View Full Version : Instantaneous Dreams

02-09-2006, 06:52 PM
(this was spawned when I read xTKOx's Dream Within a Dream thread)

first, the dream, it was when I was between 8 and 12 years old, I can't remember exactly when.

in the dream, I was being chased along a high cliff, by some "bad guy", this seemed to go one for at least 1 minute...then the guy got very close to me and I slipped and fell off of the edge of the cliff...I fell for what seemed to be at least 5 seconds or so, then when I hit the ground, I woke up... but I didn't wake im my bed, I woke up on the floor...I fell out of my bed and woke up somewhere between the fall and hitting the floor (it was only I guess a 2 to 2.5 feet)

anyway, my question is...for anyone who know how dreams work...what the hell happened?? This whole dream must have happened as I was falling to the floor...maybe not...is it too much to assume that the running along the cliff, then falling off were not related...would I have just kept running and not fallen of if I had not fallen out of my bed?

do seemingly long dreams happen in just moments? this dream seemed to be at least 1 minute, but did the whole sequence happen in less than a second?

I've never known how this stuff works...and maybe one of you do, so...anyone??

02-09-2006, 07:02 PM
I have no idea how dreams work, so this is wild speculation, but part of it could be that you were slowly slipping off your bed while falling, part of it could be that you perceive time differently in your dream, and part of it could be that you remembered your dream inaccurately as soon as you woke up.

02-10-2006, 11:01 AM
There is no steady flow of time in a dream; a lot of events occur simultaneously. When you awake and try to restructure the dream, you are adding something that didn't exist there in the first place: logic.

As for the particular nature of the dream, your brain will often create a story to justify anything that's happening to yoru body in real life. This is the concept behind wet dreams.