View Full Version : Ron Paul speaks out officially in support of Frank's Bill

05-26-2007, 04:30 AM
Here is the link:

Here is what he said. I apologize if this has already been posted, I just noticed the date on it, but I received the email today with this information, so it is new to me.

Here is the statement itself:

May 2, 2007

Statement on Internet Gambling

Madam Speaker, I am pleased to support HR 2046, the Internet Gambling Regulation and Enforcement Act. Last year, a ban on internet gambling was snuck into a port security bill. This ban on internet gambling is an outrageous affront to individual freedom. HR 2046 restores respects for the right to patronize internet gambling sites as long as the sites follow certain federal laws. The bill does not create new federal laws, and it respects the authority of states and Native American tribes to regulate gambling. I hope all my colleagues will join me in cosponsoring this bill and restoring respect for the American people’s right to decide for themselves whether or not they gamble online.

05-26-2007, 04:51 AM
vote for dr.paul in the primaries and tell your friends

05-26-2007, 04:56 AM
vote for dr.paul in the primaries and tell your friends

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Make sure you register as a Republican so you can vote in the primaries. It is a requirement in some states. Also, send him some money. Campaigns are expensive. If you are broke, send ten bucks. It all helps.

05-26-2007, 12:08 PM
Make sure you register as a Republican so you can vote in the primaries. It is a requirement in some states. Also, send him some money. Campaigns are expensive. If you are broke from UIGEA and the Neteller theft, send ten bucks. It all helps.

[/ QUOTE ]

05-26-2007, 03:37 PM
Make sure you register as a Republican so you can vote in the primaries. It is a requirement in some states. Also, send him some money. Campaigns are expensive. If you are broke from UIGEA and the Neteller theft, send ten bucks. It all helps.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]


05-30-2007, 07:38 AM
Good article about Ron Paul and the rest of the Republican Party on the conservative site Townhall.com.


As an aside, the site allows readers to post comments.

05-30-2007, 12:28 PM
I didn't see this posted already but here's a YouTube video of Barney Frank introducting the IGREA.


Couple of interesting points:

1) Peter King (R-NY) cosponsored and added support.

2) Frank noted a number of times how "it's been all over the Internet" and that "you should be hearing from your constituents."

Don't disappoint.