View Full Version : How To Beat NL10

02-08-2007, 12:39 AM
Right, I know POKEY and TIEN have made some excellent posts on this, but until I played 30k hands I was making some rudimentry errors. I still do like, but lets ignore them and go onto beating NL10 massively.

First point - NO FPS EVER, EVER, EVER. Play simple as poker.

Second point - people don't generally watch anything you ever do. If I want a hand that I am going to nail a huge pot with such as 44/55/66 I will not bet 4bbx1bb/limp. Bet something so you have a couple of ne'erdowells coming with you. Then make them pay, if you miss don't cbet, they WILL call you down with overcards or pairs. You just spew money at them.

Position is still very important as it always is and UTG I would play only pairs and AQ/AK.

Nobody 3-bets light apart from the nutters, whom you will recognize from their 20%+ pfr. So you do not need to reraise with that A10o.

As everybody has said - never open limp, even at nl10, its just yucky and you will probably go bust in an unraise pot.

There is generally no reason to not acknowledge either a check-raise, or a re-raise from behind. These both mean that your hand aint gonna cut it, unless its near the nuts.

Aim to not really abuse MP at all, play a game much like UTG, too many people call in behind and leave you with all types of quandries. Also CO isn't _as_ powerful as people on the button call with anything. Still abuse the button like there is no tomorrow, 67s+ 79s+ A10o+ Axs+ K10+ all raising hands if there is no raise.

Get the fundamentals right and you will be fine. The more you aint the preflop raisor the more you will fold the best hand, even the donks cbet. So if you aint a-raising be a-folding.

Cbet everything UNLESS.....
You hold a pp and flop comes Axx, Kxx. People round these here ways like to play stupid hands with purdy cards. You will go bust to LAMERxzy because he can't toss a hand, and you are drawing to 2 outs at best.

If somebody donk bets into you, raise them if they are weak ie pot $1.20 them $0.4, bet the pot, this is weakness. If they come along, close up shop, unless you have a hand.

Check-raises mean "fold as quick as possible", most players down here don't have the creativity to use them as a bluffing tool.

Sorry if this has all been said before, but I feel the importance of it is paramount. I have played lots of hands down here, at the VERY basic level and broke-even for too long, until ALL this advice hit me, and hit me hard.

The point at nl10 is that you don't REALLY need to get your cash in 50/50 or 55/45. Most players are THAT bad that they let you get it in at LEAST 60/40 and beyond. Twice I have had players bluff at the nuts in the last hours worth of play.

For those that are interested I am anything around 15 to 25 vpip and 12 to 22 pfr with af of 4/5.

This all works, you can crush nl10 very easy.

Tomorrow we attack nl25!


02-08-2007, 02:03 AM
As a major winner at nl10.. i think you are completely wrong.
Bluffs are VERY important.
Most of these donks watch the WPt and bluff all the time.
I win most of my cash by
Playing OOP with marginal hands(they give you less respect so when you hit its a jackpot)
Calling down with ace high after missed flush draw
raising horrible hands from CO(my CO is my moneymaker)
Not respecting 3bets
Calling their 3bets light because they are usualy under 3x and when you hit they always give you their whole stack

02-08-2007, 02:23 AM
As a major winner at nl10.. i think you are completely wrong.
Bluffs are VERY important.
Most of these donks watch the WPt and bluff all the time.
I win most of my cash by
Playing OOP with marginal hands(they give you less respect so when you hit its a jackpot)
Calling down with ace high after missed flush draw
raising horrible hands from CO(my CO is my moneymaker)
Not respecting 3bets
Calling their 3bets light because they are usualy under 3x and when you hit they always give you their whole stack

[/ QUOTE ]

wow this is such horrible advice, wont comment on OP ill let others dissect that. I love the CO though <3

02-08-2007, 02:25 AM
I made my most money @10NL by getting all in PF w/ AA KK and QQ vs the standart A3o, KQ, AJ etc
Also hitting sets vs TPanyKicker/overpairs

"Playing OOP with marginal hands(they give you less respect so when you hit its a jackpot)"
why? It's harder to play oop ... so no need
and yeah, dont bluff them. They call with anything

02-08-2007, 02:55 AM
my intuition says you would win more at 10nl by never cbetting if you miss and always (value) bet when you hit top pair or better. its not like they are paying attention when they peel with undercards no draw.

lefty rosen
02-08-2007, 03:18 AM
Winning at 10NL the Lefty Rosen way.... /images/graemlins/grin.gif Raise AK or AQ strong preflop continuation bet on boards if you get floated from a smart player(well you shouldn't because smart players don't float at this level), back off on the turn. If a monkey who plays any ace or king calls on your ace board value bet strong with postion and medium without. Always fold to aggression if the player isn't desperate with their last chips. Also set mine and blast into aces or kings with your set as AK is a powerful hand to WPT fan's and you will stack their AK everytime....... /images/graemlins/blush.gif Basically these games play similar to live 1/2 NL... /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/blush.gif /images/graemlins/shocked.gif /images/graemlins/cool.gif

02-08-2007, 03:23 AM
How to beat uNL...by EMc

Read hands. Post hands. Get experience. Don't post generic help questions, learn the situation and then adapt it.