View Full Version : cbet called, what now?

03-20-2007, 11:36 AM
A lot of the time when I have a big hand I cbet and get called by some crappy small pair, while the flop has bigger cards on it. I think I'll be able to push them off it, but I don't know what they hold, so my standard play is to check behind. It is very frustrating to find out that a second barrel would most probably have made them fold. On the other hand a second barrel will be spew most of the times. I find that many times a raise/bet/bet/bet, no matter what pattern is very effective, because i'll end up raise/bet->win or raise/bet/bet->win very often. But it also is very spewy when your opponent does have a hand and decides to call. What is your action after a cbet has been called or check/called?


03-20-2007, 11:39 AM
Depends on the board entirely, espec the turn card. If the turn card is in noway improving your hand or making the board look different (for instance, flop 259r, turn Q), so a complete blank, I'll check along.

What is mostly done, is use the A as scarecard for a second barrel. I usually use the K, since it is not used often.

BTW If you perform the CB correctly, you don't have to second barrel it to make it EV+. Don't know how your stats are, but if you are comfortably making EV+ CB's, don't worry about second barreling yet.

03-20-2007, 11:56 AM
My cbetting is doing well /images/graemlins/smile.gif I'll cbet most of the time. I'll normally fold or check behind when I don't get it on the flop. I'm trying to improve that. I've been using scarecards for second barrels indeed, but still I'm off better when I would have check/folded.

03-20-2007, 12:30 PM
Pay attention to who folds to second barrels, and make note of it. This is tough with 4tabling but if you catch a couple people, that's better than nadda.

03-20-2007, 12:59 PM
Either dont cbet that player in the first place or just give up when called. Wouldnt get too excited about double barreling at the micros its basically like burning money. No shame in giving up on a cbet!

03-20-2007, 01:32 PM
barrel 2 comingup?

03-20-2007, 04:38 PM
I find that the majority of players at micros do indeed fold to double barrels. In fact, my standard play OOP against an unknown in a headsup pot with a good board for cbetting will be a double barrel. and 90% of the time I take it down. I think giving up OOP is the wrong move unless youve determined your opponent to be a station.

In position, I think using scare cards and checking behind otherwise is the correct play.

03-20-2007, 04:43 PM
I think Angrymoog has a good take on this. Also, if you have PAHUD, turn fold % is a great stat to have handy to help make this decision.

03-20-2007, 04:59 PM
first of all most people wont resist the cbet, so make a note of those people. Then out of the people who you know float on the flop make a note of those who fold to double barrel. Otherwise just valuebet them