View Full Version : misplayed hand??

04-17-2007, 04:07 PM
I am trying to convince my brother he misplayed this hand badly....concur? I am villain...25.50 NL..effective stack sizes 50 bucks...Hero BB Villian(me) button..folds to me i make it 1.50 to go with 3h3d ..BB calls with q-6clubs... flop comes down 3c8c2c.. I lead for 1 buck feeler...he calls...turn comes blanki lead for 1.50 he calls....riv is 8h..i bet 2 bucks (value fig he had a pair and High club) he reraises to 7...i instacall....
i say he shoulda overbet the pot to conceal his hand without giving a free card..and his raise on the end is horrible ..idea's suggestions?

04-17-2007, 04:09 PM
He should raise flop and pot turn and then be ai on the river

04-17-2007, 05:19 PM
everyone's misplaying the hand if they're not getting it all in before the river card.

He played it worse because he called 2 streets when he was most likely ahead with the 3rd nuts. Then he gets aggressive on the river when the worst thing that could have happened did happen... the board pairs knocking him from 3rd nuts to 9th nuts.

04-18-2007, 08:04 AM
i misplayed for not bettig huge with a set? i played it well...i knew it was possible that he had a made flush...or top two hence the call on the end

Grim Reapa
04-18-2007, 08:35 AM
Your bet on the flop was too small, villain holding Ac or Kc has odds to call, bet $2.5, if called check behind turn and obv bet out the river.

As for villain, he should be getting it in the middle asap.

04-18-2007, 08:38 AM
i misplayed for not bettig huge with a set? i played it well...i knew it was possible that he had a made flush...or top two hence the call on the end

[/ QUOTE ]

You misplayed with your betting sizes, they are completely off base..

04-18-2007, 08:39 AM
he thinks he was masking his hand...but it doesnt matter by giving free cards...he is capable of spastic moves and bluffs though he usually plays tight aggro...thats why i told him he coulda over bet the pot on the flop and masked his hand better and not giving a freebie...plus if i had a pair of 8 and an ace of clubs he could stack me...i dont mind giving him a free card...i have a major read on him and can make a laydown...didnt want to get to involved on that flop....i small ball it a lil bit even tho its a cash game...have my bro stack me would send me on jump watch