View Full Version : Offshoot from bible verses: Which God do you prefer?

02-20-2007, 10:48 AM
In an effort to prevent thread hijacking, and because a lot of people might not be reading that thread...

In the Bible Verses (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=scimathphil&Number=917089 3&page=0&fpart=all) thread, NotReady states that he wants the God of the Bible to exist, and even implies that he prefers tho GOTB over other imaginary Gods. Of course, there are an infinite number of imaginary Gods, so in an effort to present everyone with the same set of evidence and and background, let's try an experiment. Suppose that a new religion, branching off from Christianity, discovered evidence (biblical or otherwise) that the God of the New Testament might actually be DIFFERENT than the God of the Old Testament. Perhaps the GOTNT vanquished the GOTOT, or maybe he took permanently mind-altering drugs, or maybe....the details are unimportant: just pretend you can have either one without the other, OR you can ignore their so-called evidence and stick with the notion that both Gods are the same. I'm not including a "neither God" choice, because obviously many people on this forum would pick that one. Of course I am most interested in the Christian responses, so PLEASE elaborate!

02-20-2007, 12:12 PM
I believe in Heavenly Father(God) and in his son Jesus Christ(God of this world, Post AD.), as two seperate personages. Christian and Catholics believe that God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all one blob with no face, arms, legs, etc.

The God of the Old Testament is the God of the Heavens , and in the New Testament it says God gave his son in which he is well pleased to be the savior of this world.