View Full Version : How many of you belive in alien beings

05-30-2007, 09:21 AM
I was just wondering how many of you belive in aliens i myself have actually had a encounter that changed my life but i just wana see what the majority of you think

05-30-2007, 09:39 AM
Nick, please don't trash this forum. Keep it in BBV4Life.

05-30-2007, 09:45 AM
Nick, please don't trash this forum. Keep it in BBV4Life.

[/ QUOTE ] im not trying to trash anything...this is a topic that belongs in this forum imo

05-30-2007, 09:55 AM
Ok. I haven't read the other thread in BBV, so I'll keep an open mind.

Give us a synopsis of your story. Be sure to include all environmental factors for this "encounter", including your state of mind. Were you drinking? Drugs? Were you upset about anything? What happened in your life just before the encounter, say, in the week or two preceding it? Had you ever studied UFO's? Read about them, believed in them?

We'll see where this leads, I guess.

05-30-2007, 09:59 AM
Ok. I haven't read the other thread in BBV, so I'll keep an open mind.

Give us a synopsis of your story. Be sure to include all environmental factors for this "encounter", including your state of mind. Were you drinking? Drugs? Were you upset about anything? What happened in your life just before the encounter, say, in the week or two preceding it? Had you ever studied UFO's? Read about them, believed in them?

We'll see where this leads, I guess.

[/ QUOTE ] i dont think this is the right thread for that... my thread in bb4life titled ask me about my ufo encounter is apropriate....can u please ask me that again in that thread....this thread is just a poll really

05-30-2007, 10:03 AM
However my blog explains everything....sure i ddint go into minute deatil but its accutrate.......... UFO Encounter (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=103227011& blogID=269513047&MyToken=5f037c06-f06d-4a06-8c3a-dcf77e79b427)

05-30-2007, 10:12 AM
Very misleading question - most intelligent people believe life exists on other worlds. They do not believe it has visited earth.

05-30-2007, 10:16 AM
Very misleading question - most intelligent people believe life exists on other worlds. They do not believe it has visited earth.

[/ QUOTE ]when i said aliens i ment the little green men that visit this planet on their ships...

05-30-2007, 10:30 AM
i dont think this is the right thread for that... my thread in bb4life titled ask me about my ufo encounter is apropriate....can u please ask me that again in that thread....this thread is just a poll really

[/ QUOTE ]
This forum is where you will get serious discussion, if that is what you want, and if it is even possible on this topic.

However, if this is your desire, it would be best to leave out the "I am not a man, I am a phenomenon" type of responses. That is, if you wish to be taken seriously.

If you demand a discussion in BBV4L you will get....well....you already know what you get.

05-30-2007, 10:38 AM
However my blog explains everything....sure i ddint go into minute deatil but its accutrate.......... UFO Encounter (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=103227011& blogID=269513047&MyToken=5f037c06-f06d-4a06-8c3a-dcf77e79b427)

[/ QUOTE ]ok then...well there is my encounter

05-30-2007, 10:58 AM
Ok. Please answer my original questions in this thread regarding your mental state. Also, how old were you at the time? What was the weather like? Who else was there? What was the purpose of the trip?

05-30-2007, 11:01 AM
Very misleading question - most intelligent people believe life exists on other worlds. They do not believe it has visited earth.

[/ QUOTE ]when i said aliens i ment the little green men that visit this planet on their ships...

[/ QUOTE ]

If that is what you meant I am sure the poll results are totally inaccurate.

05-30-2007, 12:13 PM
Yea, that is a pretty craptacular poll. Do I think there is intelligent, self aware life besides humans? Yes. Do I think they care about your pooper? No (in other words, I don't think they have visited here)

05-30-2007, 12:17 PM
For anyone to say that aliens havent visited this earth are ignoreing the hundreads of thousands of acounts....atleast 1 has to be true i mean come on....to to mention the thousands of video recordings....however i was a skeptic to until my encounter but i am telling you that they exist

05-30-2007, 12:26 PM
For anyone to say that aliens havent visited this earth are ignoreing the hundreads of thousands of acounts....atleast 1 has to be true i mean come on.

[/ QUOTE ]

i mean, come on!

05-30-2007, 12:31 PM
im telling you i had a encounter with a alien craft...and sinse im not lieing that means yes beings do visit this planet in ships and yes little green men do exist

05-30-2007, 12:37 PM
For anyone to say that aliens havent visited this earth are ignoreing the hundreads of thousands of acounts....atleast 1 has to be true i mean come on....to to mention the thousands of video recordings....however i was a skeptic to until my encounter but i am telling you that they exist

[/ QUOTE ]
Nick, I assume you're working on answering my questions. I have another quick one. In your description of your ship, you changed from measuring in meters to measuring in feet. Why is that?

05-30-2007, 12:41 PM
For anyone to say that aliens havent visited this earth are ignoreing the hundreads of thousands of acounts....atleast 1 has to be true i mean come on....to to mention the thousands of video recordings....however i was a skeptic to until my encounter but i am telling you that they exist

[/ QUOTE ]
Nick, I assume you're working on answering my questions. I have another quick one. In your description of your ship, you changed from measuring in meters to measuring in feet. Why is that?

[/ QUOTE ] i said it was roughly 3-5 meters or so hovering above the water....the ship itself was 50 feet across the rim and 20 feet deep

05-30-2007, 12:41 PM
im telling you i had a encounter with a alien craft...and sinse im not lieing that means yes beings do visit this planet in ships and yes little green men do exist

[/ QUOTE ]
No one has accused you of lying. But answering some of my questions might help reveal some "alternative truths", so to speak. For example, if my math is correct, you were 6-years old at the time. Perhaps you didn't see what you thought you saw.

05-30-2007, 12:43 PM
i was 8 years old not 6 and i know what i saw... its kinda retarded to say it was anything else with the details i have wittnesed

05-30-2007, 12:52 PM
i was 8 years old not 6 and i know what i saw... its kinda retarded to say it was anything else with the details i have wittnesed

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood. How old are you now?

And let's leave out the ad hominems for now. There will be plenty of time for that later.

As for details, there is much, much more that needs to be revealed if you want a serious discussion. You can start by answering my previous questions in this thread.

05-30-2007, 12:53 PM
You really need to have listened more to Scully than Mulder.

Extrodinary claims require more than an 8 year olds memory.

05-30-2007, 12:58 PM
You really need to have listened more to Scully than Mulder.

Extrodinary claims require more than an 8 year olds memory.

[/ QUOTE ] if u got molested at 8 year old dont u think ud remember that?.....this expierience was like that...no molesting involved lol but it was that shocking.....seeing a ship hover above water and then blinding you with light is not something to be taking lightly.

05-30-2007, 01:02 PM
How many people have been put away by 8 year olds who thought they remembered something that didn't happen? You can believe whatever you want but that don't make it real.

05-30-2007, 01:05 PM
How many people have been put away by 8 year olds who thought they remembered something that didn't happen? You can believe whatever you want but that don't make it real.

[/ QUOTE ] im not beliveing anything but what i saw with my own 2 eyes...people like u always try to find some sort of explenation or a way out....but no there is no explaination i saw what i saw ....ur just to close minded to agree with me hahahahahaha

05-30-2007, 01:06 PM
You really need to have listened more to Scully than Mulder.

Extrodinary claims require more than an 8 year olds memory.

[/ QUOTE ] if u got molested at 8 year old dont u think ud remember that?.....this expierience was like that...no molesting involved lol but it was that shocking.....seeing a ship hover above water and then blinding you with light is not something to be taking lightly.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is a FANTASTIC analogy. But not favorable to you.

05-30-2007, 01:06 PM
Very misleading question - most intelligent people believe life exists on other worlds. They do not believe it has visited earth.

[/ QUOTE ]


I answered 'no' because this particular encounter of yours made it seem that you mean have they visited the Earth. What comes to life on other planets, sure, why not?

05-30-2007, 01:22 PM
For anyone to say that aliens havent visited this earth are ignoreing the hundreads of thousands of acounts....atleast 1 has to be true i mean come on....to to mention the thousands of video recordings....however i was a skeptic to until my encounter but i am telling you that they exist

[/ QUOTE ]
This is what I ask everyone who believes in those UFO sightings and have never received an answer.

Assuming those thousands of sightings are truly aliens visiting the earth then I pose the following argument. Either they are visiting and they want to remain hidden or they want to be discovered. It has to be one or the other. If they want to remain hidden, why do they usually have lights on their ships that they somehow 'forget' to turn off while hovering around. If they want to be discovered, why don't they simply land their craft in Times Square or the Washington Mall? Simple question - got an answer?

05-30-2007, 01:32 PM
u try to make it so simple but u gotta keep in mind... if these beings do exist (which they do)....they are thousands of times smarter then any man....and maybe what they do doesnt make sense to you but to them it does. so if your addmiting they exist then that question is meaningless

05-30-2007, 01:43 PM
u try to make it so simple but u gotta keep in mind... if these beings do exist (which they do)....they are thousands of times smarter then any man....and maybe what they do doesnt make sense to you but to them it does. so if your addmiting they exist then that question is meaningless

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That is a cope out. It does not answer the 'simple' question. Same answer when one says 'Man can't understand the nature of God'. Pat answer that doesn't answer a thing.

05-30-2007, 01:56 PM
Nick, I've asked you about 10 questions you have yet to answer.

05-30-2007, 01:57 PM
ok then i cant answer that question at hand....but what is the point of it?

05-30-2007, 01:57 PM
RoundGuy 1sec i will try to post a detailed response in a short while

05-30-2007, 02:04 PM
Post deleted by Rduke55

05-30-2007, 02:05 PM
Deleted by Rduke55

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Have some respect for the forum please. This isn't BBV4L.

05-30-2007, 02:06 PM
u try to make it so simple but u gotta keep in mind... if these beings do exist (which they do)....they are thousands of times smarter then any man....and maybe what they do doesnt make sense to you but to them it does. so if your addmiting they exist then that question is meaningless

[/ QUOTE ]

accepting they exist doesnt mean they have to be smarter than us.

05-30-2007, 02:08 PM
u try to make it so simple but u gotta keep in mind... if these beings do exist (which they do)....they are thousands of times smarter then any man....and maybe what they do doesnt make sense to you but to them it does. so if your addmiting they exist then that question is meaningless

[/ QUOTE ]

accepting they exist doesnt mean they have to be smarter than us.

[/ QUOTE ] if they can travel to our planet i think that does make them smarter then us sinse we cant tavel to theirs yet..wherever that may be probably millions of lightyears away if not more... but anyway thats a retarded statement anyway of course they are smarter then humans and thats not even debateable

05-30-2007, 02:53 PM
How many people have been put away by 8 year olds who thought they remembered something that didn't happen? You can believe whatever you want but that don't make it real.

[/ QUOTE ] im not beliveing anything but what i saw with my own 2 eyes...people like u always try to find some sort of explenation or a way out....but no there is no explaination i saw what i saw ....ur just to close minded to agree with me hahahahahaha

[/ QUOTE ]
Even if you truly believe this, then it's not proof that this event actually happened. It only proves that you remember this happening.

05-30-2007, 02:57 PM
umm no...thats a ignorant statemant........so if u got ur finger cut off and told somebody heyi got my finger cut off.. and they tell you what u just told me they will sound retarded

05-30-2007, 02:59 PM
umm no...thats a ignorant statemant........so if u got ur finger cut off and told somebody heyi got my finger cut off.. and they tell you what u just told me they will sound retarded

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. And that doesn't refute his point.

05-30-2007, 03:00 PM
No it makes more sense that what i remember happening actually happend then anything else

05-30-2007, 03:04 PM
No it makes more sense that what i remember happening actually happend then anything else

[/ QUOTE ]

No it doesn't. Are you familiar with Bayes Theorem?

05-30-2007, 03:04 PM

05-30-2007, 03:09 PM
No it makes more sense that what i remember happening actually happend then anything else

[/ QUOTE ]
You've been having dreams about this for 9 years -- and you're only 17. How do you know that some of what you've dreamed hasn't become "reality" to you?

05-30-2007, 03:12 PM
u try to make it so simple but u gotta keep in mind... if these beings do exist (which they do)....they are thousands of times smarter then any man....and maybe what they do doesnt make sense to you but to them it does. so if your addmiting they exist then that question is meaningless

[/ QUOTE ]

accepting they exist doesnt mean they have to be smarter than us.

[/ QUOTE ] if they can travel to our planet i think that does make them smarter then us sinse we cant tavel to theirs yet..wherever that may be probably millions of lightyears away if not more... but anyway thats a retarded statement anyway of course they are smarter then humans and thats not even debateable

[/ QUOTE ]

That's terrible logic, just because they can travel here doesn't mean they are smarter than us, who knows what conditions existed on their planet that they evolved from. That's like saying European's were smarter than Native Americans because they were able to travel across the Atlantic Ocean first.

05-30-2007, 03:16 PM
No it makes more sense that what i remember happening actually happend then anything else

[/ QUOTE ]
You've been having dreams about this for 9 years -- and you're only 17. How do you know that some of what you've dreamed hasn't become "reality" to you?

[/ QUOTE ]hahahahahaha ya that makes all the sense...now i know i can never convince any of you of the reality of my claims but let me tell you this im not some delusional fool...and im not a pycho either...i know what i saw that night and none of ur "logic" is gonna prove me otherwise..

05-30-2007, 03:29 PM
No it makes more sense that what i remember happening actually happend then anything else

[/ QUOTE ]
You've been having dreams about this for 9 years -- and you're only 17. How do you know that some of what you've dreamed hasn't become "reality" to you?

[/ QUOTE ]hahahahahaha ya that makes all the sense...now i know i can never convince any of you of the reality of my claims but let me tell you this im not some delusional fool...and im not a pycho either...i know what i saw that night and none of ur "logic" is gonna prove me otherwise..

[/ QUOTE ]
Nick, this is the Science, Math, and Philosophy forum. By definition, discussions here involve one or more of the following -- facts, evidence, proofs, or at the very least, logical and rational thought.

None of your posts here have exhibited any of those attributes.

I suggest you take this back to BBV, unless you are willing to answer our questions (like my 10 or so) and are willing to rationally debate your experience. And yes, that means you need to consider what we say, and logically and rationally refute it if you disagree.

05-30-2007, 03:32 PM
The point im trying to make here is ....there is no way i will ever have enough evidence to prove my claims nevertheless saying that what happend to me are mear dreams or thoughts is malarkie

05-30-2007, 03:34 PM
Why post any of this then?

05-30-2007, 03:36 PM
No it makes more sense that what i remember happening actually happend then anything else

[/ QUOTE ]
You've been having dreams about this for 9 years -- and you're only 17. How do you know that some of what you've dreamed hasn't become "reality" to you?

[/ QUOTE ]hahahahahaha ya that makes all the sense...now i know i can never convince any of you of the reality of my claims but let me tell you this im not some delusional fool...and im not a pycho either...i know what i saw that night and none of ur "logic" is gonna prove me otherwise..

[/ QUOTE ]

Lets try this. I am 100% positive that if you were forced to talk about your 8th birthday party for more than 30 seconds, some of what you would remember happening would never have actually happened. This is even more true if your 8th birthday party was a particularly awesome or memorable one.

05-30-2007, 03:38 PM

[/ QUOTE ]

You should learn about it. Sklansky is an expert in it, but you can probably find out enough without paying him for instruction. Its a pretty neat little tool.

05-30-2007, 03:38 PM
The point im trying to make here is ....there is no way i will ever have enough evidence to prove my claims nevertheless saying that what happend to me are mear dreams or thoughts is malarkie and I will never consider whether anything anyone says here has any value whatsoever

[/ QUOTE ]
Then you are in the wrong forum. Good day, sir.

05-30-2007, 03:38 PM
vhawk....seeing a alien ship hovering above ur camps lake after seeing mysterious lights 2 nights prior isnt some big wrap of memory or what have you.....im trying to say there is no way that my memory of this incident is deludid in any way...it was as real and up close to ur face as something can get

05-30-2007, 03:38 PM
The point im trying to make here is ....there is no way i will ever have enough evidence to prove my claims nevertheless saying that what happend to me are mear dreams or thoughts is malarkie and I will never consider whether anything anyone says here has any value whatsoever

[/ QUOTE ]
Then you are in the wrong forum. Good day, sir.

[/ QUOTE ]

His honesty is so refreshing to someone like me, who has 4000-ish posts here.

05-30-2007, 03:40 PM
vhawk....seeing a alien ship hovering above ur camps lake after seeing mysterious lights 2 nights prior isnt some big wrap of memory or what have you.....im trying to say there is no way that my memory of this incident is deludid in any way...it was as real and up close to ur face as something can get

[/ QUOTE ]

I believe you. I seriously do. I'm not calling you a liar. I'm not saying you don't remember this. I just think you put way to high a value on the degree to which memory reflects reality. Which is very standard, most people think their memories represent reality very closely.

05-30-2007, 03:42 PM
The point im trying to make here is ....there is no way i will ever have enough evidence to prove my claims nevertheless saying that what happend to me are mear dreams or thoughts is malarkie and I will never consider whether anything anyone says here has any value whatsoever

[/ QUOTE ]
Then you are in the wrong forum. Good day, sir.

[/ QUOTE ]

His honesty is so refreshing to someone like me, who has 4000-ish posts here.

[/ QUOTE ]
He has been professionally diagnosed with a textbook case of narcissism. Honesty has nothing to do with it.

05-30-2007, 03:45 PM
what does my supposed narcissism have to do with my encounter with aliens?

05-30-2007, 03:48 PM
The point im trying to make here is ....there is no way i will ever have enough evidence to prove my claims nevertheless saying that what happend to me are mear dreams or thoughts is malarkie and I will never consider whether anything anyone says here has any value whatsoever

[/ QUOTE ]
Then you are in the wrong forum. Good day, sir.

[/ QUOTE ]

His honesty is so refreshing to someone like me, who has 4000-ish posts here.

[/ QUOTE ]
He has been professionally diagnosed with a textbook case of narcissism. Honesty has nothing to do with it.

[/ QUOTE ]


05-30-2007, 03:48 PM
what does my supposed narcissism have to do with my encounter with aliens?

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Could be lots! They did visit YOU, after all.

05-30-2007, 03:49 PM
what does my supposed narcissism have to do with my encounter with aliens?

[/ QUOTE ]

Could be lots! They did visit YOU, after all.

[/ QUOTE ]


05-30-2007, 03:51 PM
what does my supposed narcissism have to do with my encounter with aliens?

[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't it the aliens who made you the greatest human mind (or at least the single greatest poker player) on the planet today?

05-30-2007, 03:52 PM
w/e i have had the encounter of a lifetime that maybe 1 in 500 million has and im greatfulll....however i know there is no way this can be proven but like i said it was sureal as ud think it would be seeing something like that

05-30-2007, 03:59 PM
w/e i have had the encounter of a lifetime that maybe 1 in 500 million has and im greatfulll....however i know there is no way this can be proven but like i said it was sureal as ud think it would be seeing something like that

[/ QUOTE ]

Cool. I wholeheartedly believe you had an amazing experience, and its great that you are grateful for it.

05-30-2007, 04:02 PM
what does my supposed narcissism have to do with my encounter with aliens?

[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't it the aliens who made you the greatest human mind (or at least the single greatest poker player) on the planet today?

[/ QUOTE ]all joking aside yes i think they are a big part if not the whole part of my poker abillitys

05-30-2007, 04:11 PM
what does my supposed narcissism have to do with my encounter with aliens?

[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't it the aliens who made you the greatest human mind (or at least the single greatest poker player) on the planet today?

[/ QUOTE ]all joking aside yes i think they are a big part if not the whole part of my poker abillitys

[/ QUOTE ]
So then, logically, wouldn't you also agree that this alien encounter is also a big part, if not the whole part, of your narcissism as well?

05-30-2007, 04:14 PM
what does my supposed narcissism have to do with my encounter with aliens?

[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't it the aliens who made you the greatest human mind (or at least the single greatest poker player) on the planet today?

[/ QUOTE ]all joking aside yes i think they are a big part if not the whole part of my poker abillitys

[/ QUOTE ]
So then, logically, wouldn't you also agree that this alien encounter is also a big part, if not the whole part, of your narcissism as well?

[/ QUOTE ] i dont actualy have narcissism thats just what the "prfessional" pyschiotrist diognonsed me with....but in reallity i actullay am beter then everyone and smarter then everyone...thats the diffrence beetween me and them they just think they are great but i actually am....so with that said ur question is meaningless

05-30-2007, 04:16 PM
Good Lord. Ok. You win.

05-30-2007, 05:10 PM
I think it's pretty easliy explained as a case of vidid sleep walking.

You have to understand this from our point of view Nick. You can believe what you want. And our view does not have to be persuasive to you. After all, if someone with miraculous powers does miracles that can be dupicated with magic tricks, the duplication is not going to persuade the person who knows he has miraculous powers. However the duplication is going to persuade most people that it's a trick. We may not have a rigorous mathematical model on which to apply Bayes theorem but we have experience in our lives where making analogies to such a model generally produces good decisions for us.

You raise the point that there are a lot of these kinds of cases. It's a good point. But it mainly goes to show that your case cannot be simply dismissed as possibly just due to some kind of singular insanity for this one person called Nick. It is a phenomenon we see in a lot of people. But we already knew that. A lot of us have investigated this a little and already looked at some of them. So yours does not look particularly special either. In fact, yours can be more easily explained from our point of view than a lot of the others. So it doesn't really "move the line" much for us, as Sklansky would say.

I've heard a lot of pretty good explanations for the phenomenon that involve psychology for the people who experience them. However, as far as I can tell it remains a somewhat open question. It seems difficult to get unbiased analysis for it. There's so much incentive to promote the view that makes the most money selling books and TV shows. People love to tease themselves with the possibility of something, anything, exciting happening anywhere.

I don't notice any of this affecting me personally so I guess I'll just wait and see. If they are doing this kind of thing I prefer they visit somebody else. I don't need the aggravation.


05-30-2007, 05:29 PM
How does this troll get so much action on these forums?

05-30-2007, 05:34 PM
How does this troll get so much action on these forums?

[/ QUOTE ]silence ur the god dam troll...all ud do is go around and call people trolls u contribute nothing and are worthless trash

05-30-2007, 05:36 PM
How does this troll get so much action on these forums?

[/ QUOTE ]
It's like an addiction, you know you should stop, but you just...can't...resist.

05-30-2007, 05:41 PM
post deleted by RoundGuy

05-30-2007, 05:51 PM
post deleted by RoundGuy

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05-30-2007, 05:53 PM
post deleted by RoundGuy

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Justin A
05-30-2007, 05:59 PM
what does my supposed narcissism have to do with my encounter with aliens?

[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't it the aliens who made you the greatest human mind (or at least the single greatest poker player) on the planet today?

[/ QUOTE ]all joking aside yes i think they are a big part if not the whole part of my poker abillitys

[/ QUOTE ]
So then, logically, wouldn't you also agree that this alien encounter is also a big part, if not the whole part, of your narcissism as well?

[/ QUOTE ] i dont actualy have narcissism thats just what the "prfessional" pyschiotrist diognonsed me with....but in reallity i actullay am beter then everyone and smarter then everyone...thats the diffrence beetween me and them they just think they are great but i actually am....so with that said ur question is meaningless

[/ QUOTE ]

Will you admit that if you are in fact a narcissist then you would have no way of knowing whether you actually are better than everyone or not?

05-30-2007, 06:38 PM
ya i admit thats true if i was if being the key word

05-30-2007, 08:22 PM
Nick, if you are sincere, you may be aware that many people in the Hot Springs area of Arkansas, to the south of your experience, have reported close encounters or abductions or both since at least the early 1980s. Maybe before. No reason they can't fly around and go a little farther north into Missouri from time to time, I guess.

You can go two roads with this -- get involved with a support group for abductees, who will understand your experience but who may also stimulate hysteria and additional "memories," or just try to go on and let it be a quiet mystery in your life. For the record, I don't personally believe that these beings are from other planets or that they serve a positive purpose. I don't think you need to feel grateful to beings who play with your mind and claim to be from outer space. There are a couple of old books by John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies and Operation: Trojan Horse, which might give you something to think about. If you were an infinitely wise Space Brother who could fly around the galaxy, would you use that power to give Whitley Streiber anal inspections and VegasNick awesome poker skills? Somehow I think you would find better things to do with your time unless you were some kind of mad sadist.

Obviously just my opinion. Even though I think something is happening which is probably "real," it might be more useful to follow the other advice and dismiss your own experience as a dream. Memory is fragile, and you may as well twist it around into something that supports you instead of something that disempowers you. I had a dream that I was special and I worked to make it come true is a more empowering belief than the Space Brothers made me and they can come into my home and my body any time and unmake me.

05-30-2007, 09:18 PM
vhawk....seeing a alien ship hovering above ur camps lake after seeing mysterious lights 2 nights prior isnt some big wrap of memory or what have you.....im trying to say there is no way that my memory of this incident is deludid in any way...it was as real and up close to ur face as something can get

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The question is how do you know it isnt a delusion? Consider for the moment the hypothetical case where you were suffering from a delusional memory. How could you tell the difference between that false memory and the one you actually have?

05-30-2007, 09:18 PM
False memory syndrome is a recognised psychological phenomenom that is more common than you might assume. There are lots of studies illustrating this with very strong and conclusive evidence. This is a good explanation for your encounter.

05-30-2007, 11:27 PM
False memory syndrome is a recognised psychological phenomenom that is more common than you might assume. There are lots of studies illustrating this with very strong and conclusive evidence. This is a good explanation for your encounter.

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it can't be a false memory because superintelligent people have reliable memories. nick knows he is superintelligent because when he looks at other people he can see that they are much less intelligent. he is qualified to judge the intelligence of others against his own because he is superintelligent.


05-30-2007, 11:57 PM
Intelligent people do have false memory syndrome or even actual hallucinations or delusions. When last I looked into the subject, it was believed that intelligent people were MORE susceptible to hypnosis and the power of suggestion. I guess it's logical that if you can learn faster, you can also grasp a suggestion more quickly too -- maybe even before you know you are grasping it.

05-31-2007, 12:00 AM
Intelligent people do have false memory syndrome or even actual hallucinations or delusions. When last I looked into the subject, it was believed that intelligent people were MORE susceptible to hypnosis and the power of suggestion. I guess it's logical that if you can learn faster, you can also grasp a suggestion more quickly too -- maybe even before you know you are grasping it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Right, but its not just superintelligence. He also has the most reliable memory on Earth...possibly the most reliable to have ever existed. So you are just going to have to take your BS 'false memory' theory and shove it.

05-31-2007, 12:05 AM
Heh. OK. In that case, when he's old enough, he is advised to stay far away from any hallucinatory drug that might teach him that we can have very profound experiences in the subjective realm that never happened in the objective world. It might shake him a little more than average. :-)

05-31-2007, 12:12 AM
Well i dont think there is much room for arguement here on my part cause you will just fire back at me with som false memory or hellucination theory....but ill leave this thread with this final word...what i saw couldnt possiblt be a hellucinaion or some kind of warped memory incident.....its like if you were to witness a grisley murder and then being told that its all in your mind it just sounds ridiculous to me thats all

05-31-2007, 12:17 AM
Well i dont think there is much room for arguement here on my part cause you will just fire back at me with som false memory or hellucination theory....but ill leave this thread with this final word...what i saw couldnt possiblt be a hellucinaion or some kind of warped memory incident.....its like if you were to witness a grisley murder and then being told that its all in your mind it just sounds ridiculous to me thats all

[/ QUOTE ]
But how could you distinguish this true memory from a possible false one? How do you tell them apart?

05-31-2007, 12:24 AM
Well i dont think there is much room for arguement here on my part cause you will just fire back at me with som false memory or hellucination theory....but ill leave this thread with this final word...what i saw couldnt possiblt be a hellucinaion or some kind of warped memory incident.....its like if you were to witness a grisley murder and then being told that its all in your mind it just sounds ridiculous to me thats all

[/ QUOTE ]
But how could you distinguish this true memory from a possible false one? How do you tell them apart?

[/ QUOTE ]answer me this....if you got molested as kid by ur father or something dont you think ud remember that...and how much sense would it make for me to tell you no it didnt happen its just a FALSE memory or helluination.........thats how it is with me and the encounter...there is simply no way what i went trough didnt happen and im sane im not some psycho that readily belives in things like this with solid proof or first hand expierience which i got that night

05-31-2007, 12:28 AM
Post deleted by bunny

05-31-2007, 12:32 AM
Nick, you can seek verification now that you're old enough. UFO reports are no longer "above top secret," they are collected by hobbyists and not by the Air Force or the CIA. The sky is wide, especially over water. Other people will have seen what you saw. You have a place and an approximate date. Why not research to see if other people have reported seeing or experiencing something at the same time? I don't mess with this stuff any more, for reasons I feel good and sufficient, but I think you'd do better to contact the UFO community than to contact a poker community, when you are seeking to explore a UFO encounter. Also, if you are still in contact with any of the other campers, why not hint around and see what they tell you? These events rarely come in isolation, they generally come in "waves." And read the Keel books. They are not about false memory syndrome. If this happened to you, and you are sure it did, I'm equally sure it didn't happen "only" to you. No one flew across the universe just to mess with VegasNick. These guys do a bulk business in mind-screwing.

05-31-2007, 12:34 AM
WTF, I have no idea how anybody is giving this guy any serious responses.

Fact- he's been told by a pro that he has narcissism.
Fact- this "happened" when he was 8 but didn't tell anyone till he was 17?

I'm not here to debate if aliens are real or not, or even if they've visited us or not. I'm still undecided, but to actually take anything this guy says at anymore then a joke is just stupid.

I don't trust any "memory" you had at the age of 8, but somehow didn't decide to tell people about until later in life when you decided that you needed something about you to be special.

You're really just giving people who have had more credible things happen to them a bad name.

edit: woops, left out the best fact of all, this happened right before the 4th of july when there's going to be tons of people shooting bottle rockets which prob look pretty sweet to an 8 year old.

05-31-2007, 12:34 AM
well bunny im not sure if i really have an answer to that question all i can say is what i expierienced was to the same shocking effect as getting molested or sometthing else as extreme or what have you...imo for it to be called false memory is very absurd....i mean it happend and it wasnt no dam delusion either

05-31-2007, 12:37 AM
Because it's way more interesting than the endless God-bothering threads.

WTF, I have no idea how anybody is giving this guy any serious responses. [ QUOTE ]

05-31-2007, 12:38 AM
Well thanks. The reason for my interest is a very clear and very false memory I have had since very early in my life. I know it didnt happen, yet can still remember it with crystal clarity.

I find it unnerving since I cant distinguish it from other memories.

05-31-2007, 12:38 AM
WTF, I have no idea how anybody is giving this guy any serious responses.

Fact- he's been told by a pro that he has narcissism.
Fact- this "happened" when he was 8 but didn't tell anyone till he was 17?

I'm not here to debate if aliens are real or not, or even if they've visited us or not. I'm still undecided, but to actually take anything this guy says at anymore then a joke is just stupid.

I don't trust any "memory" you had at the age of 8, but somehow didn't decide to tell people about until later in life when you decided that you needed something about you to be special.

You're really just giving people who have had more credible things happen to them a bad name.

[/ QUOTE ] well sorry to burst you "educated" bubble but i thought if i ever told anyone id be looked down upon and thought of as nuts....but now im older and more mature and dont give a rats ass about what anyone thinks so this is why i decided to come forward....and wow i go diagnosed by a "pro" ohhhhhhhhhhhh a pro thats fancy i guess that makes them right about everything huh....no not at all narcassism thats the most deluded thing i ever heard of im sick of these "Pros" and their b.s

05-31-2007, 12:41 AM
Similar here. I had an experience caused by drugs more real than most real experiences I've had. I was unable to convince myself it was an hallucination until I did the research for myself and was satisfied that my experience did not happen in consensus reality. My experience is still profound and meaningful to me. Life-changing, as he says. But it just plain didn't happen.

Well thanks. The reason for my interest is a very clear and very false memory I have had since very early in my life. I know it didnt happen, yet can still remember it with crystal clarity.

I find it unnerving since I cant distinguish it from other memories.

[/ QUOTE ]

05-31-2007, 01:01 AM
WTF, I have no idea how anybody is giving this guy any serious responses.

Fact- he's been told by a pro that he has narcissism.
Fact- this "happened" when he was 8 but didn't tell anyone till he was 17?

I'm not here to debate if aliens are real or not, or even if they've visited us or not. I'm still undecided, but to actually take anything this guy says at anymore then a joke is just stupid.

I don't trust any "memory" you had at the age of 8, but somehow didn't decide to tell people about until later in life when you decided that you needed something about you to be special.

You're really just giving people who have had more credible things happen to them a bad name.

edit: woops, left out the best fact of all, this happened right before the 4th of july when there's going to be tons of people shooting bottle rockets which prob look pretty sweet to an 8 year old.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think most of us are taking him a lot less seriously than you think we are.

05-31-2007, 01:06 AM
exactly...you arnt taking me serious and you are to close minded yo debate this subject with a open mind...i know what else is new

05-31-2007, 01:15 AM

I'd love to hear stories from anyone on this board who thinks they've encountered a UFO when they've been over the age of 14 and don't have the mental state of wanting to believe they're special in life. I have a very open mind when it comes to the supernatural, but this is such a text book case that I have no idea what you expected to hear.

05-31-2007, 01:22 AM
Personally I find it hard to debate the subject given you won't consider any chance that your memory is faulty. It's true that, if one accepts that your memory is true, then aliens exist. It seems the only point to debate is the likelihood of your memory being true or false.

As someone who has experienced clear memories of something which didnt happen, I deem the "faulty memory" explanation more likely than the "little green men" explanation. What else is there to debate?

05-31-2007, 01:24 AM
exactly...you arnt taking me serious and you are to close minded yo debate this subject with a open mind...i know what else is new

[/ QUOTE ]

Nah, I'm usually open-minded for about two posts. Then we usually come to a fork in the road and I'm forced to pick a path. Guess which one I picked with you?

05-31-2007, 01:25 AM
Personally I find it hard to debate the subject given you won't consider any chance that your memory is faulty. It's true that, if one accepts that your memory is true, then aliens exist. It seems the only point to debate is the likelihood of your memory being true or false.

As someone who has experienced clear memories of something which didnt happen, I deem the "faulty memory" explanation more likely than the "little green men" explanation. What else is there to debate?

[/ QUOTE ]well i there isnt much left to debate i guess....cause its obviously my acount of what happed vs ur theorys of memory confussion

05-31-2007, 01:25 AM
new theory: nick was molested at age 8 and created the alien encounter memory as some sort of coping mechanism. he continually compares his experience to being molested because his subconscious mind needs to deal with what really happened.

05-31-2007, 01:27 AM
new theory: nick was molested at age 8 and created the alien encounter memory as some sort of coping mechanism. he continually compares his experience to being molested because his subconscious mind needs to deal with what really happened.

[/ QUOTE ]

Impossible. Nick cannot be molested, anyone attempting to harm his personage would be smited with a glorious wrath.

05-31-2007, 01:29 AM
Personally I find it hard to debate the subject given you won't consider any chance that your memory is faulty. It's true that, if one accepts that your memory is true, then aliens exist. It seems the only point to debate is the likelihood of your memory being true or false.

As someone who has experienced clear memories of something which didnt happen, I deem the "faulty memory" explanation more likely than the "little green men" explanation. What else is there to debate?

[/ QUOTE ]well i there isnt much left to debate i guess....cause its obviously my acount of what happed vs ur theorys of memory confussion

[/ QUOTE ]

there never was anything to debate. even if you really did see aliens, we'd still be idiots if we thought your story had any significant chance of being true.

05-31-2007, 01:30 AM
new theory: nick was molested at age 8 and created the alien encounter memory as some sort of coping mechanism. he continually compares his experience to being molested because his subconscious mind needs to deal with what really happened.

[/ QUOTE ]

Impossible. Nick cannot be molested, anyone attempting to harm his personage would be smited with a glorious wrath.

[/ QUOTE ]

maybe an angel did it.

05-31-2007, 01:33 AM
Sephus your just a close minded idiot....and dont give me any theorys you have about me like ur some kind of wizard or a god. hahaha please dont try to act smart with me

05-31-2007, 01:33 AM
new theory: nick was molested at age 8 and created the alien encounter memory as some sort of coping mechanism. he continually compares his experience to being molested because his subconscious mind needs to deal with what really happened.

[/ QUOTE ]

Impossible. Nick cannot be molested, anyone attempting to harm his personage would be smited with a glorious wrath.

[/ QUOTE ]

maybe an angel did it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good point. I can see God sending an angel to test VegasNick's legendary resolve.

Glad (and obviously not surprised) to see you survived the challenge, Nick.

05-31-2007, 01:41 AM
Sephus your just a close minded idiot

[/ QUOTE ]

only a closed mind would reject the possibility of a mundane explanation in favor of a fantastical one.

05-31-2007, 01:42 AM
Sephus your just a close minded idiot

[/ QUOTE ]

only a closed mind would reject the possibility of a mundane explanation in favor of a fantastical one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Close minded. All your thoughts are really close together. What size hat do you wear, like 6 3/8?

05-31-2007, 01:48 AM
Sephus your just a close minded idiot

[/ QUOTE ]

only a closed mind would reject the possibility of a mundane explanation in favor of a fantastical one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Close minded. All your thoughts are really close together. What size hat do you wear, like 6 3/8?

[/ QUOTE ]

i was so closed to making a similar joke.

Justin A
05-31-2007, 04:16 AM
I don't understand how someone so smart can use such horrible spelling and grammar.

05-31-2007, 09:48 AM
Serious question, not in direct response to OP:

What is the correlation between say, the release of a movie such as Independence Day (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116629/), and claims similar to the ones made by the OP? Has there ever been any real analysis done along these lines? Just curious, I've never heard of an abduction story dating back a hundred years or anything close to that. I could be incredibly wrong.

05-31-2007, 10:12 AM
I've seen history shows where they compare alien sightings to devil and demon sightings in oldy tymes. Sort of like it is the new boogyman.

05-31-2007, 10:43 AM
Back then I was the worlds biggest close minded skeptic and thought nothing of it.

[/ QUOTE ] I see you were at the advanced stage of enlightenment these self important sceptics are at now, already when you were 8 years old. Since then you have moved way past that, of course. I think this shows that your awesomeness existed before the alien encounter, and maybe the reason they picked you up is you are awesome and not the other way around. Thoughts?

05-31-2007, 11:45 AM
Jacques Vallee has collected abduction experiences going back around 1,000 years. IIRC in one of the most dramatic records, the "airship" or "UFO" returned the abductees to their village in full view of the other villagers -- result: unfortunate victims burned as witches.

To satisfy my own curiosity, I used the google and quickly learned that there are so many UFO reports from Missouri over the last century or so that it isn't worth it to me to try and pin down the activity on Nick's given date and place. He'll have to do the work himself if he's interested. Right now, he's not interested. He probably doesn't have enough life experience as an observer to know how the eye and mind play tricks, so he feels that he doesn't need independent corroboration. In my experience, the human brain is larger and more mysterious than that, so we will just have to agree to disagree on that point.

If he saw something, other people saw it too. Me, I'd start by talking to people who were camping with me that night (family, school group, whoever) and see if I can spark a conversation. Then I'd go on to contacting any local or state hobbyists in the area active in collecting UFO reports to see what they've got. I'd meet with other abductees and see for myself the impact of the abduction on these other people. Then I'd make a better decision about how much further I wanted to get into this business.

For myself, I have made the decision to stay far, far away from contactees and the chaos that ensues in their lives. Getting overly wrapped up in the abduction experience seems to carry long-term consequences that I don't want to deal with. But, again, to each his own. For some people, the contact is the most profound experience of their lives; for others, it's just an anecdote to share after too many drinks at a cocktail party.

Serious question, not in direct response to OP:

What is the correlation between say, the release of a movie such as Independence Day (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116629/), and claims similar to the ones made by the OP? Has there ever been any real analysis done along these lines? Just curious, I've never heard of an abduction story dating back a hundred years or anything close to that. I could be incredibly wrong.

[/ QUOTE ]

05-31-2007, 12:50 PM
I think Nick has won this debate. Aliens now exist.

05-31-2007, 01:37 PM

I think Nick has won this debate. Aliens now exist.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not even sure Nick exists.

05-31-2007, 01:44 PM

I think Nick has won this debate. Aliens now exist.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not even sure Nick exists.

[/ QUOTE ]

For those of you who don't know who VegasNick is check out this link - http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=10417920&an=&page=&vc=1

I guess he is quite the poster in BBV4Life.

05-31-2007, 03:05 PM
Nick you're a genius keep it coming I'm learning so much.

Did nick first claim he had narcissism or did someone point that out? Because if it's his claim, he probably is just saying that because he is an American Psycho fan.

This week he is a narcissist, next week he is Robin Williams in Jack or whatever. I feel bad for the guy though he's just looking for acceptance and can't seem to find it anywhere.

05-31-2007, 03:06 PM

I think Nick has won this debate. Aliens now exist.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not even sure Nick exists.

[/ QUOTE ]

For those of you who don't know who VegasNick is check out this link - http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=10417920&an=&page=&vc=1

I guess he is quite the poster in BBV4Life.

[/ QUOTE ]

that thread is a masterpiece.

05-31-2007, 03:07 PM
from the BB4L thread:

VegasNick (6:03:10 PM): think outside the bun/relm of science and ull understand why
caseycs1947 (6:03:22 PM): the what?
VegasNick (6:03:40 PM): outside the bun if u will....or outside the relem of science

05-31-2007, 03:14 PM
new theory: nick was molested at age 8 and created the alien encounter memory as some sort of coping mechanism. he continually compares his experience to being molested because his subconscious mind needs to deal with what really happened.

[/ QUOTE ]

VegasNick (8:19:57 PM): reason i sighned off was cause my great uncle was in the room...he was talking to me and he was so close i felt uncomfertable and was like i gotta think of a way to get out of here..so i was like oh no i forgot something ouside and i sighned off and left so hje wouldnt read my ims either
VegasNick (8:20:17 PM): hes such a werido
VegasNick (8:22:53 PM): i thought he was gonna [censored] kiss me
VegasNick (8:22:54 PM): god
VegasNick (8:23:56 PM): he stares at me every time im in sight thats why i am angry hes here i cant leave the [censored] room
VegasNick (8:25:20 PM): but i laughf at everything he sais regardless

05-31-2007, 03:28 PM
Did nick first claim he had narcissism or did someone point that out?

[/ QUOTE ]
Nick was the one that said he was diagnosed with narcissism.

Of course, the doctor was an idiot because Nick didn't just think he was the most awesomely great person alive, he is the most awesomely great person alive. Therefore, he obviously isn't a narcissist.

05-31-2007, 04:15 PM
Did nick first claim he had narcissism or did someone point that out?

[/ QUOTE ]
Nick was the one that said he was diagnosed with narcissism.

Of course, the doctor was an idiot because Nick didn't just think he was the most awesomely great person alive, he is the most awesomely great person alive. Therefore, he obviously isn't a narcissist.

[/ QUOTE ]

Right. You aren't paranoid if the government really IS out to get you.

05-31-2007, 05:10 PM
That's hilarious. I wonder if this is the poster formerly known as tworooks.

06-01-2007, 02:17 PM
A tragic update for SMP. Our beloved VegasNick has been banned by that treacherous mod, Gildwulf. If you would like to relish in Nick's final 2+2 farewell, please see here:

http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseac...81-4a5e60bd2ceb (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=103227011& blogID=271116843&MyToken=40b32fc2-262f-4506-ad81-4a5e60bd2ceb)

May his legacy last forever....

06-01-2007, 02:52 PM
A tragic update for SMP. Our beloved VegasNick has been banned by that treacherous mod, Gildwulf. If you would like to relish in Nick's final 2+2 farewell, please see here:


May his legacy last forever....

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Roundguy, this is classic. Poor VegasNick has his work cut out for him, learning vodoo and such, to exact his revenge on those far less intelligent than he.

06-01-2007, 03:04 PM
A tragic update for SMP. Our beloved VegasNick has been banned by that treacherous mod, Gildwulf. If you would like to relish in Nick's final 2+2 farewell, please see here:


May his legacy last forever....

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Roundguy, this is classic. Poor VegasNick has his work cut out for him, learning vodoo and such, to exact his revenge on those far less intelligent than he.

[/ QUOTE ]

Should be no problem for one such as he.

06-01-2007, 03:32 PM
he jumped the shark a while ago anyway.

06-01-2007, 03:41 PM
he jumped the shark a while ago anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]
Do you think he was a gimmick? I honestly don't think so. But then, I have to ponder what could have possibly happened in this 17-year old's life to cause this narcissistic phenomenon.

I completely understand common, natural teenage self-centeredness (I have two), but this is so off the chart -- it fascinates me.

06-01-2007, 03:42 PM
Wow, that's a disordered farewell rant indeed. If he's a troll, I don't see why we couldn't have continued to enjoy the entertainment value. But if the kid is for real, he has serious mental health issues.

06-01-2007, 03:59 PM
he jumped the shark a while ago anyway.

[/ QUOTE ]
Do you think he was a gimmick? I honestly don't think so. But then, I have to ponder what could have possibly happened in this 17-year old's life to cause this narcissistic phenomenon.

I completely understand common, natural teenage self-centeredness (I have two), but this is so off the chart -- it fascinates me.

[/ QUOTE ]

i think there is a real 17 year old hs dropout named nick nevler and a lot of his idiotic posts are sincere but once he saw the extent of the attention he could get he started posting goofier and goofier stuff just to troll people.

06-01-2007, 04:35 PM
once he saw the extent of the attention he could get he started posting goofier and goofier stuff just to troll people.

[/ QUOTE ]
I agree. It's what got him banned. I also agree that he is sincere in what he posts. He does believe, in his warped little mind, that he is something truly special.

I would really like to see this guy again -- in about 10 years.

Justin A
06-01-2007, 04:58 PM
I loved this thread.