View Full Version : Vote for Ron Paul in a quick poll

05-17-2007, 11:45 PM
If we keep taking action and supporting Ron Paul whenever we can, then this snowball just might have a chance. Despite the TV pundit's views, the news from the web is encouraging. The PEOPLE like Ron Paul.

He is also our best chance for online poker.

Take two seconds. Vote at this poll. You can only do it once. They don't ask for any info from you. Just paste, go to the right column and vote.

If he continues to win polls then he may get taken seriously. At least they will not be able to continue to ignore him.

This should stay up until Sunday.


05-17-2007, 11:48 PM
If we keep taking action and supporting Ron Paul whenever we can, then this snowball just might have a chance. Despite the TV pundit's views, the news from the web is encouraging. The PEOPLE like Ron Paul.

He is also our best chance for online poker.

Take two seconds. Vote at this poll. You can only do it once. They don't ask for any info from you. Just paste, go to the right column and vote.

If he continues to win polls then he may get taken seriously. At least they will not be able to continue to ignore him.

This should stay up until Sunday.


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This is not true. Just close the browser and reclick the link. You can vote as often as you like. I voted four times just to make sure.

But anyway, let's be honest: Tom Tancredo won that debate hands down. /images/graemlins/cool.gif

05-17-2007, 11:53 PM
If we keep taking action and supporting Ron Paul whenever we can, then this snowball just might have a chance. Despite the TV pundit's views, the news from the web is encouraging. The PEOPLE like Ron Paul.

He is also our best chance for online poker.

Take two seconds. Vote at this poll. You can only do it once. They don't ask for any info from you. Just paste, go to the right column and vote.

If he continues to win polls then he may get taken seriously. At least they will not be able to continue to ignore him.

This should stay up until Sunday.


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This is not true. Just close the browser and reclick the link. You can vote as often as you like. I voted four times just to make sure.

[/ QUOTE ]

It didn't let me, but then I didn't close the browser. Thanks.

05-17-2007, 11:54 PM
Democrats voting for the most ridiculous candidate running to screw with the Republicans like Ron Paul.

05-17-2007, 11:55 PM
Done. Ron Paul significantly in the lead right now.

05-18-2007, 12:07 AM
Guys... Ron Paul is cooked. Give it up.

05-18-2007, 12:11 AM
I don't know Karak. I think the GOP is ready to nominate the only GOP house member to vote against the Internet Child Pornography act. That's common sense.

05-18-2007, 12:56 AM
But anyway, let's be honest: Tom Tancredo won that debate hands down. /images/graemlins/cool.gif

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[censored]! Tommy Thompson was the big winner. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

05-18-2007, 01:45 AM
Why ?

The point is not whether Paul will get the GOP nomination. Rather, that he continue to get air time for the ideology of limiting government, something the Big Government Nannys lack in common, whatever side of the aisle.

05-18-2007, 02:00 AM
Why ?

The point is not whether Paul will get the GOP nomination. Rather, that he continue to get air time for the ideology of limiting government, something the Big Government Nannys lack in common, whatever side of the aisle.

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05-18-2007, 09:30 AM
Ron Paul reminds me of Robin Williams' character in "Man of the Year." It is about time that someone speaks up with direct answers to the tough questions and ridicules the rhetoric spouted by those afraid of offending the "party-line." Quite a breath of fresh air and it leads to the more substantial discussion of issues rather than a bunch of smiles and acknowledgments. I too believe that his chance of winning the nomination is slim to none, but his knowledge and blunt articulation of the hard facts are good for the party that was once known for its hard-line conservative views as opposed to the now weak and insubstantial blunderings that are merely attempts at limiting the rope we give the liberals to run with.

05-18-2007, 09:57 AM
Ronald Reagan was thought of in the same way as Ron Paul.

05-18-2007, 09:59 AM
lol at the 2+2 legislation forum actually influencing American politics. First you guys got him back into the debate, now you're keeping him in the race.

I wonder if he/his people have any idea of the power of internet poker dorks.

05-18-2007, 10:37 AM
Ronald Reagan was thought of in the same way as Ron Paul.

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I support what Paul is doing, and I think having him in the race is great...but, umm, lol, no (Reagan, that's funny.) This is like the great white hype...I can't believe you guys are buying into the propaganda.

05-18-2007, 12:07 PM
Ronald Reagan was thought of in the same way as Ron Paul.

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That's laughable at best.

05-18-2007, 12:16 PM
I wonder if he/his people have any idea of the power of internet poker dorks.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm pretty sure they do. They're trying to use all of the social networks (myspace, YouTube, Facebook, etc...) in their campaign. I don't remember where but I think he has said something to the effect of using the internet to spread his message is the only chance that he has.

05-18-2007, 04:44 PM
I just read an article that a radio station is banning the use of Ron Paul's name! http://www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=41547

Talk about frightened. Boy, when the entire media outlet starts to ban together to ban ideas we are all in trouble. CNN did a whole spot on the debate and never mentioned Paul. Even the Daily Show and Colbert Report mysteriously left out his name.

This is an absolute assault on our freedoms folks! If you don't see Ron Paul's name mentioned somewhere ask why not! Start hounding the regular media. This is just nonsense. Dangerous nonsense.

Continue to vote on that silly poll I linked to. I know it doesn't mean much but it doesn't cost much either.

I have been in touch with the Ron Paul campaign and what they really need is money. Go to RonPaul2008.com to donate via credit card. He is our biggest support for poker and about our one best chance to have the freedom to play.

Hell, the general media and the rest of the politicians out there are so afraid of Paul explaining to the general people just how much the gov't has taken over our lives that now they are trying to silence him. We need his voice. I sure ain't rich but I sent what I could. It doesn't really matter. Even if you only send ten bucks. It will still help. There are a lot of us here.

Don't let the rest of the US get away with curtailing our liberties anymore. Now apparently the freedom of speech has been banned.


05-19-2007, 01:03 AM
In fairness Jeffiner, CNN had Paul on with Wolf Blitzer, and they posted an editorial by one of their contributors in the "top news" section today defending Paul's comments about terrorism and 9/11.

I don't mean to disagree that we need to get him more play in the media...we do. I actually think it's working to a certain extent, and we need to keep up the pressure (I know I said I wouldn't respond to any of your posts, but we like agree and stuff so I'm hoping it's ok.)

05-19-2007, 04:08 PM
Guys, stop saying stuff like "Vote for him because he's with us on internet gambling." It's not about that, it's about personal liberties. We deserve to have them.

Man is not free unless government is limited, History teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap, Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives, Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves, ETC. ETC.

Help us Ron Paul, you are our only hope.

05-19-2007, 04:24 PM
In fairness Jeffiner, CNN had Paul on with Wolf Blitzer, and they posted an editorial by one of their contributors in the "top news" section today defending Paul's comments about terrorism and 9/11.

I don't mean to disagree that we need to get him more play in the media...we do. I actually think it's working to a certain extent, and we need to keep up the pressure (I know I said I wouldn't respond to any of your posts, but we like agree and stuff so I'm hoping it's ok.)

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Of course it is ok.
Even though he is getting some coverage, the mere fact that even one radio station would ban the use of his name on the air is astonishing. Although, that interview with Wolf was quite good. It is on Youtube if you care to watch it.

That Michigan GOP guy who originally called for a ban is now appearing to backing down and saying ok, no ban on Ron Paul, but only the top three or four in polls should be allowed. Of course he is picking the polls he wants to rely on. So this is just a back door way of trying to get rid of Ron Paul again. The Michigan GOP was flooded with calls for support for Ron so they had to back down. Don't let them get away with the new strategy. Call them and tell them you know what he his trying to do and it STILL won't work. We want Ron Paul in the debates.

In fact, I think at one time on the Fox poll I saw McCain at only 2%. If that is still true then according to that guys own criteria McCain should be banned. I tried to find the last results but for some reason they don't have the poll listed on their polls page.

Anyway, for those that have not done so, please vote on this AZ poll. Just click through, then click on a name. Ron Paul is losing ground and they changed it so only one vote per person. There is a poll running until Sunday to vote for who you think won the debate. Please forward it to anyone you know. It only takes a second and you don't have to sign up or anything. Ron was leading by a large margin in the beginning but is no losing ground. If he keeps doing well in polls that has to help.
