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View Full Version : anyone else colourblind?

05-14-2007, 03:17 PM
I cant tell the difference between most to all shades of green/brown/red/black/grey.

i cant distinguish any light shade of colour from any other light shade or white.

I`ve played in most of my local and semi local casinos and havent yet come accross a set of chips in which i can distinguish all of the denominations.

I know i can ask how many chips my opponenants have at any time but if any time turns out to be every time it becomes a bit of an issue.

Also im concerned that it gives something away about my hands,say, if im having to ask BB every time i have the chance to open raise in the H/J

As a result of this problem i miss too many chances to steel and try to steel against the wrong stack sizes too often when i`ve got the colours wrong
The problem is magnified post flop as theres more chips involved

The upshot of all this is i play very ABC live and dont cash enough.

I`ve pretty much given up live games, at least for profit but i just thought id ask if anyone had anything on this?


05-14-2007, 03:27 PM
play limit.

05-14-2007, 03:32 PM
I am color blind. I used to have SUCH problems in Atlantic City at the Tropicana since their tournament chips did not have denominations on them and the $25/$100 chips looked identical to me. (Red/Green) I believe they finally upgraded their chips and it was no longer a problem. Most cash games aren't an issue either since the chips are clearly marked. Taj tournaments had easy to tell chips for me as well. And I would always just ask what a bet was if I couldn't tell from the chips.

Sucked but not a deal breaker...

05-14-2007, 03:52 PM
i am color blind also. I announce it at the table when playing with red & green mixed chips, amazingly everyone is always helpful, even in tournaments so its never been a problem.

05-14-2007, 05:29 PM
I to am color blind. Depending on the color of the chips combined with the lighting can make things simply crazy for me and I'm constantly asking "How much?". And I've had numerous players tell me "Hey, you have a green stuck in that chip stack".

I hate it, but it only happens sometimes for me, and yes it's very embarassing but I can't do anything but tell everyone I'm having trouble discerning the colors.

It's the hardest thing in the world to try and tell someone you're color blind and then have to go through the quick test of "What color is my shirt?", or "What color pants does she have on?"...When I'm really feeling frisky I always answer "grey" or "light-black"...Talk about strange looks!

<font color="orange"> It looks green to me. </font>

P /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

05-14-2007, 06:16 PM
Grabbed the pix of the chips from the wiki, but most clubs use a similar sort of edge coding:




05-14-2007, 07:40 PM
I mean this with no disrespect but I find people that are color blind kind of amazing. For instance, I install audio equptment in cars for years and came across a color blind installer one time. He was one of the best installers and wasn't able to really tell the difference between lt.blue/green and blue/orange. Some cars have many wire colors very similar right next to each other. I found it amazing when he did stuff. But don't most casinos have the amount printed on chips. All the casinos around me do.

05-14-2007, 07:47 PM
i am colorblind as well. In the venetian tournament this weekend i accidentally bet 1100 instead of the 700 i meant to bet when i had 2 500s and a 100 and thought i had 1 500 and 2 100s. I should have said the bet amount. lesson learned.

05-14-2007, 07:49 PM
But don't most casinos have the amount printed on chips. All the casinos around me do.

[/ QUOTE ]

Opponent sitting across the table, with stacks of chips in front of him. Can you see the denomination printed on the top chip of each stack?

05-14-2007, 08:13 PM
I know the casinos around me have the exact same edge pattern on each chip. It seems like this would make it extremely difficult to tell how deep all of your opponents are. A friend of mine can't tell the difference between green and blue, and we always used to make fun of him for it... The good ole' days..

05-14-2007, 08:39 PM



[/ QUOTE ]

Oh man! Dejavu!

I think, Excal and Sahara have the worst lighting, not to mention some pretty scuzzy chips which only add to the confusion, oh I can't forget Binion's...holy crap terrible lighting, but it's still my favorite!!

<font color="blue"> Is that a purple chip? </font>

P /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

05-15-2007, 02:18 AM
i'm not color blind. but i have trouble with some colors.

i know how annoying the whole 'what color is my shirt?' thing can be. i think it's in your best interest to announce that you have trouble with colors, and ask the dealer for help. seems like most people wouldn't mind being helpful in this situation.

05-15-2007, 02:50 AM
Grabbed the pix of the chips from the wiki, but most clubs use a similar sort of edge coding:




[/ QUOTE ]

Angus - color blind does not mean we see in black &amp; white, it means we see the color spectrum differently from you. Sometimes they blend in together with other colors we see as similar, sometimes they are brighter and more vibrant than what you see. But I get your point none the less...the chip edges are exactly what I use when I have a problem.

05-15-2007, 07:50 AM
Well, just so you Know the scale of my problem. I`m looking at these bellagio chips in broad daylite and i cant tell the $5 from the $100.

I know it says $5 and $100 but like somebody else said.. you cant see the top of all the chips.

Anyway, I thank you all for your input and i guess announcing my problem would be the answer, sort of.

Although i do play in some pretty unfreindly joints


05-15-2007, 09:29 AM
i am color blind also. I announce it at the table when playing with red &amp; green mixed chips, amazingly everyone is always helpful, even in tournaments so its never been a problem.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am also red/green colorblind and I haven't had many problems. When I played no limit and tourneys more regularly, I would ask for chip counts more frequently then necessary (but not annoyingly often) hoping to avoid giving anything away when I actually needed to know.

05-15-2007, 01:32 PM
I am red/green color blind (but seem to have trouble with some other colors as well). While not anywhere near the same level of color blindness that raju describes, I've had a few instances where I bet a $25 chip thinking it was a $5 chip. Normally, I keep my chips as separate as possible but sometimes when stacking, a green gets mixed in with the reds.

When that happens, I usually let someone know and most people are kind enough to point it out if they see it happen.

05-15-2007, 01:35 PM
I've played with a few colorblind players recently in tournaments. They've asked me (10 seat/7 seat) to eyeball their stacks to make sure they were clean a couple times...easy enough to do, especially when its in my natural sightline.

05-15-2007, 01:57 PM
Ah yes, the ole what color is "X" song and dance that we all endure. No matter what answer you give, they're still going to look at you like you're an alien. Of course, sometimes I probably look like an alien (or clown) when I walk out the door in the morning sporting my finest ... white shirt, navy trousers and green socks.

Much to the chagrin of my wife (who must put up with being seen with a tall, mismatched, goofy bald guy) I long ago decided that it's the non-color blind people who don't see correctly. My car really is blue (not green as everyone else claims) and brown is just a mass hallucination of the majority of the population.

05-15-2007, 08:04 PM
It won't help with chip stacks, but why not ask the dealers to annouce all bets when you're in a hand? And when putting out chips, be sure to declare all bets.

It's a little interesting learning so many regulars have color difficulty.

Is blue to you what's blue to me?

05-16-2007, 01:49 PM
Is blue to you what's blue to me?

[/ QUOTE ]

To me, everything is shades of purple.

05-16-2007, 02:14 PM
i am colorblind as well. In the venetian tournament this weekend i accidentally bet 1100 instead of the 700 i meant to bet when i had 2 500s and a 100 and thought i had 1 500 and 2 100s. I should have said the bet amount. lesson learned.

[/ QUOTE ]
Which tournament at the Venetian? Was it the 8pm on Sunday and how did you go out?

05-20-2007, 04:34 PM
Casino chips are designated by edge markings, but TOURNAMENT chips usually are not. OP probably realizes this, but many of the respondants do not.

Limit poker is the correct answer. There will be no worries about missing colors there.

Split Suit
05-20-2007, 05:31 PM
Im colorblind as well. (colorblind to red, and shade blind all together).

i have the most ammount of trouble with tourny chips. and also dark green 25's and black 100s get mixxed together. other than that...im generally ok.

but i also announce that im colorblind up front...ppl are generally helpful, and i also announce my bets so there is no confusion if i accidently throw in a wrong colored chip.

05-20-2007, 07:15 PM
Verbalize the amounts you want to bet. If you call it out loud you don't even have to look at your chips when stealing.

Also, there is never any dispute about the amount of your raise. That's the main reason I verbalize it.

05-20-2007, 07:22 PM
Question for my colorblind brothas. Is there a lasic style surgery for us as well? Is color blindness a change in the brain DNA, or the eyeball itself?

05-20-2007, 07:41 PM
Question for my colorblind brothas. Is there a lasic style surgery for us as well? Is color blindness a change in the brain DNA, or the eyeball itself?

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I'm not colorblind, but I know the answer (dad was mildly colorblind). It's genetic. Men suffer it more than women because it's carried on the X chromosome. Since guys have one X and women have two, women have a much smaller chance of having two defective X's so they suffer from this considerably less. Surgery can't help.

Least ways, this is true of common colorblindness. Perhaps there are unusual alternative ways to have this problem.

I used to have to do a long set of colorblindness tests every couple years. Two of the ~20 plates I had trouble with. I could tell there was something there and ultimately I figured it out but kinda had to study and squint. Nurse giving the test always said they were all blatantly obvious to her, but a large fraction of guys struggled or simply failed to get the couple charts I had trouble with. Don't recall exactly the number but I think she said you could miss 3 or 4 and still pass the FAA medical exam.

05-20-2007, 07:51 PM
There is generally no treatment to cure color deficiencies, however, certain types of tinted filters and contact lenses may help an individual to distinguish different colors better. Additionally, computer software has been developed to assist those with visual color difficulties.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorblindness)

05-20-2007, 08:16 PM
Question for my colorblind brothas. Is there a lasic style surgery for us as well? Is color blindness a change in the brain DNA, or the eyeball itself?

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not colorblind, but I know the answer (dad was mildly colorblind). It's genetic. Men suffer it more than women because it's carried on the X chromosome. Since guys have one X and women have two, women have a much smaller chance of having two defective X's so they suffer from this considerably less. Surgery can't help.

Least ways, this is true of common colorblindness. Perhaps there are unusual alternative ways to have this problem.

I used to have to do a long set of colorblindness tests every couple years. Two of the ~20 plates I had trouble with. I could tell there was something there and ultimately I figured it out but kinda had to study and squint. Nurse giving the test always said they were all blatantly obvious to her, but a large fraction of guys struggled or simply failed to get the couple charts I had trouble with. Don't recall exactly the number but I think she said you could miss 3 or 4 and still pass the FAA medical exam.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is called Color Weak, my brother has that. Yes its genetic, but that doesn't mean its not correctable. if its a brain deficiency then obviously it probably wont be a solution in our lifetime, but if the genetic deficiency is in the eye there might be a solution some day.

05-20-2007, 08:30 PM
So do all you color blind poker players have chauffers or just run a lot of red lights? I like tha fact that other players help you out, I might just ry using this scam to get a read on my oponnents from their verbal cues when answering my questions, may come in pretty darn handy.


05-20-2007, 09:49 PM
So do all you color blind poker players have chauffers or just run a lot of red lights?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, they have to pick up an orange and drop it to determine which way gravity is pulling, then compare that against the position of the light on the signal, but they get used to it after a while.

I know Google isn't as easy as the 2+2 search feature, but after typing "color blind surgery" and a few seconds of difficult scrolling, I found this:

Inherited color vision problems cannot be treated or corrected. Some acquired color vision problems can be treated, depending on the cause. For example, if a cataract is causing a problem with color vision, surgery to remove the cataract may restore normal color vision.

[/ QUOTE ]

05-20-2007, 11:08 PM
Or Canadian, eh?