View Full Version : How well does 3betting light at B&M 1/2 NL work?

Roma Norgy
05-03-2007, 05:41 PM
(Note: I already used the search function and checked out all the threads that came up under "3bet" in this forum--only 3 of them)

I'm very experienced online but only have a few hours of B&M experience to my credit and that was before I was any good. I've read around that pre-flop reraises are almost rare in 1/2 NL games and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with 3betting lightly and where the cutoff line is on profitability is to 3bet people who may not fold anyway. I plan on 3betting TT+ and AK for sure but I'll tighten up to JJ+ if you guys think 3betting TT is a leak live, but what about loosening up to 88+/AQ+?

Also, I'll probably raise to about pot. Will that win the pot or get me heads up a lot of the time?

Thanks in advance,

05-03-2007, 05:57 PM
Belongs in a strategy forum.

05-03-2007, 06:01 PM
Just like online, it all depends on the makeup of the table. I've 3bet very light live at some tables and I've tighted up massively on others. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy. I've not found the need to differentiate between live and online when it comes to these sorts of questions.

Cactus Jack
05-04-2007, 11:29 AM

Belongs in a strategy forum.

[/ QUOTE ]

If it does, please allow the mods to do their job. Those of us who don't play online don't have time to wade through all the posts looking for the few threads about live hands.

I'd rather read strategy posts in B&M than the constant "where's the weakest games?" and is cow tipping really tipping?

I now release the hijack back to it's original owner.

05-04-2007, 11:38 AM
I've only played casino nl a few times but you should try 3-betting after folding for an orbit or so. The entire table will look at you like you automatically have to have AA. Then you do it again and they still think you have AA. Then again and they start to get nervous that they're about to lose their money.

05-04-2007, 11:51 AM
You can't just take a simplistic approach to 3-betting like choosing X% of hands. Live full ring is pretty loose, so I wouldn't 3-bet except against late position or lag raisers with suited connectors and stuff.

05-04-2007, 11:52 AM
Depends on 2 things:

1. Table make up. Are the players able to fold or are they calling stations? Are their alot of limpers or is it a tight, solid table.

2. How much is your 3 bet? In a 1/2 game with several limpers, if you raise PF in MP to $6, don't expect anyone to fold!!! That's nothing more than a pot sweetner. Pop it to $20 or more & separate the men from the boys. After the flop, a pot size bet will usually take it down.

Also, what do you mean by "light"? Does that mean, "I'm raising with junk cards on a bluff" or "I'm raising 3x the BB & have a decent hand"?

05-04-2007, 11:59 AM
The biggest thing to remember is that it is full ring not 6max. Reads on table are also important make your first 3 bets solid and see how the table reacts. I've sat at some tables that will have 3 players call a 3 bet with 67s, 99, and AJ. Other tables will heavily respect it, but the biggest difference is that this is a full table.