View Full Version : Sensing Danger

02-20-2007, 05:45 PM
I have been playing 25nl for a month now and have been experiencing huge variance where I will win 60 on one session and then lose 60 the next session all of which leaves me hovering around even since I picked up the game. I have come to realize that the reason for the variance is that Im a total donkey when it comes to sensing danger. I think a lot of the 25nl noobs and average players are in this same boat and it has to be one of the biggest differences between the good and the bad. So I humbly request some of the veterans around here to post some of the hands where they sensed danger or should have sensed danger. There are probably quite a few stock type of situations where you all see inexperienced players repeatedly getting stacked on in which you saw the hose job coming from a mile a way. Lets see them.

02-20-2007, 05:50 PM
Most hands that get posted are marginal decisions that mean you should "sense danger". You question is best answered by just saying read the board, identify hands that are clear folds, identify hands that are marginal so that you can figure out when you are worse off than that.

You should realize you are behind villain's range here: Danger (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=9257121&an=0&page=0# Post9257121)