View Full Version : Question for SitNHit

02-24-2007, 11:49 PM
What's your take on the Kinderhook plates and the Book of Abraham? (Information for people who don't know what I'm talking about (http://www.josephlied.com/what.html))

Also, consider the following quote from Joseph Smith (History of the Church, 1:301-2):

Verily, thus saith the Lord concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina, which will eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls;

And the time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at this place.

For behold, the Southern States shall be divided against the Northern States, and the Southern States will call on other nations, even the nation of Great Britain, as it is called, and they shall also call upon other nations, in order to defend themselves against other nations; and then war shall be poured out upon all nations.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you feel this is an accurate prophecy of the events of the Civil War?

02-25-2007, 01:12 AM
Josephlied.com, LOL....... Love it!

02-25-2007, 01:16 AM
Josephlied.com, LOL....... Love it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, thats about the response we expected to get from you. I thought you knew so much about religion...this should be an EASY one for you.

02-25-2007, 01:19 AM
It's not about things seeming easy, ooo im so impressive. You really have that outlook about these kids of things, albeit, science, math, religion, etc? You say I can solve so and so problem and it's easy for you and your like, there you go, done, 3 seconds, easy, im so smart.

I guess some wisdom is a disguised form of brilliance and some intelligence is a diguised form of stupidity.

02-25-2007, 01:22 AM
Can say wisdom both times and intelligence both times and makes the same sense. I gotta write that down in my book of quotes. I'll give ya a the first one for free hawk, lmao.

02-25-2007, 01:28 AM
please tell everyone why we should take your views on academic subjects such as science and religion seriously. you can't even spell or form grammatically correct sentences. i have to read many of your posts two or three times before i get a general idea of what the [censored] you're trying to say.

02-25-2007, 01:31 AM
It's not about things seeming easy, ooo im so impressive. You really have that outlook about these kids of things, albeit, science, math, religion, etc? You say I can solve so and so problem and it's easy for you and your like, there you go, done, 3 seconds, easy, im so smart.

I guess some wisdom is a disguised form of brilliance and some intelligence is a diguised form of stupidity.

[/ QUOTE ]

So we're up to how many posts in this thread while still dodging the question? Only one person on my ignore list in all of SMP hell, but you are making a strong push to become #2.

02-25-2007, 01:31 AM
Desperately avoid substantive arguments, LOL....... Love it!

[/ QUOTE ]

If it will make it easier for you to answer, I can register the domain name puppiesandrainbowsarenice.com and copy the text onto that.

02-25-2007, 01:38 AM
That whole webpage was pretty interesting. On the last page the author gives a brief history of how he came across his information and how it lead to him leaving the Mormon church (as well as his wife and family later).
Unfortunately I lost a lot of respect for the author on that page. He questions his religion for the first time and finds out is a sham and then decides that Christianity is true. He even hints that he believes Jesus cured him of Parkinson's as some sort of reward for leaving the Mormon church. Guess it will take another 30 years before he puts up Paullied.com

02-25-2007, 01:46 AM
It's not about things seeming easy, ooo im so impressive. You really have that outlook about these kids of things, albeit, science, math, religion, etc? You say I can solve so and so problem and it's easy for you and your like, there you go, done, 3 seconds, easy, im so smart.

I guess some wisdom is a disguised form of brilliance and some intelligence is a diguised form of stupidity.

[/ QUOTE ]

So we're up to how many posts in this thread while still dodging the question? Only one person on my ignore list in all of SMP hell, but you are making a strong push to become #2.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who's the other? Is it siegfriedandroy or is it Sharkey?

02-25-2007, 01:49 AM

I guess some wisdom is a disguised form of brilliance and some intelligence is a diguised form of stupidity.

[/ QUOTE ]

This makes no sense and really isn't even relevant; now just answer the OP.

02-25-2007, 03:47 AM
He did predict the Cival War didn't he? Or was that just a lucky guess? Did you see what you just said, he said it was going to happen and it did, are you going to just dismiss that?. As for the Cival War itself, I never payed attention history class.

02-25-2007, 03:54 AM
I think I should spend my life trying to find things false about peoples beliefs and then showing it to them and ask for a answer on the spot. I think that would be time well spent and lead to a happy meaningful life. I also think that I would be an asset to society and my fellow man.

2+2 S,M&P Posters aka smart people, aka intelligent, aka have intelligence, aka smart, oh we said that already, just want to remind you were smart, aka can't fool us, aka Athiest, aka likes to read books about why God doesn't exist, aka wasteland.

02-25-2007, 04:00 AM
That whole webpage was pretty interesting. On the last page the author gives a brief history of how he came across his information and how it lead to him leaving the Mormon church (as well as his wife and family later).
Unfortunately I lost a lot of respect for the author on that page. He questions his religion for the first time and finds out is a sham and then decides that Christianity is true. He even hints that he believes Jesus cured him of Parkinson's as some sort of reward for leaving the Mormon church. Guess it will take another 30 years before he puts up Paullied.com

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Sounds like a guy I should be taking seriouslsy.

02-25-2007, 04:14 AM
He did predict the Cival War didn't he? Or was that just a lucky guess?

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No, it wasn't a lucky guess. Pretty much every contempory newspaper, was making the same guess.

As far as a civil war history lesson, I'll let other's more qualified elaborate.

02-25-2007, 04:15 AM
SitNHit, can you please answer questions pointed to you rationally or just go away. All you've done in this thread is trivially dismiss a question or claim the person posing it to be of faux intelligence.

02-25-2007, 04:50 AM
SitNHit, do you think a reasonable person should be skeptical based on this information?

02-25-2007, 05:03 AM
I think a reasonable person should follow there feelings.

02-25-2007, 05:08 AM
think I should spend my life trying to find things false about peoples beliefs and then showing it to them and ask for a answer on the spot. I think that would be time well spent and lead to a happy meaningful life. I also think that I would be an asset to society and my fellow man.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your welcome to your beliefs, and for the most part I think those beliefs do you and every other believer a great deal of good. Your involvement in this forum began when other posters were trying to have a rational discussion on why other Christians think Mormons are nuts. Nearly every poster said positive things about the Mormon church and it’s beliefs and I think the general consensus was that perhaps it was the other Christians that were nuts - at least the ones criticizing Mormon philosophy.

Then you showed up, and rather than counter, mildly bad references to your church, you began by calling people liars etc. You never once gave any rational reasons for your points of view. Many people thought you were intentionally trolling. I’m sure that you genuinely believe in your faith, but other’s don’t. So try to look at things from their perspective, and rather than attack them personally, either don’t post, or post a logical rebuttal to their queries. I hate to say this, but any mildly negative thoughts on this forum regarding the Mormon church, would have died out long ago, with no one really remembering much of it. But your involvement has actually made some peoples opinions worse for your specific belief.

02-25-2007, 05:13 AM
He did predict the Cival War didn't he? Or was that just a lucky guess?

[/ QUOTE ]
No, it wasn't a lucky guess. Pretty much every contempory newspaper, was making the same guess.

As far as a civil war history lesson, I'll let other's more qualified elaborate.

[/ QUOTE ]

This will be my last post cause it doesn't benefit me in my opinion to discuss my feelings the way you guys discuss yours any further. Don't bother addressing me I won't be reading the forum anymore as well so you won't get the satisfaction of me reading your posts or opinions any further. It may seem like I am running, but why choose to come to a place where people tell you your wrong, doesn't make much sense to me unless you believe your wrong as well and want to be enlightend.

I hope you find something to live for, even if it's not the truth, anything good is better then nothing.

So the last thing I will say is, all in all your just another brick in the wall................

02-25-2007, 06:51 AM
Your welcome to your beliefs

[/ QUOTE ]

Ha. You're welcome. Boy, my grammar is as poor as Sitnhit's. I don't judge you on your grammar Sitnhit; we all make mistakes. You seem like a nice guy. Carry on.

02-25-2007, 07:28 AM
This will be my last post cause it doesn't benefit me in my opinion to discuss my feelings the way you guys discuss yours any further. Don't bother addressing me I won't be reading the forum anymore as well so you won't get the satisfaction of me reading your posts or opinions any further. It may seem like I am running, but why choose to come to a place where people tell you your wrong, doesn't make much sense to me unless you believe your wrong as well and want to be enlightend.

I hope you find something to live for, even if it's not the truth, anything good is better then nothing.

So the last thing I will say is, all in all your just another brick in the wall................

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you. I'd say it's not the bricks…it's the mortar, but that's just me.

If atheist's ever wonder why philosphical theists have a problem with literalists or fundamentalists - now you know. One step forward and two steps back.

02-25-2007, 07:49 AM
Thank you. I'd say it's not the bricks…it's the mortar, but that's just me.

If atheist's ever wonder why philosphical theists have a problem with literalists or fundamentalists - now you know. One step forward and two steps back.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have great insight John21. I love your avatar, it somehow perfectly reflects your posts - academic yet human.

02-25-2007, 09:05 AM
<font color="blue">This will be my last post cause it doesn't benefit me in my opinion to discuss my feelings... </font>

Well there you have it. SitnHit was discussing his feelings all along. No wonder he came and went without ever posting a single intelligent thought.

02-25-2007, 09:26 AM
He did predict the Cival War didn't he? Or was that just a lucky guess?

[/ QUOTE ]
No, it wasn't a lucky guess. Pretty much every contempory newspaper, was making the same guess.

As far as a civil war history lesson, I'll let other's more qualified elaborate.

[/ QUOTE ]

This will be my last post cause it doesn't benefit me in my opinion to discuss my feelings the way you guys discuss yours any further. Don't bother addressing me I won't be reading the forum anymore as well so you won't get the satisfaction of me reading your posts or opinions any further. It may seem like I am running, but why choose to come to a place where people tell you your wrong, doesn't make much sense to me unless you believe your wrong as well and want to be enlightend.

I hope you find something to live for, even if it's not the truth, anything good is better then nothing.

So the last thing I will say is, all in all your just another brick in the wall................

[/ QUOTE ]

So, I guess we won't be seeing you in Atlantic City? /images/graemlins/frown.gif

02-25-2007, 10:28 AM
Wow. I guess some people just really like being ignorant. When faced with a direct challenge to his faith, he complained about the language used by the source, then said that of course we could poke holes in his beliefs because we were intelligent, then made fun of us for being intelligent, and finally gave up and left.

Oh well, at least he left. It's not all bad. If he comes back though, I'm instantly putting him on ignore and will press the moderators strongly for a ban, at least from this folder.

02-25-2007, 12:00 PM
I think I should spend my life trying to find things false about peoples beliefs and then showing it to them and ask for a answer on the spot. I think that would be time well spent and lead to a happy meaningful life. I also think that I would be an asset to society and my fellow man.

2+2 S,M&amp;P Posters aka smart people, aka intelligent, aka have intelligence, aka smart, oh we said that already, just want to remind you were smart, aka can't fool us, aka Athiest, aka likes to read books about why God doesn't exist, aka wasteland.

[/ QUOTE ]

Translation: You rationalists are so mean, always bringing up "facts" all the time. Wouldn't life be better if we just ignored inconvenient facts and relied on what feels right?

I think a reasonable person should follow there feelings.

[/ QUOTE ]

Explains a lot. I think reasonable people should rely on their reason, hence the word "reasonable". It depends if you think truthiness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truthiness) is more important than truth.

Personally it would concern me if the revered prophet who founded my religion was an obvious liar and con-man, but if you think that's irrelevant and we should all just relax and feel the love, then I don't know what else I can say.

It may seem like I am running, but why choose to come to a place where people tell you your wrong, doesn't make much sense to me unless you believe your wrong as well and want to be enlightend.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow. This can only be read as "I have no interest in a search for truth, people who tell me I'm wrong are mean because obviously I'm right so I don't want to hear it".

02-25-2007, 04:24 PM
It's worse than that. What he wants is for people to follow his feelings, not their own. And even then he doesn't want anyone to follow their "bad" feelings, those come from the Devil. But even those Devil feelings can feel good, very similar to the feelings we're supposed to follow. But obviously only Mormonism can really instill those feelings...

On and on.

Justin A
02-25-2007, 06:27 PM
"This will be my last post cause it doesn't benefit me in my opinion to discuss my feelings the way you guys discuss yours any further. Don't bother addressing me I won't be reading the forum anymore as well so you won't get the satisfaction of me reading your posts or opinions any further. It may seem like I am running, but why choose to come to a place where people tell you your wrong, doesn't make much sense to me unless you believe your wrong as well and want to be enlightend. "

Am I the only one that did a little fist pump when they read this?

02-25-2007, 07:33 PM
It's not about things seeming easy, ooo im so impressive. You really have that outlook about these kids of things, albeit, science, math, religion, etc? You say I can solve so and so problem and it's easy for you and your like, there you go, done, 3 seconds, easy, im so smart.

I guess some wisdom is a disguised form of brilliance and some intelligence is a diguised form of stupidity.

[/ QUOTE ]

So we're up to how many posts in this thread while still dodging the question? Only one person on my ignore list in all of SMP hell, but you are making a strong push to become #2.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who's the other? Is it siegfriedandroy or is it Sharkey?

[/ QUOTE ]

Neither, actually. SAR doesn't post enough for me to ignore him and Sharkey just makes new accounts, so its not worth the effort. The only one is Skidoo.

02-25-2007, 07:39 PM
It's not about things seeming easy, ooo im so impressive. You really have that outlook about these kids of things, albeit, science, math, religion, etc? You say I can solve so and so problem and it's easy for you and your like, there you go, done, 3 seconds, easy, im so smart.

I guess some wisdom is a disguised form of brilliance and some intelligence is a diguised form of stupidity.

[/ QUOTE ]

So we're up to how many posts in this thread while still dodging the question? Only one person on my ignore list in all of SMP hell, but you are making a strong push to become #2.

[/ QUOTE ]

Who's the other? Is it siegfriedandroy or is it Sharkey?

[/ QUOTE ]

Neither, actually. SAR doesn't post enough for me to ignore him and Sharkey just makes new accounts, so its not worth the effort. The only one is Skidoo.

[/ QUOTE ]

Huh. Never noticed that all of these trolls start with 'S.' Thats a decent coincidence. OR IS IT?!!?
