View Full Version : Another newbie question

02-21-2007, 12:39 PM
Hello all,
I've just recently begun playing NL cash games, whereas previously I played 100% sng's.
I've studied this forum and began playing $10NL 6-max. I am trying to play a TAG style, but fear I may be resembling more LAG-ish play, which in many sessions becomes LAG preflop, too passive post...
Bascially I:
-Raise 80% of my CO and Button positions
-Raise any pp, sc, or AK-AJ from MP/LP in an unraised pot
-Generally fold all other scenarios preflop
-If i am the pfr, I always make a pot-sized cb if checked to.
The problem i have developed is that for the 1st 20-30 mins, I tend to run over the table from CO and Button. I think ppl see me as a super-LAG and start calling. This is where I begin to have trouble. I find that I will try firing 2nd barrels, and get called, or will get c-raised. I start folding here and find that post flop i become weak and passive.

Does this part of my game merely require more experience, or am I starting out with a flawed thought process to my game.

Additionally, is 6-max a poor structure for a newbie to begin with?

02-21-2007, 12:47 PM
I like your general preflop strategy. I wouldn't fire second barrels at these stakes. Realize you're getting called down with underpairs and Ace-high at these stakes. I wouldn't recommend Cbetting in a multiway pot, even when checked to, unless you have some reads and a good image at the table (like you've won several showdowns recently with good hands)

Look out for the players who will float the flop with Ace-high and sometimes what looks like any two. They're abundant at these stakes. Just bet your real hands strongly and they'll call you down.

02-21-2007, 12:54 PM
C-betting as a PFR every time you're checked to not really the greatest strategy. You're basically inviting them to call your flop bets because you so frequently have nothing. You want them to fear your continuation bets, not look at them like an easy bluff to snap off. Your c-bets should be based on a number of factors (players in the pot, texture of the flop, how often the players fold to c-bets, etc). You should c-bet a majority of the time, for sure, but not every time.

Check out the forum stickies for more info.

02-21-2007, 01:04 PM
preflop looks fine, though i find 80% kinda a lot, certainly at these limits where you get called a lot. cbet doesn't have to be pot sized like 3/4 is enough. i am also trying at the moment to not do it every time, its not profitable, like 80% is better i think. don't do it against high, connected flops. certainly when oop. or against more than one opponent. and i am trying to use the poker ace hud fold to cbet stat a little more at the moment.

02-21-2007, 01:10 PM
Thanks for the advice....I'll start checking when the pot is multi-way and I have nothing to marginal holdings.

Knowing when the pot is generally unwanted versus knowing when the players are looking to c-raise/call down is something I guess I'll develop with experience...

I love 6-max for the constant action, but am wondering if this structure may foster some bad habits for a newbie to nl cash games. Any thoughts?

02-21-2007, 01:25 PM
Post specific hands and not vague questions.

02-21-2007, 01:31 PM
If you're having success for the first 20-30 minutes, why not play your LAGgy style for the first several orbits, then tighten up? You don't have to tighten way up--just do in CO/Button what you were doing in MP/LP, and in MP/LP (but before CO), just play pairs and premium broadways. If you're lucky, you'll get some nice hands, and you'll get paid when people start playing back at you because of your image. You might have to be willing to felt some one pair hands, though.

This isn't how I play (I'm certainly not so LAGgy!), just a suggestion based on what you said.