View Full Version : The Barney Frank Interview....a "must listen"

05-10-2007, 07:43 PM
I started a new thread to make sure everyone here gets the link to the 5/9 Holdemradio.com interview. It's excellent....twenty minutes of discussion on every facet of IGREA. It's at www.holdemradio.com/podcasts/media/mp3s/BarneyFrank.mp3 (http://www.holdemradio.com/podcasts/media/mp3s/BarneyFrank.mp3) .

05-10-2007, 08:13 PM
Pumped on Poker is one of their best shows, IMHO. The only one better is DR Al's "The Psychology of Poker."

05-10-2007, 11:54 PM
I hope EVERYONE listens to this podcast and does EXACTLY what Rep. Frank suggests.

05-11-2007, 05:30 AM
can you please tell us what he said to do

05-11-2007, 06:10 AM
I dunno much else about this guy but Frank is quickly becoming my favorite US politician.

also props to this site on getting Frank on the air but they definitely need to find a better interviewer.

edit: just finished it. these guys [censored] suck at interviewing.

Jerry D
05-11-2007, 06:57 AM
can you please tell us what he said to do

[/ QUOTE ]

He said to write your member of congress and tell them, "I work hard for my money and I resent the US Govt. trying to tell me what I, as an adult can do with my own money." But you should really listen to the whole interview at holdemradio. (Just don't click on the HORRIBLE Susie Isaccs show, I somehow ended up listening to some of that and it was badder than bad. All she did was talk about how great she was and plug her books with her irritating southern accent. Her show made me want to puke. How on earth can they put garbage like that out for people to listen to?)

05-11-2007, 07:01 AM
edit: just finished it. these guys [censored] suck at interviewing.

[/ QUOTE ]

99% of that radio staion sucks.

It's run by an irresponsible alcoholic who is lucky to have a couple talented people on board. This interview team is not one of them.

Barney frank was more than ready to leave at the end.

Jerry D
05-11-2007, 11:47 AM
Yes, www.roundersradio.com (http://www.roundersradio.com) is much better. Holdemradio is not very good.

05-11-2007, 12:25 PM
Holdemradio's listeners seem to be mostly adults, 30+, that play freerolls and low buyin tourneys. They are interested in what kind of underwear the TV Pros wear and what they drink.

Yes, they drink shots of tequila live on the air and often drink more than they should. I am not trying to represent Holdem Radio as the greatest poker resource ever, it has its good points and its bad points, but it is improving.

2+2r's are often much more serious about poker and much more critical than most. I think Holdem Radio does a fine job for their demographic. I found them via Cake Poker. I saw a tourney that was broadcast live on Internet Radio and decided to play. That was about January of this year and I feel they have made great improvements.

Their shows are improving and they are getting higher profile guests. If they didn't get Barney Frank's interview, you wouldn't have the opportunity to complain about them.

05-11-2007, 05:18 PM
I dunno much else about this guy but Frank is quickly becoming my favorite US politician.

also props to this site on getting Frank on the air but they definitely need to find a better interviewer.

edit: just finished it. these guys [censored] suck at interviewing.

[/ QUOTE ]

I loved the part where Frank said that he doesn't like to force his own personal values onto others, and that if he were to do so the world's population would shrink dramatically. I rolled in the damn floor laughing.

05-11-2007, 06:42 PM
Agree with him or not, Rep. Franks is funny and fun to listen. Same is true for Rep. Charles Rangel.

05-12-2007, 01:41 AM
my fav is the clip where he says something to the effect of," I spend all day fighting for people, protecting them from xyz, at the end of the day, I just dont have the energy left to protect them from themselves."

Amen, its NOT your job to protect people from themselves and I thank you for not trying to.

05-12-2007, 05:33 PM
awesome interview, thanks for the link. im posting this in hsnl and msnl.

05-13-2007, 09:44 PM
Barney Frank (7:40) - "Look, I just don't think the government ought to stop adults from doing things with their own money that they enjoy doing that don't hurt anybody else. That includes gambling. That includes other things. That includes looking at pictures of naked people."

Barney Frank (10:30) - "If the average congressman got 400-500 people saying 'Change your vote and get out of my life and off my back', a lot of votes would get switched."

Barney Frank (11:30) - "If I only had people do what I do, the world would be very different."

Barney Frank (12:20) - "If there's something in the Bible that says don't gamble, there's apparently an exception for Bingo."

Barney Frank (19:20) - "Please. All your listeners. Write to your senators and your representatives and tell them to back off."


05-20-2007, 08:03 PM
Finally got around to listening to this. Great interview. It sounds like he thinks that if people contact their representatives, he can get this passed. So if you haven't done so yet, contact your represenative.