View Full Version : poker carve-out bill to be introduced?

05-03-2007, 05:11 PM
From a previously linked article (http://www.pokerplayernewspaper.com/viewarticle.php?id=1956) :

From inside the Beltway, comes word that D'Amato and the PPA may be more excited about Florida Representative Robert Wexler's imminent plans to submit a poker carve-out bill ... Online poker players are still hopeful of a fast and complete rescue—in an unfettered poker carve-out from UIGEA; one that excludes poker from any gambling prohibitions, by treating it as a game of skill. This is the road that Representative Wexler is reportedly poised to travel. Passage of a bill based on this strategy is a near-term long shot according to most everyone's calculations on the Hill. But the jury is still out as to who is whistling Dixie and who will actually make headway in Congress with favorable online gambling legislation this year.

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05-03-2007, 07:58 PM
Excellent! Wexler used to be against us.

Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL) spoke in favor of HR 3125, the 2000 Internet Gambling Prohibition Act. He stated that "I strongly support this bill for three primary reasons: first, it gives law enforcement the ability to block offshore casino Web sites; second, the bill protects children from gambling; and, third, it protects the rights of States to continue governing a legal, regulated, taxpaying industry, the parimutuel industry."

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He came around once he learned the facts, apparently. Peter King in NY came around this time as well. As we keep writing to these uncommitted guys, we'll pick off more and more. http://aarontodd.casinocitytimes.com/articles/28495.html

05-03-2007, 09:26 PM
Engineer is right!

And not just about the "uncommitted" ones.

Most of the ones who voted FOR the UIGEA in the House did so out of either party loyalty or because their default understanding of their voter's preference is "anti-gambling." Showing them there is a statistically significant poker voting block in their district WILL make a difference. And while idiots like Sen. Kyl of AZ are unreachable, some others might actually think about the whole thing and come to agree with us.



Jack Bando
05-03-2007, 11:18 PM
We should use the plan the Democrats use regarding state and how they stand. (Sounds wierd, I'll explain)

They had a 50 states plan last election, where they went to every state to talk. Even Texas and other ones that are 100% Republican. Why? They want to turn the 100% Republican states to 90%, the 90%s to 75%s, etc... (I made those numbers up, but anwyay).

The guy who is on the fence we should try to make barely on our side, the guy who is barely against us we should put on the fence today, and so on.


05-04-2007, 01:22 AM
peter king is on our side now? i am shocked

05-04-2007, 02:11 AM
peter king is on our side now? i am shocked

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Yea I wrote him a pleasant e-mail.

05-04-2007, 09:15 AM
Man I hate the word "carve-out". Since when did poker turn into a roasted meat. Can't we call it what it truly is -- an exemption.

I'll have some mashed potatoes and gravy with that.