View Full Version : OT: BBV Charity Fundraiser

02-27-2007, 11:21 PM

BBV is raising funds for Children Inc. (http://www.children-inc.org/), the major charity Barry Greenstein supports. This originated in a thread promising Barry 10K for this charity if Barry would say "lol donkaments" on the air in High Stakes Poker. He did so and BBV is now delivering. The 10K mark is long since eclipsed (we have over 16K in donations now) but why stop there?

Here's an earlier reaction from the charity in an email to Barry, posted on the BBV thread:

Dear Barry,

Much to our surprise and utter delight, we have received a great number of contributions which we are attributing to your endeavors and encouragement on our behalf! I have been trying to catch you on the poker channel and have enjoyed seeing you interact more with the players. The interaction is more in the High Stakes Poker Games than the tournaments and I enjoy your comments as do the participating players. You raised their eyebrows when you commented on the set being the same and surprised them when you added that the girls were different.

We estimate we have already received over 200 contributions ranging from $20 to $1500 each and more coming in as I write this.

Your message reached Canada, Sweden and Australia. This is incredible!

Can you tell me how this all came about? What does 2+2 Forum, 2+2 BBV Forum and LOL Donkaments stand for?

Whatever you did, we cannot thank you enough!!! Looking forward to your reply.


[/ QUOTE ]

The BBV thread is here (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=9345800&page=0&fpart=1&v c=1). You can donate directly with a credit card, or I am collecting Stars transfers for a group donation. My Stars screen name is wmlbicz.

02-27-2007, 11:39 PM
I forgot to mention. If you ship me money, please PM me with your Stars screen name. I'm compiling a list of the 2+2 names of all the donors.

02-28-2007, 12:47 AM
I am going to enjoy my "I'm so ridiculously poor I must abstain" excuse as long as its tenable, and thats for about 6-8 more years.

Sounds like a good cause though, and it was absolutely hilarious when he said it on HSP. Glad to see 2p2ers (BBVers in particular) helping out.

02-28-2007, 01:07 AM
UPDATE: Please read this (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=9360873&page=0&vc=#Post9 360873) before transferring