View Full Version : Am I a degen? Are you???

05-18-2007, 08:49 AM
<font color="white">This is a serious post, but only because i've read through this (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&amp;Board=eldiablo&amp;Number=10370764&amp; page=0&amp;fpart=1) thread.

After reading through that, it made me wonder WTF i'm doing, sitting in my room playing 50nl day in/day out. It just doesn't seem worth it, when you think about it, i'm a 3 ptbb/100 winner over 200k hands, since about November of '06, and before that i played 100nl on party for 3 months, and before that I had no clue WTF i was doing, playing on UB, making ONE ptbb/100 over 500k hands.

My question is, i guess, since i'm not playing high enough stakes to make this game "worth it" does it really matter if i play 50nl at all? should i just quit?

I like the $ that i've made, and i know i can double it playing 50nl (about 10g everything combined...RB, bonus, etc) but will another 10g really help me?

Then I think about what i'd be doing instead. Reading books? Riding a bike? Going for a walk? WTF is that...i'm using time without making $. I am slipping when it comes to intelligence, i know this, i used to be wittier, but playing poker all the time/reading forums is making me stupid. i can't come up with witty jokes anymore, i start to but fail to find the right words.

my g/f has noticed this, and has complained that i equate time to money.

the state that poker is in now, it seems ludicrous to continue playing, at least until legislation changes. am i wrong? anyone who is a regular player (2k hands a day+) feel the same way?