View Full Version : Are we making headway?

05-04-2007, 02:02 PM
I'm to lazy to read through all the posts, and just want a quick answer.

Is poker making any headway to be how it was Pre-UIGEA?


05-04-2007, 02:31 PM
yes, but still a long way to go. . .

05-04-2007, 02:31 PM
I don't know about pre-UIGEA, but it's definitely improving it's image and making a push to get in a better place than it is now. We're not degenerate money-laundering terrorists to as many people in Congress as we were last year, so that's good.

Cactus Jack
05-05-2007, 03:58 AM
Some of the threads are worth reading to the end.

I think we are, actually. The best way to improve our lot is to generate lots of debate. Every time there is debate on the legitimacy of poker, I think we win it. Those who condemn it end up looking foolish. In the end, we'll carry the day, whether this year or in the distant future.

The genie is out of the bottle. Poker is out of the backrooms and is a mainstream pasttime. That won't change, I believe. Too many people have found out it's a great way to spend time. At some point, the Puritans will have to let it go, declare victory and move on to harrassing someone else.

I'm hoping that at some point, a court case ala what happened in Cali or the Tax Court will find it's way to Federal Court and a team of smart lawyers for our side will end the debate once and for all and poker will be free of all prohibitions.

In my dreams.