View Full Version : Few questions about play.

02-07-2007, 09:42 PM
Hey guys. I consider myself a newbie to poker. I have played a fair bit over the years, but only started seriously with serious study about a 3 weeks ago. Ive only played ~6k hands.
I'm 20/12.3/3.5

I just have a few question I need answered on things I'm a little in the grey-area about:

1. PF: How much tighter should I make my calling/raising range to a raiser?

2. PF: Same question as above but for someone who has 3bet.
I understand that this is obv opponent dependant, but should I start folding certain types of hands?

3. Flop: Say you have built a decent sized pot PF with AcTc OOP. And the flop gives you top pair with the tens but is double suited (e.g. Ts3s5h). I'm guessing you don't want to build a large pot since the hand isn't all that great, but you want to give bad implied odds to drawers. if the pot was already 20BB after PF action, how should such situations be played? Just check it down and fold to any bet?

I apologise in advance if these questions are very 'n00b' like.

I will edit and add to this OP once I come up with more Q's.




02-08-2007, 12:00 AM
1) Obvioulsy depends on raiser image/stacks/position
My general guidelines (nothing is concrete) given effective 100bb stacks:
Call: 22-99, SC's 67s+ in position
Raise: TT+, AK, AQ sometimes, again depending on a number of things.
Fold: everything else

2) Does this mean there is a raise and a reraise before it is to you? If so,
Raise: AA, KK
Fold: everything else

3) Cbet flop there pretty much 100% of the time. You have a strong hand, and there are draws present. You can then decide procedding actions based on opponent's play ie. what do you put him on? How much does he have behind? Do we know anything about him?

Hope this helps a little

02-08-2007, 12:01 AM
better to just post entire hands. Give reads on key opponents if you have them, and describe what you were thinking on each street too. You'll get tons of advice from some really great minds that way. Hope that helps.

02-08-2007, 12:12 AM
when u r a noob play really tight to raises. your vpip/prf should be nearly the same number. try for something like 12/10 or 14/12. as you get better it will be easier for u to open up your game and include a broader range of hands in your calling range.

when i was really terrible, i started out playing like 14/10 or whatever and slowly opened my game up to like 24/20. now i play around like 20/12 and make a much bigger profit than i ever had previously.

fold to most raises, you want to be the one betting betting betting, dont let someone else take control of YOUR hand.

fold to most 3bets as they in general put u to a difficult decision on the flop w/ a whole buy in on the line, wait til u have more experience to deal w/ those situations.

and dont build a big pot pf w/ AT.. the better that i get at poker, the more i realize how terrible AT is.