View Full Version : NL25 Video 4tablin - typical play?

03-28-2007, 03:28 PM
I have made my first video playing NL25 at PP (no audio). Of course I want comments on my play, just say how long in the video the hand is and I will look at it. I think my play is a pretty good TAG game at my level? But I think I made a few bad plays so please comment on my play. Link:

Just enter the three letters (http://www.megaupload.com/se/?d=PHC01ZC6)

/The swedish guy

03-28-2007, 03:59 PM
Can you post comments on thought processes or something. Videos with no audio for thought processes are like watching a film without audio. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

Doug Funnie II
03-28-2007, 05:35 PM
Went through the first 16 minutes then I couldn't take anymore (jk, have class). Some things to consider:

The first hand you played you basically pot committed yourself preflop with 78s

CBET more on the A8s hand or don't cbet at all (7:55)
Also I'd probably bet 3/4 pot on turn.
Also I'd bet 3.25 on river. Shove is not good.

I wouldn't bet the Q4s hand on the flop (9:09)

Complete with 34s (9:36)

Lead when you flop the underfull (9:45)
Turn CR gives off too much strength I wouldn't play it that way simply because you'll get into bad habits that will cost you value at higher stakes.

I'm looking for value with the AK hand at (10:00) so instead of putting him in I'd probably bet $3.50.

I wouldn't time out (10:23)

I'd probably overlimp 44 (10:44)

Bet 5-6$ on the AQ hand on the flop (10:58)

Definitely cbet the JJ hand (11:35)

I wouldn't play less than 4 handed. (12:10)

I like the KQs fold, calling there because of potodds and position is a leak that I used to have. (13:23)

For the love of god lead the AJs hand on the flop (14:40)

From what I watched 2 things seemed apparent. First, you hate not getting action on your big hands which causes you to checkraise them and basically tell your opponents that you're very strong. That may work up to these stakes, but when you progress to nl100 and above you're going to let your opponents fold too often. At nl25 I pretty much always lead the flop when I flopped a good hand. The second thing is that you seem afraid of draws when you flop decent hands (like tptk) and you overbet to try to price them out. While your opponents will fold thus reducing your variance, you also let them fold hands that you should be getting lots of value against like weaker top pairs etc.

03-29-2007, 10:51 AM
Love your thoughts and comments on my game Doug, exactly what I was looking for.

"The first hand you played you basically pot committed yourself preflop with 78s"
Shall I play more tight against shortstacks? Less blindstealing?

"Definitely cbet the JJ hand (11:35)"
I thought it was likely that someone had hit the Qh8c10h and would have call my cbet. Guess I would have cbet?

"For the love of god lead the AJs hand on the flop (14:40)"
I thought he would, which he did, cbet on the flop. I don't donkeybets much. I don't really know when to do it.

Hope you can look at the rest of the session, really do /images/graemlins/smile.gif !

03-29-2007, 11:01 AM
can you post and audio file with your thought process?! most people wonŽt even bother watching videos without audio so it would really help you getting more replies. Another reason for adding audio with your thought process is that maybe youŽve made the right play a couple of times but for the wrong reasons.

03-29-2007, 11:30 AM
I understand what you are saying but since my english is not that good and I have no microphone I can't. Maybe I can do videos with audio later but that will take a while. If I don't get any comments on my no-audio-videos I will stop doing them and start posting HH:s instead.

03-29-2007, 11:36 AM
If I don't get any comments on my no-audio-videos I will stop doing them and start posting HH:s instead.

[/ QUOTE ]

You will def get comments on you videos ( as you already did)
but if I were you IŽd prefer posting hh. That just gets a lot more discussion going and we donŽt have to watch the whole video but instead weŽll only have to deal with the interesting parts...
Your english is fine btw! where r u from?

Doug Funnie II
03-29-2007, 02:33 PM
"The first hand you played you basically pot committed yourself preflop with 78s"
Shall I play more tight against shortstacks? Less blindstealing?

Not really gonna do the math out for this one but I'm pretty sure his range for limp/shoving has to be extraordinarily tight for this steal to be worth it.

Cbet the JJ hand just because they checked to you and your hand is still really vulnerable and needs protection. Plus there's a very good chance if they call you on the flop they're gonna check turn too so you can check behind. Also if you check flop then one of your opponents bets 2/3 pot on turn instead of 1/3 then you're in a tough spot.

The AJ hand I say bet just because from checking you only gain his cbet when he has nothing. However you lose all the weaker aces that would've called you down if you had just bet 3/4, 2/3, 1/2 pot down, as well as potentially give free cards to hands like KQ, KT, QT which you don't really want to do

Took a look at the rest too, I liked how you played the T8s flopped straight, and the AA hand. I wouldn't have opened K6o at (24:50). Probably wouldn't reraise A9o (27:20).

That 22 hand was kind of a tough spot. I probably raise less on the flop. Villains turn lead is kind of strange, it puts you in a spot where HU you could just call but against 3 opponents, 1 of which has called a bet and then called a raise on the flop I think you have to shove. I don't play on party, but on stars I think you see 35 here more than half the time.

Some overall impressions were that you probably beat this game for a decent rate. You seem to get hypnotized to tables where you have big hands which causes you to act very quickly on them and to neglect other tables where you don't have a hand (read: timing tell). As slow as those games were running I think if you work on that and get some things automatically drilled into your head you could 8 table easily. I'm not a fan of the bet sizing script you use, in the 97s hand in particular you rivered 2 pair after checking behind on turn then bet 2/3 pot on river. I don't think your opponent checks the river, then calls a bet that sized often. I like to go maybe 2.50 on that river but I expect in that case it wouldn't have mattered since villain probably had JT, QJ, QT. The script also lets you bet/raise very quickly, which contributes to your timing tells. If I were your opponent I would automatically be cautious if you acted quickly, and would probably be raising you light if you acted slowly.

Doug Funnie II
03-29-2007, 02:35 PM
Also, what do are your PT stats? I'd guess you're 20/16/2.2. You could probably complete from the sb more.

03-29-2007, 03:43 PM
Videos without audio = not worth watching.

03-29-2007, 03:57 PM
Really nice work for me doug, I really appreciate it. Interesting thoughts about the "timing tell". I will remember that! My stats are 19.8/14.6/2.9 over 2350 hands so you were right about that, cool /images/graemlins/smile.gif Doug do you have the energy to view another session (just one) in about 1 week? I think you helped my game so much with your comments. Just don't feel forced, I will accept a no /images/graemlins/wink.gif

03-29-2007, 04:22 PM
Btw which hands do you think I will complete with on sb? Sc obviously but then? What range do you think is good?

Doug Funnie II
03-29-2007, 04:32 PM
Yeah post another vid, just PM me when it comes up and Ill take a look. Completing from the SB is tricky and its better to be too tight than too lose. But I think I remember one time when there were 2 limpers and you folded K8s and also one fold of 34s after a limper. I wouldn't advocate limping these HU (maybe raise K8s), but 3 handed changes the dynamic entirely because the BB is no longer in position. Everything tends to play more passively at these stakes so I think you can limp more based on pot odds and the fact that you play better post flop than nearly all of your opponents.

Doug Funnie II
03-29-2007, 04:53 PM
My stats are similar to yours, but I have a 31% vpip from the sb. I think with 1 limper I'm probably limping (or raising) any pair, any sc, any ace, K9o+, Q8s+, J7s+, T7s+. I'd guess I'm probably raising top 15% of hands in that spot, and calling another 15% on top of that. As more people limp I'd advocate shifting your range from raising to limping (this is VERY debateable, especially at loose preflop tables) and trying to play small pots. For example if 3 people limp to me and I have ATo in the SB and the table stats are high% of players seeing flop and high average pot size (what I usually look for) I'm completing because its too good to fold but a raise leads to a lot of crappy situations.

I'm sure some people will say that I should be punishing limpers more and at higher stakes that's definitely true, but when your opposition is really bad postflop I think its ok to want to play pots against them.

03-29-2007, 05:43 PM
I understand what you are saying but since my english is not that good and I have no microphone I can't.

[/ QUOTE ]


FWIW, you can buy a headst with microphone for 69:- at NetOnNet. And I think your english wouldnŽt kill us.... /images/graemlins/wink.gif

// M

04-01-2007, 10:28 AM
hey pokervinnaren, nice video!

wich tool do you use, to display your opponents wholecards??
i recognized you were using pokeroffice for the stats. is there a possibility to use it also for showing opponents cards (after play of course)??

I know Pokerace hud can do it, but as you use pokeroffice you cant be using pokerace hud as well, right??

best regards
