View Full Version : What would you do with all the informaiton on the net?

KCT - dietcoke
02-18-2006, 05:19 AM
Assuming you could instantly, Freakazoid-style, absorb all the information on the internet, and simultaneously comprehend it, how would you go about making money?
1. You cannot do anything "immoral" within the confines of common sense "ie. just cause you know everyone's bank information does not mean you should just go empty their accounts".
2.Don't just put a job you would like, such as interpreting for the entire UN at once, or something, because that's treading into more hippie, life-fulfiiled waters. Think max money possible.
3.Give poker a shot! Ii lie awake at night dreaming of what it would be like to instantly absorb the contents of just 2+2's website, and what that would entail for me as a poker player (not to mention mathematician). What would your strategy be? (Assume unfettered access to some good pc's)

02-18-2006, 05:36 AM
Well, I would know the best way once I had all the information.

Considering the business information available online, probably investing. I would know everything about business theory and quite a bit about the specific performance of individual industries and businesses. That kind of knowledge would make it easy to invest intelligently. Also there might be some insider information stored online (if that's not "immoral").

KCT - dietcoke
02-18-2006, 05:45 AM
Arrrgh, valid point although it obviously goes against the spirit of the question. I had already thought of this when considering the question but decided not to include it. It's like responding to "What would you do if you were God for a day?" with "If i was God i would be so smart i would know exactly what to do."
That kind of response is like telling a virgin he needs to get laid to understand women, because understanding them is the only way to get them into bed".

02-18-2006, 06:26 AM
That's why I also included the investing response. But it's very possible my opinion would change.

And money gets women into bed, too.

Leaky Eye
02-18-2006, 07:00 AM
I would be Google.

02-18-2006, 07:38 AM
How would you know what info you have gotten is BS? Seems like if you just absorbed everything there will be stuff that gets in that is completly false.

I think I would spend a couple of months break Jennings Jeopardy winnings record.