View Full Version : What to put in Table overlay?

03-02-2007, 08:19 PM
Hi everyone. I am currently playing .5/.10 NL and I was wondering how do people set up their table overlay to make reads? I personally have the following setup (2 Lines, 4 items each line):

1) # of hands seen (so I know how accurate the other numbers are)
2) Preflop raise %
3) Voluntary put in pot preflop %
4) Aggression factor
5) Folded to river bet %
6) Continuation Bet %
7) Check Raise Total %
8) Attempt to steal Blinds %

I'm curious what everyone else is using. Also, is it possible to only use your overlay for reading?

03-03-2007, 03:56 AM
thats good enough, don't get caught up on stats.. just work on the basics