View Full Version : A PT experiment: I just need some data....

03-02-2007, 06:37 PM
So I'm kinda new here, and 2p2 has been great for my entertainment and my game. I've been thinking about some new ways to use some PT data, and I think the results would benefit the community as a whole, similar to Pokey's survey and the like. Just a quick bit about me: I'm a Ph.D. student (nearly done) in biophysics, and about half my research revolves around data analysis. Whatever I find with the data, I'll post about here on 2p2 (that's the scientist in me).

What kind of data do I want? Pretty simple, actually. # Hands, VP$IP, PFR, AF, WTSD%, and BB/100 broken down by limit size (NL 10, NL 25 etc.) and table size (FR and 6max). No screennames. If your PT DB has > 500 players with 1000 hands each, at one game size and one table size, then that would be great. Format would be CSV with the headers included. You can delete your own data line, which is probably good since you will likely have way more hands than your competition.

And don't think I'm some fool who thinks that those variables will magically predict BB/100. That's not my intention here. I'd say more, but I'm pretty sure what I'm going to do will work and I'd like to save it for the data post.

I'm doing some datamining of my own, but there's a limit to how much I can do. PM me if you'd like to contribute. Thanks.

(This is Xposted in the Micro Limits forum as well)