View Full Version : I used mushrooms yesterday

02-25-2007, 07:08 PM
I took 7 grams, which was half a pack and my friend took the other half. We took them in a pizza restaurant before eating our dinner. First 20 minutes, nothing felt different. Then I started to feel the energy in my body starting to boil. Even though I was sitting down doing nothing special. The energy was throughout my body. My legs also. Then we went outside so we could walk around a bit. Outside it was raining and I felt a little like I had the flu. But without the acking. Just the feeling of not feeling quite yourself.

There were two girls with us who didn't take the stuff, so they had a clear mind. We walked to the station for 20 minutes, my friend and I then went to put my bike somewhere and walk back, bought a ticket, found out what train to take and at which lane, waited at the station for 30 minutes, rode the train for 33 minutes, had to show our tickets during the ride, walked to my friend's place for 15 (?) minutes.

And all these different things were like their own adventure/story. Because while walking to the station the drug had firmly taken it's effect.

I'll try to describe the actual feeling:

Your are in a setting. A setting with people, smells, sounds, visuals. And all these things define the mood. They ARE the mood. But they're not focused. They're more like pastel colors.

And thoughts also HAPPEN to you. They come and they go. Like a flower that keeps on blosseming. And your thoughts are like emotions. They are in pairs of opposites. The thing you are thinking about has positive energy, and it has negative energy. And that's how you think about it.

Normally, you act based on time, based on needs, based on comfort. But these ALL disspear. You do not act because these things push you to act. Instead you ARE. You're being and you're being and you're being. You ARE the thoughts.

So you are in an entirely different mode of thinking. And you cannot relate anymore to the normal mode of thinking. There is no point to acting. Because you don't have needs. And this is what opens you up to experiencing the end of time. Of letting go of the temporal.

It was an amazing experience and this mode of thinking was completely new to me and the closest I've come to this is when getting lost in the most beautiful music soul-touching music. But this was a completely different DIMENSION.

The effect lasted for about 7 hours and it was mostly gone after I got home (same trip back).

After-effects: slight headache day after.

Price: 16 euro for a full pack.


02-25-2007, 07:12 PM
Was this your first time? If so...7 grams, holy crap! Hell 7 is a lot anyway. When I did it in Japan, people started off with a half gram - one gram if they were brave. The most hardcore people I knew took four grams at a time max. Yeesh.

02-25-2007, 07:15 PM
It'll get old eventually but it's great for a while.

02-25-2007, 07:20 PM
Was this your first time? If so...7 grams, holy crap! Hell 7 is a lot anyway. When I did it in Japan, people started off with a half gram - one gram if they were brave. The most hardcore people I knew took four grams at a time max. Yeesh.

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First time: yes.

It was 7 grams wet. But they were really high quality and strong.

02-25-2007, 07:26 PM
Was this your first time? If so...7 grams, holy crap! Hell 7 is a lot anyway. When I did it in Japan, people started off with a half gram - one gram if they were brave. The most hardcore people I knew took four grams at a time max. Yeesh.

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There are many different kinds of mushrooms, and when you say ½ gram - 1 gram you are certainly talking about dried mushrooms. 7g of wet shrooms is not that much, no matter what kind they are.

02-25-2007, 07:30 PM
You ate wet mushrooms? Are you stupid?

02-25-2007, 07:57 PM
Was this your first time? If so...7 grams, holy crap! Hell 7 is a lot anyway. When I did it in Japan, people started off with a half gram - one gram if they were brave. The most hardcore people I knew took four grams at a time max. Yeesh.

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Wow. That's it? I used to do a lot of mushrooms, and at the least I took 3.5 grams dried, usually taking 7 grams, and sometimes as much as 10 grams per dose.

I'm glad you enjoyed your experience though, Nielsio. The first time doing mushrooms (or any psychedelic) is always an interesting experience.

02-25-2007, 09:46 PM
never tried them -

a buddy of mine had some once and we joked about doing them and I'm sure I might dig it -

but I figure a guy who's been waiting for a voice from God for as many years as I have is in danger of using a hallucegenic drug - if I actually BELIEVED I heard a voice I'd HAVE to do it


02-26-2007, 02:18 AM
I assume you mean because he didn't take enough (wet mushrooms are heavier). There is more of a reason to eat fresh mushrooms than not to. All the smart-shops in Amsterdam serve 'em up fresh.

02-26-2007, 02:29 AM
Yeah but wet mushrooms are sickening... I mean dried taste terrible as it is, but wet mushrooms... uggg

02-26-2007, 03:30 AM
I assume you mean because he didn't take enough (wet mushrooms are heavier). There is more of a reason to eat fresh mushrooms than not to. All the smart-shops in Amsterdam serve 'em up fresh.

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If you pick them from the wild, then you also should dry them out to kill off any parasitic nematode worms they might have picked up from livestock.

Juk /images/graemlins/smile.gif

02-26-2007, 11:55 AM
I've read your posts in politics. I refuse to believe that this was the first time that you used drugs.

02-26-2007, 12:14 PM
I've read your posts in politics. I refuse to believe that this was the first time that you used drugs.

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this was the most coherent post of all of them. Maybe he needs to take more drugs?

02-26-2007, 01:08 PM
Was this your first time? If so...7 grams, holy crap! Hell 7 is a lot anyway. When I did it in Japan, people started off with a half gram - one gram if they were brave. The most hardcore people I knew took four grams at a time max. Yeesh.

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If he was in Amsterdam, they don't sell them dried. If they're wet, they're not nearly as powerful. You take MUCH more wet to have the same effect as the dried ones.

The worst part is you have to eat more and they're disgusting.

02-26-2007, 07:14 PM
Glad you enjoyed it. Thay can be great fun... just remember to have self control and not abuse drugs too much. It's no fun when you realised you've taken too many and cannot take any more ever again /images/graemlins/frown.gif

BTW I found liberty caps (the natural ones) and philosipher stones (the wierd truffle ones) the best by far. I really didnt like the trips from mexicans.

02-26-2007, 07:32 PM
im pretty sure 7g of wet shrooms is nothing

02-26-2007, 11:02 PM
Yea 7 grams wet is not too much. I believe its about a 10/1 wet/dry weight ratio for mushies.

02-27-2007, 07:27 AM
Glad you enjoyed it. Thay can be great fun... just remember to have self control and not abuse drugs too much. It's no fun when you realised you've taken too many and cannot take any more ever again /images/graemlins/frown.gif

BTW I found liberty caps (the natural ones) and philosipher stones (the wierd truffle ones) the best by far. I really didnt like the trips from mexicans.

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These were Hawaiian I think.

Insp. Clue!So?
02-27-2007, 10:03 AM
You did what?! Are you mad? You belong in Jail! You belong UNDER THE JAIL! People like you, corrupting our youth! Disrepecting our sacred laws, carefully-considered! Destroying the very social fabric of the country! 20 years, THIRTY YEARS, nothing is too much, no amount of tax dollars am I willing to pay, no limit to abridgements of those silly "freedoms" prattled about by libertine idjuts and socialist perverts, nothing is off the table in dealing with you scum.

Oh wait, all of the above is bullcrap * infinity. But half the people on this board likely voted (and continues to vote) for political representatives who talk and act exactly as if that load of crap is gospel.

So who exactly is "on drugs" in this scenario?

02-27-2007, 03:37 PM
You did what?! Are you mad? You belong in Jail! You belong UNDER THE JAIL! People like you, corrupting our youth! Disrepecting our sacred laws, carefully-considered! Destroying the very social fabric of the country! 20 years, THIRTY YEARS, nothing is too much, no amount of tax dollars am I willing to pay, no limit to abridgements of those silly "freedoms" prattled about by libertine idjuts and socialist perverts, nothing is off the table in dealing with you scum.

Oh wait, all of the above is bullcrap * infinity. But half the people on this board likely voted (and continues to vote) for political representatives who talk and act exactly as if that load of crap is gospel.

So who exactly is "on drugs" in this scenario?

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02-27-2007, 08:56 PM
I think dried ones taste worse. 7g is not much for wet. ive done 7g dried, it was insane.

02-28-2007, 01:36 AM
how bad is it actually for you?

doing plenty of research the general consensus is that it's not bad for you at all unless you do something stupid like jump out a 20th story window. not sure if i buy that though...

02-28-2007, 04:58 PM
how bad is it actually for you?

doing plenty of research the general consensus is that it's not bad for you at all unless you do something stupid like jump out a 20th story window. not sure if i buy that though...

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there are no known negative longterm effects of mushrooms. I've done them about 16 or 17 times, and can't speak of any negative aspects, only positive. I enjoy them, but they are not in the least bit addictive, and I would even say I've grown as a person and gained alternate perspectives and ways of thinking by taking them. I get good grades and make good monies in the the pokers (dropping out to play with a 3.7 at UCSD). (Not trying to brag, defending the drug).