View Full Version : Starting at 5nl.. Avg # hands per limit?

02-23-2007, 03:51 AM
background: I've had an oscillating BR on PS for some time now. My first plan was SNG's, however after about 250 games my roi was only around 6% so i thought i'd give cash games a try. I donked around at 10nl for awhile, went up then down etc. So, i've decided to start with the $70 or so that i had left and go from the bottom up building 25 buy ins and moving up with my goal being to stop at either 25nl or 50nl depending on how i do and what kind of pocket money i can generate. I am purely a part time player and am defintely still learning but feel i have improved quite a bit at the uNL stakes enough to make this goal realistic. I don't play a ton of hands (couple hundred a night 1-3 tabling). I have actually found that i do better single tabling at this point which right now is fine with me. Realistically i probably plan on 3 tabling at the max but you never know over time i might b e compfortable with more. My question is, are there any guestimates as to how many hands it take an average player to mkae it up through the uNL ranks? I don't see many graphs posted here and was just curious how my progress stacks up to the average/ casual player. Here is my graph starting at the time when i decided to solely focus on 5nL. Right now my BR is about $130 so im aiming for $250 before i move up.

http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i254083_2007.02.225nl.jpg (http://www.imagehosting.com)

Thanks for any insight, or suggestions and share your own experience at these stakes if you would like.

02-23-2007, 06:16 AM
About 10-15k hands if you're beating it for a decent amount, this is both to get a large enough sample and to cover BR management.

At your limit though, I wouldn't worry about hanging around too long; once you're BR is big enough move up.