View Full Version : Book of Creation (Sefer Yetzirah)

05-29-2007, 08:48 AM
This was inspired by PTB's post on "What if There is a God?".

One point I made was that approximately half the world believed in the God of Abraham but they fought over the details (e.g. the righteous descendants). So I wanted to return to the source and discuss the Book of Creation, allegedly written by Abraham.

What is the God of biology? The 4 nucleotides of DNA?
What is the God of the virtual world? Binary numbers, 1s and 0s?
Is it possible to represent the God of the Universe with a certain number of variables?

According to the Book of Creation (Sefer Yetzirah):

God created the Universe by numbers, letters and sounds (the 32 paths of Wisdom). Ten are the numbers and 22 are the Letters and sounds (Hebrew alphabet). Together they equal 32.

From the 22:
3 are the mother letters - Water/Air/Fire, Evil/Balance/Good, Ying/Yang)
7 are the double letters - 7 dimensions, 7 days of the week)
12 are the simple letters - 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 directions of space

From the simple letters, comes IHV (Jehovah/Tetragrammaton).

My favorite part is: 1 above 3, 3 above 7, 7 above 12, all is one connected with the other. (4+10+19=33)

33 represents Enlightenment. One explanation is 6(man)+7(God)=13, 13inches=33 centimeters

I believe its describing how we originated from the Source (1) and are evolving towards the ultimate balance between form and source (33). The goal being Heaven on Earth but without the Earth there is no distinction in Heaven -- everything would be the same, thus the reason for Creation.

To me, this ancient essay of 33 paragraphs is one of the most cryptic and intriguing things I've ever read. Since Hebrew letters and words have several numerical values (Gematria), the essay could be one advanced algorithm.

As everything is a 'frequency', its said that those who understand the text can manipulate reality like Jehovah. The understanding of the powers of the Hebrew letters is what supposedly allowed Jesus to perform miracles or Moses to split the Red Sea.

It seems to be describing some quantified particle system of self-similar structures. The addendum is the 50 Gates of Intelligence that describes how we evolved from nothing, to the elements, to plants, animals, the planets, various human forms, and the 9 degrees of Angels, before reaching Ain Suph - God, which only Jesus attained.

Maybe this is all occult-nonsense, but I find more truth in this than any word of the Bible.

Is it possible that 6,000 years ago Abraham wrote/revealed the definitive essay on quantum mechanics and evolution? Any real Kabbalistic Jews care to elucidate?

Sefer Yetzirah (http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/yetzirah.htm)
50 Gates of Intelligence (http://altreligion.about.com/library/texts/bl_seferyetsirahwestcott7.htm)