View Full Version : lucky nugget, won 50 should I bet 50 to win 150 or cashout?

02-07-2007, 11:05 AM
Having won 50 dollars would u say that its huge -EV for me to cashout the 50 or is it wise to bet my 50(+ my 50 deposited) to try and win 150 on a almost 50% chance at roulette?

If i win I am up 150 and can cash out
If i lose I am even since my 50 deposited is returned to me by the risk-free guaranteed
If I dont bet and cash out I am up 50.

I chosed to cashout 50 but now I begin to think it was unwise not to give it one more try...

02-07-2007, 11:10 AM
If you cash out you win 50!

If you bet it all on roulette, in 50% you win 150 and in 50% you win 0 so 150/2 = 75

betting it all on roulette has a 50% higher EV

02-07-2007, 12:14 PM
Yep you should bet.
House edge is lower at baccarat

02-07-2007, 04:38 PM
if you win, wouldn't the logic follow that you should try winning more?