View Full Version : 4000 Hands: 37/26.4 and 12.38 BB/Hr: Sustainable?

02-21-2007, 09:33 PM
So, I have been mixing up my play style a LOT lately, and I reset my poker tracker after my compy crashed. I started to mix up my style and play VERY LAG.

I end up raising any hand I play from any pair in any position (I play 6 max .25/.50) and suited connectors, as well as huge hands. I raise it up 4xBB +1x / limper on the button with any two reasonable cards (even like 5 8 s) and typically take it down with a C-bet.

Anyways, I raise 26.4% of hands, and only limp from the SB. I currently have a 12.38 BB / HR for a total win of $528 over the past week. Is this play style / win rate sustainable? ( I play almost exclusively in position save for speculative hands )

p.s.: I may raise a ton, but I dont get involved w/o good hands if anyone plays back save for C-bets.

02-21-2007, 09:43 PM
sounds more like SLAG then LAG tbh

02-21-2007, 09:45 PM
If you have the skill to play in that style, then yes ... if you don't, then you will find out soon enough.

Now play 100.000 hands for a meaningfull sample and get back to us then, you are asking a question, that we have no answer for.

02-21-2007, 09:49 PM
SOunds a lot like how Gus Hansen plays. One thing I've noticed he DOESNT do, that while watching him lately he has done, is call. I've been watching him on PAD and he's been calling a lot...and he really isnt playing the same game.

02-21-2007, 10:03 PM
4000 hands.....

You would need at least 50,000 to have some idea of your success and even then you could not be anywhere near sure.

02-21-2007, 10:06 PM
No. I've played at many tables with you. Please don't change how you play. ever. You cold call so much pf its awesome.


02-21-2007, 10:31 PM
I think I may be confusing my stats here but....
Is that 12.38PTBB/HR or regular BB?

Also, my PTBB/HR is PT says 15.19 over 40k hands. Isn't this standard??