View Full Version : Philosophy synoptic essay for college (UK) on Plato

02-25-2007, 02:48 PM
Hi there, im 18 years old in my final year of college in uk, so doing my alevels. im doing philosophy alevel and have been set a synoptic essay of 4000 words, which accounts for 30% of my overall grade, I have been having considerable problems with it and wondered whether the intellectuals at 2+2 could help me. the tittle is

Title : Asses Plato’s contribution to understanding the status of philosophers and philosophy

Because this title allows for so much flexibility i have decided to narrow it down to Plato's influence on Ludwig Wittgenstein and Karl Popper, particularly Wittgensteins hypothesis that all philsophy is just a distortion of language and "word games". For Popper i have focused on his criticisms of Platos in "The Open Society and Its Enemies" and how Plato lead the foundations for modern totalitarianism. I am also writing a bit about the culmination of these two ideas in the famouse incident witht the poker at cambridge university, as described in "Wittgenstein's Poker".(when i first saw the title I got terribly unnecessarily excited about the prospect of my two favourite things, philosophy and poker being amalgamated into my essay /images/graemlins/frown.gif) I am just having trouble with some of the key ideas and in structuring it. If anyone could simplify the points made by both Wittgenstein and Popper in regards to Plato for me i would be much obliged.
Thanks a lot

03-04-2007, 06:16 PM
nobody???? please....

03-04-2007, 06:38 PM
The early phase of Wittgenstein, which was characterized by the Tractatus, had been Platonic. Later in life he repudiated this work for that very reason, saying his mistake had been to assume the existence of "objects" of logic.

03-05-2007, 06:41 PM
ah ok, thanks, is im terribly sorry but im not familiar with the Tracatus, any way you can fill me in?