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04-26-2007, 07:01 AM

04-26-2007, 07:11 AM
Looks fine the flop raise is weak I would just call.

04-26-2007, 07:14 AM
Raise preflop to take the pot down. I think I check/call or bet the river, depending on villain. I don't see what non-flush or non-straight hands call an all-in here. I'm not sure if I like the turn. Since you've got the nut draw and the board isn't paired, I think it's ok.

04-26-2007, 07:22 AM
I think this line is ok.

The problem is you don't know where your opponent is, but your opponent can pretty easily put you on a big(ace) spade and you can use this to your adavntage.

You hit an excellent card on the river, in some sense this card could be better than a spade. Because of the way you played it til the river, I think you get enough calls from hands you beat. Only probablem is a fair amount of times he will have the flush, as his min raise on flop could easily mean that. Also, better opponents will check behind with alot of hands you would get value out of by betting the river.

I think betting the river has some advantages and some disadvantages. But I think for this hand check/raising is probabaly slightly better. But it's close.

04-26-2007, 07:25 AM
Just call the river, your hand isn't strong enough to raise here in my opinion.

04-26-2007, 07:50 AM
I don't like this river push at all, you are only getting called by a hand that beats you. Call here, you have enough showdown value to win this enough % of the time