View Full Version : Thought i made a good read.... but.. it turned out bad..

02-26-2007, 03:48 PM
i put him on the draw... did i really make a bad play here??

FullTiltPoker Game #1873648343: Table Florentine - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:07:03 ET - 2007/02/25
Seat 1: OzWilko ($9)
Seat 2: IFlopThANutz ($22.35)
Seat 3: thewire ($20.50)
Seat 4: AlarmClock ($67.35)
Seat 5: sixtybel0w3 ($57.55)
Seat 6: cha_dude ($50)
Seat 7: MickeydG ($20.75)
Seat 8: Jester87k ($27.70)
Seat 9: PohkerIzPhun ($29.50)
AlarmClock posts the small blind of $0.25
sixtybel0w3 posts the big blind of $0.50
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to IFlopThANutz [9d 9s]
cha_dude has 15 seconds left to act
cha_dude folds
MickeydG folds
Jester87k folds
PohkerIzPhun folds
OzWilko folds
IFlopThANutz raises to $1.50
thewire folds
AlarmClock calls $1.25
sixtybel0w3 folds
*** FLOP *** [5h 6h 3c]
AlarmClock checks
IFlopThANutz bets $2.25
AlarmClock raises to $6
IFlopThANutz has 15 seconds left to act
IFlopThANutz raises to $20.85, and is all in
AlarmClock calls $14.85
IFlopThANutz shows [9d 9s]
AlarmClock shows [9h 7h]
cha_dude stands up
*** TURN *** [5h 6h 3c] [8c]
*** RIVER *** [5h 6h 3c 8c] [Qd]
IFlopThANutz shows a pair of Nines
AlarmClock shows a straight, Nine high
AlarmClock wins the pot ($42.95) with a straight, Nine high
IFlopThANutz is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $45.20 | Rake $2.25
Board: [5h 6h 3c 8c Qd]
Seat 1: OzWilko didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: IFlopThANutz showed [9d 9s] and lost with a pair of Nines
Seat 3: thewire (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: AlarmClock (small blind) showed [9h 7h] and won ($42.95) with a straight, Nine high
Seat 5: sixtybel0w3 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: cha_dude didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: MickeydG didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: Jester87k didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: PohkerIzPhun didn't bet (folded)

02-26-2007, 03:52 PM
i put him on the draw...

[/ QUOTE ]


02-26-2007, 03:55 PM
wtf kurt, cuz he went all in duh. bet/3bet is always draw. Flop comes Awhatevr who cares there's two clubs. If it goes bet/3bet you always have to call with TPTK or better. simple right? right?

02-26-2007, 04:47 PM
Besides, he lost the hand so obviously it was a bad play. Don't know what we have to debate.

OP, to get a serious answer I want to you to do the following:

(1) Give me your read on the villain. What are his stats? What's the recent history with him? What did he have the last time he check-raised the turn?

(2) Find an odds calculator and input this hand (knowing villain's hand) and see what % you are to win on the flop. Tell me the %, and tell me if you want to be all in knowing this.

(3) Given the play of the hand, up to but not including your all-in bet, give me a complete range of hands for the villain. Tell me every hand he could possibly hold.

(4) Find pokerstove and tell me the % you are to win against his complete range. Do you want to be all in knowing THIS?

(5) Tell me why you *might* want to bet all in even if you are behind in the hand?

Seriously. If you do those 5 things, well... that would just be brilliant. Trust me.

02-26-2007, 05:00 PM
hmm u only have half a buy in, cant be that bad then.

02-26-2007, 05:01 PM
Besides, he lost the hand so obviously it was a bad play. Don't know what we have to debate.

OP, to get a serious answer I want to you to do the following:

(1) Give me your read on the villain. What are his stats? What's the recent history with him? What did he have the last time he check-raised the turn?

(2) Find an odds calculator and input this hand (knowing villain's hand) and see what % you are to win on the flop. Tell me the %, and tell me if you want to be all in knowing this.

(3) Given the play of the hand, up to but not including your all-in bet, give me a complete range of hands for the villain. Tell me every hand he could possibly hold.

(4) Find pokerstove and tell me the % you are to win against his complete range. Do you want to be all in knowing THIS?

(5) Tell me why you *might* want to bet all in even if you are behind in the hand?

Seriously. If you do those 5 things, well... that would just be brilliant. Trust me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Blah blah blah .... you are full of it Kurt, if this was a serious reply, then you would have done the above, explained your reasoning and delighted us with your conclusion.

Then eventually asked if OP put villian on a different range than you.

This is just acting up

02-26-2007, 05:06 PM
Trust me, I've done such in the past. But OP seems to have so comletely missed the mark with his "read" and "analysis" that I thought the excersize would be an eye-opening exerience for him.

Whatevs. Maybe I'll do it later.

02-26-2007, 05:10 PM
gel - kurt is on the money with his post IMO. Hero here is thinking "oh, villian has exactly JTcc" or whatever. When he should be thinking, "villian could have x y z". His post was pretty verbose tho, I'll give you that. Probably made OP think more about his thought process than my first post (which was hinting at the same thing)....

02-26-2007, 05:13 PM
I am not doubting that you've done it in the past, it is a fairly common and very healthy exercise ....

But demonstrating the exercise would be more benificial for OP and the rest of the forum, than just ... well .. than a brief comment about something or other, if you gotta do it, then do it right /images/graemlins/smile.gif

02-26-2007, 05:21 PM
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

255,133,296 games 0.211 secs 1,209,162,540 games/sec


equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 57.450% 56.84% 00.61% 145013537 1561466.50 { 9d9s }
Hand 1: 42.550% 41.94% 00.61% 106996826 1561466.50 { 22+, AhKh, AhQh, AhJh, AhTh, Ah9h, KhQh, KhJh, Kh9h, QhJh, QhTh, Qh9h, Qh8h, JhTh, Jh9h, Jh8h, Th9h, Th8h, 9h8h, 9h7h, 8h7h, 8h6h, 7h6h, 7h5h, 6h5h, 6h4h, 5h4h, 4h3h, 3h2h, AJo+, KQo }


Is a reasonable range it seems, but I do not have a read or history with villian and I am influenced by the result of the hand.

Still ... all in all, a good push.

02-26-2007, 05:47 PM
Gelford, don't forget any 4x in that range, and "slowplayed monsters" like AA, KK, and the like.

02-26-2007, 05:54 PM
The c/r is huge strength. My take on villain's hand range here...

Made hands (and our outs):

42s (virtually dead)
47s (ditto)
33 (2)
55 (2)
66 (2)
AA (2)
KK (2)
QQ (2)
JJ (2)

Good draws (and his outs):
2 :hearts:s with 2 overs (15)
2 :hearts:s with 1 overcard (12+)
2 :hearts:s with no overcards (12)
4x with an overcard (11)
4x with a pair (13)

So it looks like when we're behind we only have about 8% equity. When we're "ahead" if looks like the hand is about a coinflip. We're somewhere between 45% and 55% to win the pot in these situations (you did realize that you are behind "the draw" that you pt him on a lot here, right). The "good draws" is a much larger set of of hands than the "made hands" - about 30 combos versus, um, I can't even count, but hundreds. Let's call it ~200, so our equity is

.08 * .15 + .5 * .85 = ~.437

We are behind his range here. Based on his range, we "lose" $2.35 by getting the rest of our stacks in.

Unless he folds! Ah ha!

So we win the $11 pot if he folds to our shove, so he has to fold at least 22% of the time ($11 *.22 = $2.42, more than we lose when he calls). Based on the strength of his c/r and the small stacks I'd say he will fold about 0% of the time.

Looks like a fold to me. If you were any deeper this would be a definite fold, however, since you're a short stack it is kinda borderline, and shoving isn't terrible. Especially with a read that villain is fishy, likely to get out of line, or will c/r you with air. But you just put him on "the draw", so I don't really know anything about this villain.

BTW, since I asked the question, if his hand was face up this is a fold also. You are technically ahead, but he is the favorite to win.

Am I helpful and productive member of the forums again?

02-26-2007, 06:08 PM
OP, trust your reads. I don't know how you figured out you were ahead, but if you got the money in with what you thought was the best hand, then good read, good push.

02-26-2007, 06:14 PM
OP, trust your reads. I don't know how you figured out you were ahead, <snip>

[/ QUOTE ]

OP was not ahead.

02-26-2007, 06:19 PM
Not the point. Easy for you to say after you see Villian's cards at showdown. OP thought he was ahead, so he made the right play given his read. No 5-point checklist needed.

02-26-2007, 06:23 PM
Gelford, don't forget any 4x in that range, and "slowplayed monsters" like AA, KK, and the like.

[/ QUOTE ]

What are you talking about, AA is there ??

I admit, that you might cut down on bluffs like KQ, but still ahead

C'mon Kurt .... show us a pokerstove transcript of your range

02-26-2007, 06:24 PM
OK, then the point I was getting to in the very first response in this thread is that he should have a 5-point checklist for how he got that read. Based on the OP it seems arbitrary and self-serving.

02-26-2007, 06:25 PM
Never used pokerstove. I just do it in my head. Granted its not as accurate, but for OP pokerstove would do the trick.

02-26-2007, 06:27 PM
This is a poor post and a BBV post. And its leading to some tension. Done. Also too...OP, convert your hands.