View Full Version : Legal to use foreign bank account for poker from US?

05-07-2007, 12:34 AM
I'm guessing this has been addressed somewhere here, but I couldn't find it in search. I did come across an thread from 1-2 months about about how to go about getting set up with a foreign bank account.

My question is - is there something illegal for a US citizen to set up the foreign account, use a foreign maildrop or whatever else is needed, transfer money from your US bank, and deposit to play on any given site using a VPN?

Edit: I'm assuming that the account holder keeps records of all this activity and pays taxes on poker profits.

05-14-2007, 12:32 AM

05-14-2007, 12:59 AM
Its not illegal (unless its illegal in your state), but it violates site T&C.

05-14-2007, 01:01 AM
It would be as legal as playing from whatever State you live in.

(Sniper, what site's terms and conditions discuss where you can deposit from ? Most sites I know would LOVE to get a deposit from just about anywhere.)

05-14-2007, 01:19 AM
It would be as legal as playing from whatever State you live in.

(Sniper, what site's terms and conditions discuss where you can deposit from ? Most sites I know would LOVE to get a deposit from just about anywhere.)

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The reason for doing everything that he described would be to play at sites that won't allow US players. If such a site, let's say Party for example were to discover that a player from the US were circumventing the ban by playing thru a VPN, they would surely shut down the account.

05-14-2007, 01:41 AM
It would be as legal as playing from whatever State you live in.

(Sniper, what site's terms and conditions discuss where you can deposit from ? Most sites I know would LOVE to get a deposit from just about anywhere.)

[/ QUOTE ]

The reason for doing everything that he described would be to play at sites that won't allow US players.

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I think there are other reasons for opening a foreign bank account. I would want a foreign bank account if all US banks quit cashing checks from poker sites.

05-14-2007, 02:23 AM
My view on this is that using a foreign bank account is the most effective way of bypassing current and future problems with US legislation. I do think you are safe legally as onus is on companies processing payments not the individual. Challenge is finding a bank that is overseas and will accept a PO Box as an address. I think that is unlikely.

I expect there are overseas credit card/bank internet accounts you can set up a little easier. I read about a company called sprintcard or something like that a few months back but have no idea if they accept US customers. However I think what they claimed they could do was set up a virtual and creditable online bank account and then use it to fund gaming sites.

Good luck

05-14-2007, 03:19 AM
Yeah, but Sniper is psychic

05-14-2007, 03:43 AM
Yeah, but Sniper is psychic

[/ QUOTE ]

Sometimes, but in this case, I just read everything he wrote...

My question is - is there something illegal for a US citizen to set up the foreign account, use a foreign maildrop or whatever else is needed, transfer money from your US bank, and deposit to play on any given site using a VPN?

[/ QUOTE ]

05-14-2007, 03:58 AM
Still think you read too much into it

05-14-2007, 11:31 AM
Thanks for the info, and Sniper made a good read - I'm basically just interested because it would be nice to play on Party.

Regarding thelogan's comments, my understanding is that foreign bank accounts CAN be opened using a drop box address. Is that not the case?