View Full Version : blog entry accusing FTP of rigging

04-12-2007, 05:01 PM
Well the title says it all. I promise you guys I will under no circumstances ever play another hand at Full Tilt poker. I'm not going to go as far as to say it is rigged but I really have my doubts. I know I'll probably get lambasted for this but I am slightly suspicious about what goes on there. I'm going to be perfectly honest with everyone and tell you all about my experiences there. I have played there for the past four months and the quality of play is very poor in my opinion. At least at the mid range NL games. Now I can accept when people simply run bad. I can accpet that that does indeed happen. However I have had such poor results that it defies what math suggests is even within the range of possible. Before I ever played a hand there I had a long track record of winning at a rate of nearly 8PT bb/100. I have over 150k hands there and I am down nearly 3PTbb/100. I'm sorry but no amount of running bad or even mega tilting can account for this. I am very suspicious about that site. If I am all in with one card to come I would estimate that I get rivered close to 95% of the time or more. The site is nuts. I don't know what else to say really. But if you ever see Leatherass9 at Full Tilt poker I can assure you it is my wife goofing around at small stakes or something else weird. I will never seriously play poker there again. I have already cleared all of my money out of there. I now play Pokerstars when I 'm not playing my UB account. UB is my bread and butter.

I hate to even sound like one of those "online poker is rigged guys" but what can you say when you record a -3PTbb/100 150k hand stretch? I have never had a simliar stretch of less than +4PTbb/100 anywhere else. It's literally all on the river card there. The river inevitably comes whatever the hell it needs to come to give my opponent the winning hand. So F U Full Tilt Poker. I'm going to trade my points in for a flat screen and be done with you people. Nice no phone number too.

george w
04-12-2007, 05:03 PM
i would probably kill myself if i ran at -3ptbb over 150k hands. it doesn't even sound possible.

what stakes are you playing?

04-12-2007, 05:04 PM
author of the above is a blog entry from stoxpoker's site..and the author is leatherass9...he does recount his story in a later blog entry which i will post as well. FWIW, i believe the original blog entry was how he felt and many on this board share the same sentiments..something is not right over at ftp

04-12-2007, 05:04 PM

I hate to even sound like one of those "online poker is rigged guys" but what can you say when you record a -3PTbb/100 150k hand stretch?

[/ QUOTE ]


04-12-2007, 05:05 PM
his followup blog While the part about me losing 3PTbb/100 is totally true my blog was mainly an attempt to get a reaction which I certainly did...hahahahahaha. I don't actually think the site is rigged. Nor do I really suspect any foul play. I actually sent out a few emails during the past week telling friends that I think the site is rigged and that is why I have done so poorly. I just wanted to hear what they say. That being said I truly have retired from that site and I did in fact get all of my money out of there. I guess it may be possible that I will play there again someday but for now I'm done. It has gotten to the point where I feel I have to get lucky for my opponent to not hit a 2 outer. When it's reached that point I think it's time to hang it up. So that's what I'm doing at that site. But again the main reason I wrote that blog was to get a reaction.

I obviously rely on math heavily to make decisions for me everyday. I give math a ton of respect and try not to ever make a decision based on if I'm feeling lucky or any other reason. I'm not going to not shove a big draw when the play is clearly to shove, just because, "I always miss my draws." If as a poker pro you ever reach that point you should hang it up for good from all sites. But I think some people rely a bit too much on what is statistically likely and tend to rule out anything that has a small chance of happening. Flukes do happen. I had a heart attack at 23 and every cardiologist I spoke to said they had only vaguely heard of that ever happening before. None had ever met anyone that had had one at that age until they met me. These are people who have dedicated their lives to studying the heart and they had never heard of such a thing.!! So that was a fluke. I can actually think of a few more things that have happened to me that are flukes as well. Fluke happens...:) Inevitably when any of these conversations come up people want to argue on behalf of what is statistically likely or try to find some reason to make sense of what is going on. It's ok everyone. Things don't always have to be proven. I happen to believe that Jesus was who he claimed to be and believe in him. I know this will never be 100% proven or disproven. I'm ok with that. I always find it very interesting that people always feel the need to be able to explain things and have everything always make sense. I'm really no different. I like to have things make sense and be scientifically or mathematically true or proven. Sometimes, however, we're just going to have to be ok with accepting that not everything is always going to make sense. I have had many people respond saying that maybe the games are tougher or I'm not adjusting properly to my opponents or maybe I've overestimated my true win rate. Let's be real here. I'm sure every serious member of this site has seen my videos. Do I look like I play like someone who loses 3PTbb/100? Do I even look like I'm only a slight winner in those games? I truly outplay people at those limits in every facet of the game. I have a ways to go if I'm going to outclass the best in the world but at 200NL....please.

So i probably made a bad attempt at humor there in my last blog but I felt I should let everyone know what my real intentions were. I appreciate everyone who sent me a message or responded in the forums. I know everyone has great intentions. I actually told my wife this morning that this is the only site in the world that I would write that kind of blog on. The people here are all great. I can only imagine what the responses would have been like on another forum. I probably would have been called a moron and a donkey about 25 different ways. On this forum people are great and I really appreciate it. I will say though that I am very comfortable with my results on Full Tilt poker just being chalked up as a fluke.

On a more positive note I have actually righted the ship and I am on track to have a really solid month. Not that I really have control over it but I set my sights on having a huge month from the morning I woke up on April 1st and so far I'm on track for a pretty good one. If I can put together a nice little hot streak I am in position to have a pretty huge month. I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks again everyone.

APR 12 2007My retirement from Ful Tilt Poker announcement
By Leatherass9

04-12-2007, 05:07 PM
action flops/more river nightmares then other sites i have played on

04-12-2007, 05:21 PM
author of the above is a blog entry from stoxpoker's site..and the author is leatherass9...he does recount his story in a later blog entry which i will post as well. FWIW, i believe the original blog entry was how he felt and many on this board share the same sentiments..something is not right over at ftp

[/ QUOTE ]

Since I see he already posted a follow up where he basically says he made a bad joke while trying to justify his "fluke" results I can't be as dickish as I was hoping /images/graemlins/frown.gif

If I were Stox I'd be embarrassed to have this show up on my site. I have no clue who leatherass9 is but the games aren't what they used to be and he seems to believe he is above variance, game selection, or just plain old not being that great. He says something to the effect of "I might not be the best but I should kill the 200 - 400 NL on full tilt, I play circles around these guys". Those games (the 400 and up much more than the 200 IMO) are just fairly tough these days. Most 6 max tables are 4-5 multitabling "pros" and 1-2 semi LAG fish.

I don't know who the rest of the "many on this board" are who agree with that poster but I'd like to have a list so I can laugh at them en masse.


04-12-2007, 05:50 PM

This thread is rigged. /images/graemlins/frown.gif


04-12-2007, 06:18 PM
Howard Lederer said it was rigged with RNG.

04-13-2007, 02:57 PM
have you considered that maybe you simply arent a winning player?

i mean, you do realize that SOMEONE HAS TO LOSE

04-13-2007, 03:09 PM
I can vouch for Leatherass. He plays good. Used to play a lot of 5/10 and 3/6 but is going through a tough run of it lately. The post was clearly tongue in cheek.

As for running bad on a particular site. I have run poorly on site xyz and taken my money off there. Do I think it's rigged? Of course not. When going through a nasty run I always chagne something whether its play limit instead of NL switch sites or whatever. Keeps me from micro tilting and is always nice for a change of pace when I cant seem to win.

Now if I could just get the boom switch flipped on that would be great.

04-13-2007, 03:42 PM
I don't know about rigged, but online poker sure is STREAKY. For example, the 17K $30 rebuy on AP, last summer I won it twice in a row and then went 15 times in a row without cashing. I am not a wild player, I feel I play a solid game, yet on AP I either run really good or really bad. Even playing $1/$2 PLO I have had great $1k plus days when hands hold and lost 1K on days where the suckout donkey champs of the world get me. I've lost to runner runner straight flushes to flopped quads twice within 1.5 hours on AP PLO too.

So rigged. Maybe, but who knows.

I have never played on FTP, just AP and Stars and Party back when we could.

04-13-2007, 03:59 PM
Thanks Kyle. In retrospect I guess I should have made my claims a little more outrageous so people would have been more convinced that it was in fact tounge in cheek. I said that I got rivered 95% of the time or more. It sure feels that way but obv. that was part of me trying to give away the fact that I was joking. I should have said a few more things like that to sort of give away the fact that I was joking. That's why i posted a quick follow up because very few people suspected I was joking. So I guess I didn't do the best job at that...lol..oh well. It was pretty funny to hear some of the responses though..lol