-07-2007, 03:37 PM
My Dinner Lottery Blog Post Response on Barackobama.com :

Dinnner Donation
By xxxxx xxxxxx - Jun 7th, 2007 at 3:34 pm EDT

Thank you for the wonderful chance to participate in your dinner lottery.

However, since I cannot calculate the odds of winning I will have to pass for now.

You have to understand my position, I am a poker player, not a 'REAL' gambler, I need to know odds, outs and have a chance to win even if I am not favored (as would be the case in a lottery, never favored).

If however you would like to join me in a friendly game online sometime, I would be more than happy to play you, perhaps you can earn that donation from me?

06-07-2007, 03:45 PM
link to my Blog on Obama's site

Join and CREATE one, as engineer said, we need to be posting EVERYWHERE we can!



06-07-2007, 05:47 PM
Please tell me where it says the winners will be chosen by LOTTERY. It is more likely they will be chosen based on an interesting story/demographic. Please check your facts before making accusatory posts. Kthanx