View Full Version : How do I play against BAD players....

04-15-2007, 05:24 PM
I am in search of some help.

I would consider myself to be well read and well versed in poker theory, including NL Hold'em.

I play in a casual NL game from time to time where, lately, I seem to be losing. On the other hand, I actually win more often on-line in sit-n-gos and even in huge tournaments.

The problem in my microgame is that the players tend to almost go in for every flop. The winning hand often is 83 offsuit or something equally pathetic.

I am playing with $.25 and $.50 blinds with anywhere from 6-8 players.

I tend to play rather loose myself (at least according to the Sklansky hand rankings); but I am perceived as being 'tight'.

So, I fold much more often pre-flop then anyone else as I am not likely to come in for the 2 1/2 - 3 times the big-blind raise with total crap.

Please understand that this is not about the money or limits. The amount really does not mean that much. It is a 'fun' game that I want to continue to play.

So, you are probably asking what do I do? Well, I generally raise pre-flop with most half-decent hands when it is an unraised pot. I do vary my play and sometimes limp or flat call instead of re-raising with my better hands.

The problem is, so many people just call. They are not calling stations per se; rather they just always want to see the flop. If I raise too much pre-flop they almost always fold.

I find it frustrating.


04-15-2007, 05:26 PM
Raise more with top pair hands. Limp a lot of hands in late pos and make 2 pair or better, stack people with one pair.

Make them pay to outdraw you. You should win in the long run.

04-15-2007, 05:35 PM
Play tight. Make big hands. Value bet. Profit.

04-15-2007, 05:35 PM
Playing against really bad players is high-variance. You should come out a big winner though with the above advice.

I would add that you shouldn't raise unpaired hands pre-flop too much. Since your opponents won't fold with bottom pair you can limp more often and bet when you have a made hand. Typical raise/c-bet strategies burn too much money when you miss the flop and since they call too much post-flop you can play it safer and put money in when you have something. That said you should still raise PF for value, just don't go overboard and make plays that rely on fold equity post-flop.

04-15-2007, 06:41 PM
welcome to the forums, read the FAQ, I wish this thread would get locked (no offence OP).....

04-15-2007, 06:59 PM
welcome to the forums, read the FAQ

[/ QUOTE ]
and please post some hand questions rather than general questions.