View Full Version : xpost from bbv: taxes are not required?!!?!?!!!!!!!

05-01-2007, 06:27 AM
some educated replies please!.....is there really no law that requires us to pay taxes???

http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showfl...c=#Post10195495 (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=10195495&page=0&vc=#Post 10195495)

05-01-2007, 07:05 AM

05-01-2007, 09:43 AM
cmon man you read it in bbv.....

05-01-2007, 11:53 AM
Well, I can't give you an educated response but, if you believe this then I have one piece of advice for you---when you get sent to jail DO NOT LEAN OVER AND PICK UP THE SOAP!!!!---

The Bandit Fish
05-01-2007, 03:37 PM
As good old, not-so-honest Abe once said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."

The fact that people buy into this amuses me to no end. Even if every argument were 100% correct, you can't honestly think the courts are going to cut off their own funding by removing the governments ability to collect taxes.

05-01-2007, 05:17 PM
Just use basic logic: people like saving money. People don't like paying taxes. If it were 100% legal not to pay income taxes, I think that most people would have figured it out pretty quickly, and this fact would have been broadcast over many reputable sources, instead of some crazy libertarian* living in his parents' basement. Just put some serious thought into it, really.

* It's not that I hate libertarians, really, I agree with them on a lot of issues, but far too many of them tend to live in a fantasy world with gumdrop houses and lollipop lanes.

05-01-2007, 07:59 PM
some educated replies please!.....is there really no law that requires us to pay taxes???

http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showfl...c=#Post10195495 (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=10195495&page=0&vc=#Post 10195495)

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It's just some conspiracy theory [censored]. Think about it. If there was no law, Congress would pass one, as they need the money. The IRS publishes a document every year debunking this nonsense. If it were true, wouldn't they just have the law changed? It's not like there's no support for it in Congress. They spend all the income taxes they take in and then some.

Also, you'll note that the people who try this are in jail. It appears the judges found them guilty of something.

05-02-2007, 02:16 AM
there not all in jail

05-02-2007, 10:56 AM
there not all in jail

[/ QUOTE ]

that's comforting

05-02-2007, 01:33 PM