View Full Version : RE: Underage and made 20K+ $US

04-03-2007, 06:42 PM
For those who had read my story a few weeks ago and had shown me some compassion, I am happy to announce that i finally got my account "approved". That means I am allowed to cash out !!

For those who had not read the previous post, here is my short story. I started from freerolls on a poker site and got to build a 20 000$ bank roll within a few months. I was 17 yrs old back then and had my account suspended until I send them ID cards and stuff. Now that I am 18, I sent them those cards and they finally validated my account !

Thanx for those who supported me and gave me suggestions... I just told them the truth and it worked !

Good luck all !

PS: I tried to find the original post and write a reply, but I couldn't find it... I guess it was deleted since it was originally posted ~2months ago.

04-03-2007, 07:03 PM
Use the search function by username, and extend the date range.

Glad it got worked out for you.

Original thread (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=law&Number=8996108&Search page=1&Main=8996108&Words=+sadlaws&topic=&Search=t rue#Post8996108)