View Full Version : Withdraws after July 10th

Izzy Vega
05-11-2007, 02:53 AM
After the UIGEA regulations are released, how will we withdraw money?

-Checks? Will banks have the ability to stop payment on checks issued?
-Western Union or Money Order possibilities?

Whats your thoughts?

05-11-2007, 03:23 AM
The UIGEA regulations should only affect deposits. I say should, because to assume a Bush administration DOJ wouldn't overreach its authority would be naive in my opinion.

05-11-2007, 10:40 AM
Speculation is just that---Speculation--a waste of time. Get back to us on July 11th

05-11-2007, 10:41 AM
I strongly doubt that any regulations will arrive by July 11. July 11, 2008 is a more likely target date IMO.

05-11-2007, 10:55 AM
At the end of one of Sen. Kyl's rants where he was trying to push Gonzalez to get the DOJ to provide lists of banks to the Treasury that gambling sites use he said, "The Treasury is just about to come out with the restrictions". Those aren't the exact words but something very similar so I believe it will happen within the deadline. This was in a CSPAN video clip on April 20th.

From what I gather if the DOJ does provide this periodic list (which didn't seem like Gonzalez was going to do it) that Kyl wanted banks wouldnt deal with banks on the list so I would assume no cashing of checks drawn out from those banks.

Izzy Vega
05-11-2007, 01:45 PM
Speculation is just that---Speculation--a waste of time. Get back to us on July 11th

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Oh your cool man! Im tired of this speculation is speculation crap. Screw July 11th. We should brain storm a little bit, think of the possible work arounds, inform the two plus two community and be prepared for July 11th. For the most part you all seem like intelligent people capable of determining what deposit methods will still be available!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! /images/graemlins/mad.gif

05-11-2007, 03:40 PM
Cant create a work around until you know what the obstacle is.

There are already folks out there deveoping new funding methods. A little google might help /images/graemlins/wink.gif. But even they cant be sure whats going to be needed until we see the actual regs.

05-11-2007, 03:50 PM
Oh your cool man! Im tired of this speculation is speculation crap. Screw July 11th. We should brain storm a little bit, think of the possible work arounds, inform the two plus two community and be prepared for July 11th. For the most part you all seem like intelligent people capable of determining what deposit methods will still be available!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! /images/graemlins/mad.gif

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First, if you'd have been here more than a month, you'd realize this issue has been beaten to death. May I direct your attention to the Zoo (Internet Forum) where there are thousands upon thousands of posts that you can peruse at your leisure.

Second, "Can't create a work around until you know what the obstacle is."

05-11-2007, 04:32 PM
After the UIGEA regulations are released, how will we withdraw money?

[/ QUOTE ] I would prefer to be paid in human organs. But that's just me. I don't see how they can regulate the black market sale of organs

Izzy Vega
05-11-2007, 10:21 PM
Well Round Guy-
Searched the zoo. Didnt find much about withdraws after July 10th. Found threads about deposits after July 10th. In my opinion dont feel the topic was sufficently addressed, but whatever.
Dont understand the general attitude of this forum. If you feel this topic has been beat to death, then dont add to it. This is a forum, its function is to discuss issues, thoughts, ideas, concerns etc......I feel if I want o revisit a issue for new insight or because im not satisfied with the discussion, I should be able to.

Anyways any thoughts or insights on how we will withdraw after July 10th would be appreciated. We can cound out electronic transfers. So we are left with paper checks. Is it feasible after July 10th online casino will be able to process checks for US withdraws???

Vinyard that [censored] is hillarious.........

Ron Burgundy
05-11-2007, 10:36 PM
Seriously, how the [censored] do you expect anyone to have the answers you're looking for when no one knows what the regs are yet?

Izzy Vega
05-12-2007, 03:32 AM
Seriously, how the [censored] do you expect anyone to have the answers you're looking for when no one knows what the regs are yet?

[/ QUOTE ]
Hey [censored] head...................

90% of this forum is educated guess's and speculation. I am not looking for someone to say "hey Izzy this is how its going to be."

What I am looking for is someone with knowledge in banking and a understanding of the UIGEA to offer some intelligent insight.

Its obvious electronic payments (wire transgers, e wallets etc....) are going to become much more difficult to process. That leaves us with paper checks for withdraws.

No one has really discussed how the UIGEA regulations will effect withdraws. Everyone seems to have focused on deposits and have forgotten the second half of the equation.

I am not worried about deposits. I can make sure my accounts are properly funded. I am worried about being able to withdraw once its time for rent.

If Kyl is sucessful in creating a black list and check processors stop processing checks, which both are feasible, then what the hell are we going to do to get paid.

-western union?
-money orders?
-personal checks?

It wouldnt be difficult for someone in this forum who has some knowledge of banking and the UIGEA to make a educated assumption of how the poker market will handle transactions if deposits and withdraws will be possible.......
-Do you feel that we will resort to money orders and western union if still possible?
-Will there be a cat and mouse game with the US government and ewallets and check processors?

What the hell is your guy's problem. Like I said: This is a forum and its purporse is that the poker community has a platform to share thoughts, ideas, information etc......I feel I have a valid discussion and I am hoping for someone to offer some good insight. What is wrong with that?

Your right this forum has discussed how the UIGEA will effect deposits but not much on withdraws. So I am interested in hearing opinions. Is this not the place to discuss how the UIGEA will effect the poker commuinty. This is twoplustwo.com right? This is the legislation forum, right?


If you dont have any intelligent insight dont post, move to a thread were you feel you have something to offer......Dont rip on me becuase you dont have the anwser. Someone out there has a good understanding of banking and the UIGEA and I am sure has something valuable to say. [censored] HEADS!

05-12-2007, 03:58 AM
you smell like troll, but whatever, I will take a shot


Hey [censored] head...................


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Hey retard,

Basically everything you mentioned has been speculated upon ad nauseum since October. Everybody's best guess is already out there because this is, in the parlance of our times, old [censored] news. People have been telling you this but maybe if you create a few more threads things will somehow be different? There is a search function, try using it.



05-12-2007, 12:22 PM
The answer, is that whatever method you used to withdraw on July 10th, you will be using on July 11th...

Beyond that, wait for at least the draft of the Regs to appear before speculating in a vacuum of no information.