View Full Version : Online Poker After Regualtion Are Released.

Izzy Vega
05-02-2007, 04:06 PM
Fellas, what are your general thoughts on how online poker will be further affected once the regulations are released in july?

05-02-2007, 04:10 PM
Not trying to be a dick, but this has been discussed ad nauseum here and you should use the search function. Mainly it is a matter of speculation and we will have to wait until the regs come out, see how they are able or not to be enforced, and how the sites react.

Izzy Vega
05-02-2007, 04:17 PM
Ok....I was just trying to find out what everyone's general opinion.

I did find a lot once I used the search engine. Thanks!

Seems most dont think much will change and a small minority feel its the end.

You were right it seemed everyone agreed it's all speculation.

Still welcome any comments or thoughts. Any articles anyone has to share would also be appreciated.