View Full Version : Playing with a shoving maniac (pre-flop)

04-25-2007, 11:44 PM
I was playing on FTP tonight and one of the players was shoving for a full bi (more once he'd won a few small pots preflop) to standard preflop raises every ~10 hands and was shoving a lot postflop too. Pretty much, a maniac. He was playing two NL50 tables, one of which I was on, and he was doing the same on the other table. He was also at a 2/4 table, which I have no clue if he was playing regular on or maniac-style.

I'm wondering what your preflop calling range would be to call his pushes. He can't have QQ+, AK every time, since he's shoving so much. I had AA in my second orbit, I think he limped, I raised to ~2.50 and he shoved w/ JJ, for example.

Regarding postflop, he shoves a lot too. For example, I had something like J9 and this hand came up: JTK, I bet something like 3$ and he min-raised. Call, turn is a blank, goes check-check and the river is the Q, giving me bottom straight. I check, and he goes all-in for ~35-40$. He's done stuff like this many times, but is my hand good often enough to warrant a call?

04-25-2007, 11:49 PM
This is one of those spots where I enjoy my ex-sng training.

Depending on how nitty you are you go for a top something hand. I'd be happy with a top 40% type hand, but you can tighten that up to top 30% or top 20% depending on how eager you are to tangle with him before the rest of the table gets to him.