View Full Version : Frozen embryos

02-13-2006, 03:44 AM
Did anyone see “60 minutes,” tonight? The topic was; what was to be done with unused, frozen embryo’s? Fertility clinics give infertile females medication to stimulate the production of eggs, these eggs are removed and fertilized invitrio and then placed one at a time back into the female. If the fertilized eggs take, that’s the end of the process, otherwise it is repeated. Most often there is an excess of fertilized eggs that remain frozen. The president won’t let them be used for stem cell research because that involves destroying the embryo.
These frozen embryo’s are allowed to be put up for adoption, but as it turns out, few people want to adopt in this manner.
Enter Robert George, a person on Bush’s council of bioethics. He says that people need more encouragement to adopt these embryos. He also says that these embryo’s have human dignity and ought to be given a decent burial or cremation rather than what is currently being done, which is throwing them in the trash. George claims that his opinions are those of the President’s.
A scientist explained that these eggs will die regardless. Couples must spend up to $2000 a year to keep the eggs frozen and perpetual freezing over the long run kills the eggs eventually anyway. There’s something like 400,000 current frozen embryo’s ( 1000 per day are being trashed) and only 100 people have adopted these embryos - which involves impregnating an woman with an embryo that will in no way be physically related to her.
My questions: Wouldn’t it be better to use these embryo’s to cure cancer, etc, and wouldn’t it be better for couples to adopt babies that already exist? What’s up with the President’s policy?

02-13-2006, 11:33 AM
The president won’t let them be used for stem cell research because that involves destroying the embryo.

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Wrong. The president won't let federal money be used to fund that research.

only 100 people have adopted these embryos - which involves impregnating an woman with an embryo that will in no way be physically related to her.

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Did you know that "regular" adoption also involves a child that is (usually) in no way related to the adopting parent?

02-13-2006, 03:38 PM
Did you know that "regular" adoption also involves a child that is (usually) in no way related to the adopting parent?

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Thank you for clearing that one up. My point is that people aren't using this adoption approach because it involves becoming pregnant.

Wrong. The president won't let federal money be used to fund that research.

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You are correct. The point of the broadcast was that only couples can make the decision to give "their" embryos to private research. Fertility clinics routinely destroy remaing embryos that the couple makes no decision on. In the meantime, the federal government is spending millions of taxpayer dollars to encourage these couples to choose the adoption option (an option that no one is interested in)
Robert George, one of the Presidents Bio-ethics counselors (who says the President shares his views), says that the decision to donate embryos to research cannot be made by the individual. This sort of decision needs to be made by government. He says it is not a religious thing, because he said that some ancient culture's religions allowed for infanticide, but that doesn't make infanticide right.

02-13-2006, 05:42 PM
The reason for my original post was to point out the hypocrisy of our government’s policy. Millions of dollars in taxpayer money is being spent in an effort to convince people that the adoption option is the way to go - when in reality, this option appeals to hardly anyone. Couples choose the adoption option thinking they are doing the right thing when the result is just embryos freezing in perpetuity. Prolonged freezing just causes the embryos to die anyway. There is an existing 400,000 frozen embryo’s and only 100 that have been used for adoption. Unused embryo’s are eventually thrown in the trash.
Our government is deceiving people in that it is encouraging people to give their embryos for adoption which causes agony. One couple interviewed said they agonized for 13 years about what to do with their embryos. They chose to give them to research. Other couples aren’t choosing this option in part because of government propaganda. The chances that your embryo will go to impregnate someone is 1 in 4000, otherwise the embryo dies without doing anyone any good.