View Full Version : Hi guys, i'm an absolutely terrible player and want to make a video...

02-27-2007, 12:28 AM
Would anyone be interested in this? I'm the worst player on these forums by a very very very long shot. I'd like to make a video for some of the best of you guys to go over and point out simple mistakes. I know it's basically like free coaching but i have no other alternatives. Here's my lifetime graph since starting in late december of 06.


I don't really know what happened around hand 22k or what i changed about my game but all this entire month i can't beat the retard stakes. It feels like i'm cold calling and playing OOP position too much. Or that i'm tryign to play a LAG game which i'm not capable of...then i check my vpip and it's only 15.8 so i have no idea what's going on. This many hands and this big of a swing in the easiest stakes online can not be variance. I must have drastically changed something about my game and i have no idea what it is. It's to the point where i feel like i don't even know how to play the game anymore. Even the "obvious" plays don't seem obvious anymore as if i've lost my common sense. I'm assuming i just ran hot for the first 20k hands and now inexperience is catching up with me.

So, would anyone be interested in reviewing a video i make and pointing out obvious mistakes?

BTW i SERIOUSLY do not want this to turn into some stupid [censored] like FGATORS or whatever. I'm not the next tuff fish i'm just a player starting out and trying to improve.

02-27-2007, 12:30 AM
Errmmm ... you are earning 8BB/100+ .... is that terrible ?

02-27-2007, 12:31 AM
trust me ur not the worst player, theres so many people who would b glad to be in ur position but u should make a video im sure people on the forums wouldnt mind watching it

02-27-2007, 12:32 AM
Errmmm ... you are earning 8BB/100+ .... is that terrible ?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's 4, but yeah /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

02-27-2007, 12:42 AM
It use to be substantially higher. I think at the highest was like 10ptbb/100 or somewhere. If i make a video i think it'd be educational if we got solid feedback from VERY EXPERIENCED players. And may exploit a lot of common micro stakes mistakes.

I mean it seems simple enough..make a big hand win a big pot...but for some reason i get bet off my draws constantly and get stacked w/ TPTK against really terrible opponents.

At what point do you draw the line between value betting and pot control? In TAP it says that your turn bets should be a smaller percentage of the pot than your flop bets. But, how do you prevent idiots from drawing then? I know implied odds diminish because there is only 1 card to come but maybe i just play 1 pair very very very poorly. Or my skill with marginal hands is terrible. I mean obviously anyone can win when they flop a set. But the kind of pots i take down with marginal hands is so opponent dependent that i'm not sure where to start...and then you throw in the randomness of 25NL and everything gets crazy.

I'm at a table tight now that has an overall vpip of 37.9 PFR of 7.4 all big stacks and i'm stuck over a buy in. How am i not profiting off of this kind of terrible play.

Another situation i don't understand is small PP.

If i'm in the SB and someone raises say 4xbb from UTG and it folds to me. What do i do in this situation?

Is there such a thing as overplaying small PP in these stakes due to the fact a cbet gets way less credit and takes the pot down a lower percentage of the time?

Once i felt like i was dominant in this game and now i feel completely lost.

02-27-2007, 12:49 AM
Your winrate is very good, while +10BB/100 is attainable, it is only so by the very best players .... that is, if higher stakes players moved down.

Learn to live with variance ... even the best in this game encounter 20.000 hands breakeven streches.

Basically you have a very good winrate .. and a very small samplesize, or in other words you have no reason to complain.

If you like to make a video, do so ... but basically use this forum, post troublesome hands and get involved in to the discussion

02-27-2007, 01:10 AM
A 5k breakeven followed by a 10 buy-in downswing over 2k hands. This IS variance. It's your first major downswing so it feels like your poker life is ending. I just started a couple months ago too, and at the beginning of February I dropped 9 buy-ins in about 3 days. I felt the same way. It'll come back up. Get used to it. Make sure you don't tilt. Look around the forums a bit more, there are guys who'd kill for a graph like that.

02-27-2007, 01:12 AM
Just make a video and we will do our best to find the weak points. Nothing wrong with alittle varience it happens to the best of us

02-27-2007, 01:29 AM
Hi guys, i'm an absolutely terrible player and want to make a video...

[/ QUOTE ] Only make it if you plan to play substantially higher than your roll will support and you add phrases like "God Bless America" and "HYCHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!" and "There goes another buying!". But don't be afraid to be different.

02-27-2007, 02:11 AM
Hi guys, i'm an absolutely terrible player and want to make a video...

[/ QUOTE ] Only make it if you plan to play substantially higher than your roll will support and you add phrases like "God Bless America" and "HYCHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!" and "There goes another buying!". But don't be afraid to be different.

[/ QUOTE ]

02-27-2007, 02:20 AM
trust me ur not the worst player, theres so many people who would b glad to be in ur position but u should make a video im sure people on the forums wouldnt mind watching it

[/ QUOTE ]Like me! i don't know wtf ur complaining about. i'm playing 10NL and i can't get past $60, ur at 800, wtf... I should be making a MOVIE of my plays, haha