View Full Version : Uniexceptio Athiests what benefits do you get?

02-13-2006, 06:53 PM
What religon are you?

What are the benefits(not afterlife related)?

02-13-2006, 07:03 PM
I consider myself a christian (many would not as my beliefs contradict the teachings of most churches in one way or another).

I dont know what benefit I get as I havent chosen to believe, in fact I denied my belief for many years on the basis that it was irrational, there was no evidence supporting my belief, etc etc...

The fact is, we dont choose what we believe - all we can do is study, question and challenge our beliefs. We can put ourselves in situations where our beliefs will be challenged by others - we can allow ourselves to doubt and reflect. Ultimately though, we cant just decide to believe in something or not.

I have read several posts here defending a belief in God on the grounds of benefits received - this may have evangelical benefit but it is clearly not a good reason to believe (and hence is unlikely to convince anyone in my opinion).

Slightly waffly but that's what I get (or rather dont get) as an Uniexceptio Atheist.

02-13-2006, 07:14 PM
I'm not really looking for reasons to believe. Just what benefits I'm missing out on. The title of the post could have well been; "Athests START being jealous of theists."

So one of the things that you get is a pretty good ethical foundation that you can modify as you see fit?

Anyhting else?

02-13-2006, 07:23 PM
Well I get a sense of happiness (though I've always been a happy person so it's hard to say if that has increased). I definitely derive support and strength when things go bad. I've also met lots of people who have added a huge amount to my life (perhaps I would have met other people if my beliefs were different - I have the advantage of meeting them in an environment of fellowship and mutual support though).

I dont believe my ethical views are particularly formed or derived from my theism. I was an ethical atheist for around thirty years and most of my ethical views havent changed since I began identifying myself as a christian. I am not convinced that ethical truths depend on God, same as I am not convinced that logical truths depend on God (I'm not opposed to the idea either - just undecided).

02-13-2006, 07:38 PM
What about solace? Does it give you comfort to think you will live on eternally after this life? That would be a big benefit to me if I could ever believe it. Immortality would have to be a great feeling! Immortal bliss at that.

It's my guess that this is the single biggest reason why so many have faith. The fear of death and a finite existence is so terrifying to some, they suspend rationality in the hope it isn't true.

02-13-2006, 07:42 PM
Strangely no. I have never found the thought of death as terrifying as some so this was not a big benefit from believing. I agree though that this is probably one of the "big benefits of believing".

02-13-2006, 07:55 PM
Lastat mentioned solace. Would I be far off if I added solace during grieving of lost love ones. It seems like it would be a huge benefit to say "He/she is in a better place", and to feel that you one day will be united with them.

02-13-2006, 08:01 PM
What religon are you?

What are the benefits(not afterlife related)?

[/ QUOTE ]

I was raised a Catholic, and left the church in my teens, feeling like she had let me down. Twenty years later, I'm thinking it was probably the other way around. I returned to the church recently.

I believe that faith has an emotional healing effect. I feel happier when I acknowledge my relationship with God. I speak very frankly to Him about problems and fears that I have, and I believe that He answers, not in a booming-voice-from-the-mountaintop way, but much more subtly. It is possible that I've lost my mind, of course, but judging by my other behavior I don't think I have.

The church is also a loving community, sort of an extended family- a group of people who, while far from perfect, are generally there when you need them.