View Full Version : LC: From 10NL to 25NL

02-18-2007, 06:46 PM
Hey forum,

Been posting hands here for about a week and been doing pretty well at 10NL 6max on stars. I'm about to jump up to 25NL and wondered if I should be making any changes to my game, or to just keep on keepin on because people also cant play at 25NL. I remember one video where I_strong said anyone who can't beat 25NL is a 'muppet', so I'm inclined to think no changes to the game. But wanted to see if you guys had any advice or thought differently.


02-18-2007, 06:55 PM
Contempt for your opponents is the easist way to stop paying attention, get complacent, and go busto.

Love and respect your prey, and they will pay you with a smile.

02-18-2007, 07:00 PM
well said antinome. I'm trying to only play two tables right now so that I can actually watch and observe which players are stations, which are overbetting maniacs, which are shortstacking donks, etc. I feel like playing 2 tables and watching, learning, studying etc. is so so so much more +EV for my game than playing 8 tables. I definitely don't want to get complacent.

02-18-2007, 07:03 PM
I think you'll find the changes from one level to the next are never such that you'll have to you'll have to make significant changes to your game, but rather there will be minor adjustments at each level that will add up over time. Players will get slightly better at each level, will make fewer total donk plays, will lay down more and will start thinking on more levels (i.e. will start to think about what you have and then about what you think they have.)

I think the differences between 10 and 25NL will be very minor.

02-18-2007, 07:07 PM
These posts seem to come up a lot, specifically the difference between 10NL and 25NL, it'd be good to add a link in the sticky for it....

I wrote a long thing in a post on a similar (diff between 5NL-10NL) topic a while back. I searched for it myself, here it is:

my post on the diff between 5NL/10NL/25NL (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=microplnl&Number=8586388& Searchpage=3&Main=8573877&Words=Check_The_Nuts&top ic=&Search=true#Post8586388)

a pooh-bah (I think?) post on play at 25NL from a guy whose played too much 25NL (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=microplnl&Number=8663915& Searchpage=2&Main=8658442&Words=Check_The_Nuts&top ic=&Search=true#Post8663915)

My thing was written for games a couple months ago (I think?). The tables have gotten noticably tighter since then IMO, but its probably more valid than me writing something new now (since I am killing 25NL and am playing quite a lot of 50NL now, and couldn't imagine playing any 10NL...)

02-18-2007, 07:51 PM
Great post ty.

02-18-2007, 08:17 PM
The biggest mistake would be to change a winning game if you move up. Play your normal A game. $25NL in a lot of ways seems like more fun than $10NL. Better opponentsand bigger stacks for the donks to donk off. Try the FR games during the peak hours if you are looking for clueless players.

02-18-2007, 08:37 PM
Beating 25NL is about how YOU play, not how your opponents play. Play solid theoretical poker, walk the thin straight line and wait for your opponents to throw money at you. IMO if you are not beating 25nl then it is definitely your fault.

02-18-2007, 09:38 PM
people with pets avatars are the worst players. however, do not lump all pet icons into one group. people with pictures of their cat (especially if it is one of those black halloween cats) play better than people with pics of their dogs. among the dog owners, the people with pics of lazy dogs (like bulldogs and bassets) play much worse than those with pics of labs and retrievers. baby picture avatars are 2nd worst. and if they have a pic of themselves fishing or on vacation (especially if it's an older man), you are going to be rich. beware of anyone with an avatar of a hot model or some anime/ninja stuff: they tend to be decent.

[/ QUOTE ]

I need to change my avatar!

From what I've seen at 25 NL, people tend to telegraph their hands more than the lower limits.