View Full Version : uNL 6 Month check up

04-25-2007, 11:44 PM
So, its been about 6 months since uNL opened. So far Id like to think that is been a success, but alas, not perfect. I would like to hear what the users have to say wrt to quality of advice, community, tone, moderation, etc.


uNL mods.

04-26-2007, 12:22 AM
bout to play a sesh but ill post some thoughts lata on tonight/tomrorow morning

04-26-2007, 12:32 AM
uNL and the stickies has taught me just about everything that I know about poker. I mean, it wasn't hand fed to me by any means and I had to wade through a lot of noise to get there, but I feel like there's a lot of value in this forum if you're willing to really critically examine your play and actively debate in the hands that you post. When I see threads that people post and then don't get in the commentary asking questions and such, it makes me wonder how much they actually learned.

04-26-2007, 12:51 AM
The posts seem to get more replies after the split, more thorough discussion. I was worried about losing some good SSNL posters, but there is definitely enough of them, and good uNL posters as well. I like it.

04-26-2007, 01:07 AM
I like it. It feels like home.

The quality of advice is mixed but that's pretty much to be expected. Commenting on hands, getting it wrong, and being corrected (sometimes not) by someone who has a better grasp of the situation is part of the learning process. I'd expect this to be true of the other strategy forums as well, just on a higher level.

04-26-2007, 01:08 AM
Same here, I was not a forum member before the split, but I like these forums very much. A lot of good discussions by players who seem to know what they are talking about.

Keep up the good work!!!

04-26-2007, 01:10 AM
I love it here a lot more than I thought coming from CardRunners. Pretty easy to filter the bad advice and there's not as much of it as I thought there would be. Also very little flaming. Everything from even negative comments is constructive (knock on wood). Best sticky around as well. KEEP IT UP!

04-26-2007, 01:46 AM
STTF is my home ... but I've found the new forum a very accessible way to get into cash game thinking. Good job.

04-26-2007, 02:10 AM
I started uNL about 2 months ago; I don't see what can be done better. There are definitely some good regular experienced players who post and keep the quality of advice high and that is great! The stickies were invaluable and gave me lots to study as I was getting started. The mods keep the posts to the rules.

What more can anyone ask for? Other forums on the internet (for any stake) do not compare.

04-26-2007, 03:10 AM
uNL is good for what it is, but I'd like to see some more senior posters besides Gelford (only posts in uBrew) and Koloture (even though he's 17 lol). Isura's recent theory post was well thought out and insightful, but way above the thought process of players at .05/.1 to .25/.50....I almost think going through chapters from the upcoming Professional No Limit and/or Theory and Practice would be great theory posts for this forum because it'll enforce the fundamentals that much more. I'd also like to see a PokerTracker series where more than just Pokey's work is the guidelines........stats thread ohhh, nvmd.

04-26-2007, 03:13 AM
Eeeexcelent stickies.

I really like the fact that there are experienced players posting, and it isn't just "it is 25NL, please go broke with top pair regardless of reads".

I do miss having a biweekly session review though..

04-26-2007, 03:59 AM
i enjoy posting in unl better then ssnl (as shown by me still postin here regularly instead of almost never in ssnl) but i think tha threads started vs the amount of decent posters is a much better frequency than at ssnl. and that is just because more newbs come in and think they should b playin 100nl or w/e. so i think that is a good part of this forum.

it obv still has newb crap every now and again but that is standard imo and tha mods do a good job of lockin it down and keep tha completely standard posts to a minimum.

a couple things i would like to seen done is have a desginated person or group of a couple people in ssnl or from where ever (just solid posters who dont come down here all that often) step up for like a day a piece and maybe have 24 hours of posting on n e decent hands that are posted here. not like every hand but there r always at least 5 or 6 solid threads goin each day imo and it would b nice to have 1 or 2 good posters who look at them a day or 2 a week and chime in more. just to get some more in depth poker thought comin thru to better train all of us on how to post and think more efficiently.

another thing i would like is for people to make weekley digest as i think that helps a ton and makes it much easier for tha good posters who do actually drop by here on the occasion able to find the interesting threads that have taken place recently. (basically an insentive to get some better posters to come look since everything would b right in front of them and they wouldnt have to sift thru tha abc posts)

overall tho i cant think of too much. imma play a bit more and maybe come up with a lil more. idk. but i do love unl and tha good small community we have here. not too much flaming and good ot discussion in tha brew for tha most part (i think it has been less bad beat hands and that crap and more entertaining stuff imo of late so good job on that)

emc u have yet to drop tha TR u promised. get on that kthnx

04-26-2007, 04:02 AM
I like the weekly digest idea.

04-26-2007, 04:05 AM
uNL is good for what it is, but I'd like to see some more senior posters besides Gelford (only posts in uBrew)

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Well a month or two back I posted in every single thread, but it gets tough after a while to keep up the steam. At least I gave you a nice little video /images/graemlins/smile.gif

The reason you post is often to help yourself as much as others, by posting you get into a discussion, and while I was new to cash start of march and so needed to work on my fundamentals, that is not the case anymore, so my intencitament is reduced.

But there is actually another reason why I don't post much, and that is that, I do not want to be the truthsayer .. I could easily post in every thread, but that might kill the discussion. The value of a forum is that you get to discuss things, you state your view, someone disagrees, you defend it etc etc. I feel that if I post to much, I might accidentally rob you of this opportunity.

So yeah, I must admit, my posting is mainly in threads by posters like thac, kaz, jonyy, xanta, ama, kolo, NL Newbie, etc etc etc .....

I have not much to say about this forum, I think it is good, the atmosphere is friendly and people are for the most part helpfull.

There might be a little issue with me, kolo, thac etc being in the brew so much, I guess we should become a part of the SSNL loop, but old habits die slow, this is what feels like home.

Only thing is, that advice is often bordering on horrid, but what can you do ... it is the noob forum, and reading skills are hard to learn.

But all in all from me ... thumbs up to this forum /images/graemlins/smile.gif

ciro bonano
04-26-2007, 05:21 AM
I love the weekly digest idea.


04-26-2007, 06:59 AM
weekly digest sounds great, but a lot of work.

i really like kaz's other idea of getting experienced SSNL posters down here to make sure there's one really solid thread (like Pokey's suited connector thread) per day. That would be awesome.

The stickies are improving, but I still think they are worse than SSNL's. Obviously it would be silly to duplicate all the links, but a link to the SSNL stickies would be helpful. I can't think of many posts that should have been stickied but haven't, so I guess it's just a question of time. I missed the Isura post though; could someone link me?

Moderation (locking down etc) is generally good, but IIRC a few threads by obvious new posters have been shut down without explanation which it would be nice to avoid.

In general though, great job.

04-26-2007, 07:40 AM
sorry, there is already a link the SSNL wisdom in the uNL sticky.

04-26-2007, 08:04 AM
it's good, ssnl is too much for the guys playing 10-25 NL and like half the guys playing 50. whoever thought of this is MATHS GENIUS!

04-26-2007, 08:22 AM
I like it very much and my game has improved tremendously. My request from posters is to try to give more explainations for their one word answers. I've been guilty of this in the past, but I'm trying to be more thorough. The advice is mostly great, and it is a friendly atmosphere.

04-27-2007, 02:19 AM
quick bump efore I reply

04-27-2007, 02:31 AM
All I can say is coming here, posting and reading has been a lot of fun, it's helped me learn a lot, and put a lot of cash in my pocket.


04-27-2007, 03:43 AM
I like the friendly tone around here. I learned a lot coming from limit poker. Of course there are a lot of "standard" hands posted here and it becomes hard to reply to them with the same answer over and over again. The advice given is often debatable, but I certainly give bad advice myself sometimes. All in all, someone who is new to the game can learn a ton around here.

04-27-2007, 03:59 AM
I think that this is a nice community. But I do agree on the lack of regular posters. SSNL has been in a bit of turmoil lately, but I'll try to get some ssnlers to come down here.

04-27-2007, 04:32 AM
uNL, ask more questions and ask for reasons backing up theory more often

04-27-2007, 04:55 AM
uNL has been the main reason for me being able to move from NL10 to NL100 in four months. /images/graemlins/heart.gif

04-27-2007, 06:05 AM
I started playing 6max uNL half march and my daily visits on this forum are really helpful.

Didn't come here before, so can't compare but i think it's very useful now. Maybe a little lack of regular solid posters. But that's inevitable as for most people uNL is just a temporary phase before moving up to SSNL.

04-27-2007, 07:28 AM
i totally agree with the poster above me.

04-27-2007, 09:45 AM
I used to be able to get posters like balugawhale and tufat to post here, but Baluga is too busy bustoing on Moroccoan tatas and tufat is busy being tufat. Ill try to AIM some guys to get more regulars here.

Also too, do people think we are locking too many threads? I often feel as if a thread should be locked because it provides little content but there are always responses to these threads. What are peoples thoughts on this?

04-27-2007, 09:50 AM
Ive never had any problems with locked threads. All my questions were solved on any threads i made, even if a question was open then because noone answered, where we should be on the first point (lack of regulars)

04-27-2007, 09:55 AM
back a little while ago there was some posts with the "weekly concept" from SSNL such as light 3-betting, RIO, etc. I thought these were VERY helpful for NL50 and probably even NL25 and down for most of the concepts.

also, something like a "C-bet quiz" was always very helpful

I realize many ppl here are trying to learn the game (as am I) and that most ppl are trying to learn basic lines with hands like tptk, etc., but it would be nice to see some theory posts or something similar in both here and SSNL.

04-27-2007, 09:59 AM
Is it really been 6months? wow goes quickly yet seems like been here for ages though I do miss the 'ol SSNL with the SSNLers.

I think uNL has been going quite well. A good thing happening recently is some uNLers who 'graduated' still post in here and passs on there knowledge - I now consider this my home and probably would still post here more if I get my finger out and start playing more and better /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I think those concept of the weeks thing was a good idea - perhaps we should have some kind of weekly focused discussion again on something.

Maybe someone selects a topic and there's a thread for discussion/hands e.t.c for the week - just an idea , though they can choose someone for next week.

BTW we should have a 6month uNL donkament - with bounties on the mods /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

04-27-2007, 10:01 AM
My take on it is this: when I first came here, I was looking for the word of experienced posters over anyone else, but I've found that most of the 'horrid' advice in uNL (and I have given it from time to time) gets you thinking more.

When I wrote my undergrad thesis, our instructor taught us to question both what we read and what we wrote. I think this approach is tantamount to success in understanding how to approach poker study.

In general though, I would say the stickies have helped me most. A weekly digest of some of the more interesting hands would be great, as uNL is constantly morphing into a different animal as the weeks and months go by.

04-27-2007, 10:02 AM
Is it really been 6months? wow goes quickly yet seems like been here for ages though I do miss the 'ol SSNL with the SSNLers.

I think uNL has been going quite well. A good thing happening recently is some uNLers who 'graduated' still post in here and passs on there knowledge - I now consider this my home and probably would still post here more if I get my finger out and start playing more and better /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I think those concept of the weeks thing was a good idea - perhaps we should have some kind of weekly focused discussion again on something.

Maybe someone selects a topic and there's a thread for discussion/hands e.t.c for the week - just an idea , though they can choose someone for next week.

BTW we should have a 6month uNL donkament - with bounties on the mods /images/graemlins/tongue.gif

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Without revealing too much, there may be something donkament and mod related soon.

04-27-2007, 10:05 AM
The general attitude of uNL is pretty good imo and it has definately improved my game a lot.

As others have said there is a lack of decent regs, and I like the digest idea. IMO the main problem with uNL is that the general quality of discusion is too basic and so many threads have standard replys. This is probably mainly due to the lack of decent regs and the fact that most hands posted in uNL involve terrible villains where the ABC-line works best. Even if hands/villains are made up I would like to see some less standard situations being posted where the villain is a thinking player. I think that would spark off some good discussion between the better posters. Perhaps the mods could do something like this (Hand of the day or week or whatever.)?

Overall though I think that uNL is doing really well.

EMc - If anything I think too little threads are being locked.

04-27-2007, 10:09 AM

First, if anyone ever wants to do a digest just PM me and let me know, there is a custom title for those that do it.

Second, I dont think adding really complex hands here is a good idea. If you want to read about complex situations, villians, and non-ABC, go to SSNL. Trust me, you wont be upset. ABC is what works best here and I dont want to make things overly complicated.

04-27-2007, 10:24 AM
I think overall the forum is fine. The mods, you in particular are doing a great job. The advice in the threads seems good overall and there has been a growing feeling of community as time goes by.

I agree with the comments about SSNL or even MSNL players providing content. Some are consistant, others come and go. I think there should be more concept or theory posts, like pokey has done in the past. It also may be time to look at some new mods for the forum although the current lineup spend time here and like I said up front, all are doing a great job, maybe its time to add 1 or 2 home grown mods sometime in the future.

This is nitty but when I post a hand here, I go to SSNL to get a converter and perhaps adding the links to the faq here(maybe they are there I just haven't found them) would be good.

Lastly, this is a high volume original post forum. Perhaps limiting the number of hands per day as was suggested in the SSNL improvement thread would be a good idea. I often find interesting hands on the 2d or 3d page with only 2-4 replies.

Those minor points aside, it was a very good move to add this forum to 2p2 and this forum is great.

04-27-2007, 11:19 AM
I agree with most of what has been said: mods are doing a great job, attitudes are good, etc. GtrHtr makes a good point in that there are some posters who throw up 5-6 hands right in a row and then never respond when people post on their hands. That seems pointless to me, and something like a 2-3 hands/day limit may improve the quality of discussion on good hands and reduce the amount of "noise" here in uNL.

I really like that this forum exists...if you read BBV or any other parts of the boards, you'll see that no one really gives a crap about uNL since the amount of money involved is so small. For those of us just getting started and working to improve our play this is a very positive atmosphere.

04-27-2007, 11:20 AM
First off, everyone should have their settings changed so you can see more than 10 replies on a page. You can change it so you can see the 99 latest posts on the front page of any forum as well as the first 99 replies. This has helped me tremendously.

Second, as I am done with my main semester and am just on May Term, I plan on reading/posting on 2+2 a [censored] ton more. I have been lacking in my poker studies lately. I may consider doing a digest of maybe the Top 10 discussions once a week.

04-27-2007, 11:21 AM
LOL I don't care if people think this place is worthless. If you're trying to learn an ABC cash game against a mix of good and bad players, this is the best place on the internet.

04-27-2007, 03:47 PM
When I notice someone posting a lot in a row, I usually send them a warning.

04-27-2007, 04:50 PM
I love the weekly digest idea.


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