View Full Version : If I believed in God...

02-17-2007, 04:09 PM
I've been thinking a lot lately about what type of Christian I would be...and I came to the conclusion that if I truly believed in the Christian god including His 'good-ness'...I would probably be considered one of the 1% most devout and God's law abiding Christians the world has ever seen...at least by my own interpretation of the religion...it may seem arrogant, but I don't think it is..and I am startled by how people who claim to be Christians live...openly defying the beliefs they supposedly have..even my good Christian friends seem to slip up often WRT their beliefs about what they should and shouldn't be doing...

for the life of me, I cannnot find figure out why any person who believed in this God would be anything but a --not good, but great-- Christian.

so what's their deal?

are they unsure about what they specifically believe?..thus the inconsistency in their action WTR their beliefs?

do they have THAT little self control to live in a Christlike way?

I previously thought that it was mainly because all Christians know that they can easily be forgiven for their sins..so there is really nothing holding them back...but I no longer believe that...and it's NotReady's statement...'The issue isn't being afraid of God. The issue is righteousness.'... from the bible verses thread (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=0&Number=9218712&page=0&vc=1) ..that turned my away from it EDIT: I want to make a note that I am not agreeing with NotReady's statement with regards to my post in the other thread..only that this statement made me rethink the question in this thread..his statement had nothing to do with this question.:EDIT

my above statement, '...if I truly believed in the Christian god including His 'good-ness'...I would probably be considered one of the 1% most devout and God's law abiding Christians the world has ever seen...'...is not true because I would be afraid of God..it is true because I would truly believe Him to be righteous...I maintain that no man could distance himself from possible eternal torture, but to me, believing this brand of Christianity to be true is enough to make me a 'great Christian'..the fear part is only an issue if His righteousness isn't enough.

so is it that these supposed Christians do not truly believe that these things are true?..even if they were not moved toward a Christlike life by His righteousness, why doesn't the fear of eternal torture take hold?

I seem to have come to the conclusion that there are two likely answers..

1) they have significant doubts as to whether or not there beliefs with regards to His righteousness and possibly punishment or even if He exists at all...or

2) they are simply morons who don't posess the simple ability to weigh the benefits and consequences of their actions.

is it one of these..or neither?

and a poll...

Justin A
02-17-2007, 04:23 PM

2) they are simply morons who don't posess the simple ability to weigh the benefits and consequences of their actions.

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I think it's a version of this statement. It's not so much that they don't possess the ability, it's that they choose not to. They choose to ignore their beliefs when it's convenient.

02-17-2007, 05:34 PM

1) they have significant doubts as to whether or not there beliefs with regards to His righteousness and possibly punishment or even if He exists at all...or

2) they are simply morons who don't posess the simple ability to weigh the benefits and consequences of their actions.

is it one of these..or neither?

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For a few it might be 1 and/or 2. For many it' because they aren't really Christians. For genuine Christians it's mostly because of what's described in Romans 7.

02-17-2007, 10:32 PM
I think people are pretty much dumb. And those who aren't frequently bend over backwards trying to deny it.

02-17-2007, 11:55 PM
so what's their deal?

are they unsure about what they specifically believe?..thus the inconsistency in their action WTR their beliefs?

do they have THAT little self control to live in a Christlike way?

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Where will you go after death?
Christians who believe in survival of soul after death:
Heaven - 75%
Hell - 1%
Purgatory - 6%
Somewhere else - 6%
Don't know - 12%

future posting material here:Harris poll (http://www.harrisinteractive.com/harris_poll/index.asp?PID=359)

From the poll, I'd say 90%+ figure they're in or can get in. Hence, whatever they're doing now is sufficient.