View Full Version : Any chance EU will challenge the UIGEA?

Izzy Vega
05-18-2007, 05:42 PM
http://www.pokerpages.com/poker-news/cur...ments-29487.htm (http://www.pokerpages.com/poker-news/current-affairs/eu-may-challenge-uigea-outlawing-online-poker-and-online-gambling-payments-29487.htm)

Any chance the EU will get involved and challege the UIGEA?

05-19-2007, 03:11 PM
Absolutely certain that they will, just maybe not strongly enough. The EU registered an interest in the Antigua case and submitted evidence on their behalf. The latest US move which essentially says we don't like the WTO ruling so we will withdraw from this apart of the WTO is an appalling precedent for free trade and will be opposed by the EU.

The trouble is that this is just one of many things that remain unresolved in the stalled Doha round of trade talks. It is likely that the EU will use online gambling as a tool to force other US concessions elsewhere. The Doha round of talks (including UIGEA) will no doubt crop up at the G8 summit coming shortly.