View Full Version : When is double barrel bluffing right?

02-22-2007, 06:50 PM
In position or OOP and without a specific read on villain that he'll fold to a second barrel, what kind of boards/situations do you find double barreling succesful, or is it normally spew against SSNL players? I find that double barreling seems to be successful a little more than 10% of the time at this level (or when I try it), if that.

02-22-2007, 07:52 PM
Normally spew given the amount of calling stations, but if you notice someone is actively playing back against your continuation bets, it can work.

02-22-2007, 07:57 PM
it depends on the situation. In NL50, you can pull it off. Say the board is K 5 3r in this situation double barrelling isn't a great idea since villans aren't folding if they have a K...but if the board was 8 3 2r and Q came on the turn, then I would definitely double barrell

02-22-2007, 10:16 PM
Double barreling is a mechanism designed to protect your big hands, if you never double barreled, then villian could just call all you cbets and take it away from you on turn.

Checkraising turn might be another way of protecting yourself, the tradeoff is, that you risk villian checking behind and not getting to play that big pot.

At a table, where everybody is paying of left and right with weak hands and/or not paying attention. You need not double barrel.

FWIW, If I am to double barrel, I like that the board changes like an Ace hitting or a flush appearing or similar (especially the Ace)

02-22-2007, 10:52 PM
Some people give you absolutely no respect on certain boards.. if the flop comes 447.. they will call your c-bet with JT, QK, A3 all kinda of stuff. Kxx is one where they like to put moves on you too.