View Full Version : NL 25 - How do I deal with constant 3 bettor?

05-30-2007, 08:40 PM
Today I came up against a villian whose stats are 75/35. I am on the button each time it is his big blind, and he 3 bets me pf 4 times in a row. Raising to between $3 - $5 each time. I could once with pocket 9s when he reraised from $1 to $3. We each had over 100bbs so i thought it was worth the call that time. He cbet flop I folded. How do I respond to this (apart from switching seats)? He didnt seem to be doing it to anyone else that often.

05-30-2007, 08:51 PM
Tighten up your raising standards, so when you KNOW your gonna get raised your hand can comfortably call the 3bet...small pocket pairs, I start limping with them

He didnt seem to be doing it to anyone else that often

[/ QUOTE ] ..... erm, well he couldn't? could he? If he was the BB and you were the button at a full 6 table, he couldn't do it to anyone else....unless you changed seat, maybe I misunderstand

05-30-2007, 08:53 PM
play back at him to slow him down.

if he is 3 betting you pf with any two then its time to 4 bet him preflop and add pressure.

however, before you call the 3 bet or not, decide if you are going to raise the coming flop cbet, if you are going to fold to most flops then don't even bother calling the pf bet.

05-30-2007, 09:12 PM
..... erm, well he couldn't? could he? If he was the BB and you were the button at a full 6 table, he couldn't do it to anyone else....unless you changed seat, maybe I misunderstand

[/ QUOTE ]

I mean he never seemed to 3 bet anyone else, not just 3 bet in a possible steal situation.

05-30-2007, 09:13 PM

play back at him to slow him down.

if he is 3 betting you pf with any two then its time to 4 bet him preflop and add pressure.

however, before you call the 3 bet or not, decide if you are going to raise the coming flop cbet, if you are going to fold to most flops then don't even bother calling the pf bet.

[/ QUOTE ]

This makes sense.